Chapter 1153
Yang Xiuru was carried back, she could only vent her anger, she couldn't beat her daughter, so in the end she could only vent her anger on Xiangping.

Accompanied by howling ghosts and wolves, Xiangping was afraid of death and told the whole thing.

When Yang Xiuru heard that her daughter had the audacity to plot against the Princess of Hades' Mansion, she didn't come up and almost fell to the ground.

She was really killed by her daughter, and she slapped her directly.

Xu Jiaoyu took a few steps back, covering her face in disbelief: "Mom, you hit me because of that fat girl!"

"No matter how fat he is, he is still a princess, and we ordinary people can't afford it!" After Yang Xiuru heard about this, she didn't dare to calmly ask for money anymore, how dare she ask for it?It would be foolish for Rong Mo to dare to give that. If they were caught by Hades Palace, their mother and daughter's lives might be lost.

Now, Xu's family is big and small, she has to pay the monthly money, but where does she get the money, when the master left, the money left for them has already been wiped out, they have no power to restrain chickens, and they have no money to earn Do you want the whole family to starve to death?
No, it's impossible, she has to find a way to get money!

"Go to Fan Li and ask him to help!" Yang Xiuru told her daughter, and hurriedly pulled her to the mirror stage and put on her makeup: "Talk to him carefully, he will never look at you with such affection for you." Let our mother and daughter starve to death!"

"No, I won't go!" Xu Jiaoyu was arrogant, she still remembered Fan Li's last words, how could she regret it?
"If you don't go, you will starve to death. We can't pay the monthly fee for the maids in this mansion, so we should send them away!" Yang Xiuru never thought that the girl still can't figure it out: "You are like this now, Rong Mo doesn't want it!" You, if you can't even please Fan Li, who else would want to marry you?"

Fan Li was just a merchant, and his family had a few stinky money, as if he was so amazing. She, Xu Jiaoyu, had a good appearance, so she couldn't believe that apart from him, she couldn't get better.

Three months later, Yang Xiuru couldn't get any money, so she could only reduce the number of maids in the mansion, and the expenses were also reduced, but even so, the money would not go in and out, and it wouldn't last long, and her daughter's body had to be recuperated with good medicine.

Xu Jiaoyu went out more frequently, and participated in various banquets. Although her family background was not good, her appearance and talent were outstanding, and many ladies were willing to invite her to sit.

It's just that there are quite a few of those sons wandering around her, but none of them are willing to come to propose marriage, just because her family background is too poor.

On this day, when she returned home, she saw that the house had been smashed, her room was also in a mess, and her jewelry was gone.

She was startled, thinking that she had been thieves, and hurriedly pulled Xiangping to report to the police, but she saw her mother who was huddled in one place.

"Mother, what's going on here?" Xu Jiaoyu was furious in her heart, all her valuable jewelry and headgear were looted, who is so brave?

Yang Xiuru held her daughter's hand, trembling, and said with snot and tears: "Daughter, you can't report to the official. It's because my mother lost a bet and owed them money, so they called. I still owe them money." 1000 taels, you can’t report to the official, if you report to the official, you will go to jail!”

Xu Jiaoyu couldn't stand anymore, but thanks to Xiangping's support, she looked at the woman in front of her viciously: "Mother, how could you do this? They took all the valuables away, what should we do? "In the past few months, she has gradually understood the importance of money from a young lady who never touched the sun. Without money, what should she wear when she goes out?Even if she gets married in the future, she won't have a share of the dowry. Who would want to marry her?
(End of this chapter)

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