pastoral pretty girl

Chapter 978 The Last Bottom Line

Chapter 978 The Last Bottom Line
Xiao Jinyi directly handed Song Qingge over to Xiao Xun and Zhu Chuan, and he was really worried about letting her go to the capital with the other himself.

"Don't worry, I will definitely tell Zhu Chuan that he will pay all the money." Song Qingge smiled so much that her eyes narrowed.

She has a lot of money now, but both she and Dabao are very reluctant to spend the money. Huang Liman often said that the two of them can't buy some expensive clothes or jewelry?
Every time Song Qingge gave her a blank stare, the clothes on her body were two taels of silver, enough to feed the people in the mountains for a year, isn't it expensive enough?

Besides, the hairpin on her head is worth 1000 taels of silver, and she is afraid of losing it every time she goes out.

As for her living habits, even if she becomes the richest man, she and Dabao still like to live a simple life.

But if she spends other people's money, she will be much more generous. She doesn't object to living in a good place and eating expensive food, especially for Dabao.

Xiao Jinyi smiled helplessly, he really found a little woman who could live a good life.

But he really wanted to say, even if you go out to spend money every day, I'm afraid it will be difficult to spend all his money...

After the affairs in the capital were arranged, Huang Liman's voice sounded outside, saying that breakfast was ready.

There are a lot of people living together now, and at Dabao's request, Song Qingge seldom cooks, and the restaurant delivers breakfast every morning. The steamed stuffed buns and deep-fried dough sticks made by Zhao Datou are particularly delicious.

"Let's go out to eat, let you try the steamed buns sold in our restaurant, they are definitely much better than those made by Fumanlou."

Song Qingge showed off that the last time a certain man woke up, he had been buying steamed buns at Fumanlou, so that he could try better ones.

"You don't make breakfast now?" Xiao Jinyi was a little surprised.

When Jiuhongcheng lived in Shen's house, he knew that she had always had the habit of cooking by herself, and he deliberately got up early to buy buns out of trouble.

Hearing this, Song Qingge gave him a blank look, "It's because you dislike me for cooking that is not as delicious as Big Head's cooking."

Even though it was Dabao who said it, it was also attributed to a certain man at this moment, whoever said that he is the one who is awake now.

Xiao Jinyi had no choice but to take the blame by himself, silently following her out for dinner.

"Look at you covered in dirt, why don't you take a shower quickly?" Huang Liman said disgustedly when she saw Song Qingge.

When she got out from under the smashed wall in the morning, Song Qingge was disgraced, because she had something to ask Xiao Jinyi, so she didn't take a bath, and she actually forgot after speaking.

Xiao Jinyi, who was even more embarrassed, simply took a shower while changing clothes, and was clean at the moment.

The two sitting together form a stark contrast.

Song Qingge stared at Xiao Jinyi bitterly, he must have done it on purpose!
"Eat first, and then wash up after eating." Anyway, this appearance has been seen, so I just let it go, not rushing for a while.


Just when Song Qingge reached out to eat with chopsticks, someone stopped her outstretched hand, "Don't you wash your hands?" Xiao Jinyi frowned.

He has a strong obsession with cleanliness and has been broken by her a lot. Washing hands before eating is his last bottom line.


Song Qingge's mouth twitched, she was confused by anger.

In fact, she is a person who likes to be clean very much, but after being thrown out by him this morning, her mind has not been very useful.

"Eat first, don't wait for me."

Song Qingge stood up angrily, stepped on a certain man on purpose, and went back to the room to prepare things for a bath, but just took two steps, and suddenly turned around...

(End of this chapter)

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