Chapter 1161
"Where have you been these two years?" Rong Mo looked at the man with sword-browed eyebrows and star-eyed eyes, couldn't help the hope in his heart, and asked.

Ye Yue tucked the door frames on both sides, with no expression on her face: "I went on a mission, I just returned the day before yesterday."

With a short sentence, the fire of hope that had just burst into Rong Mo's heart was quickly extinguished.

Fan Chen saw that these two people were acquaintances, but they were lukewarm. He was anxious, so he tiptoed and raised his head to look behind Ye Yue, hoping to see something.

It's just that he was a little short in height, Yeyue tucked the door to block his view, let alone a person, even other things inside could not be seen.

"What are you doing?" Yeyue's memory is not bad, how could he forget the prodigal son he just met?Looking at his anxious look, if it wasn't for the presence of Rong Mo, he would have to abolish him!

Feeling the coldness oncoming, Fan Chen smiled embarrassingly, and then pulled Rong Mo to him: "Since you two know each other, how about it, let's go in and have a drink together, I'll treat you to dinner!"

He hurriedly pulled Rong Mo to squeeze in, but was blocked by Ye Yue's sword.

Fan Chen looked down at the sword on his chest, then raised his head to look at the cold face in front of him, a little embarrassed: "Don't be like this, it's a brother anyway, drawing a sword will hurt your feelings!"

"Back back, don't get close to this door!" Ye Yue said coldly, without any hesitation in the hand holding the sword.

With just one more step forward, the sword could pierce Fan Chen's chest.

The wound on his neck was still hurting. After the lesson just now, Fan Chen believed that in front of him was a cold-blooded man who did what he said.

It's just that, having come here, he couldn't be reconciled if he didn't see the beauty!
"Brother Rong, tell Brother Yeyue, let's go in and have a drink, we finally met together!"

He spoke seriously, but Rong Mo knew that this kid was thinking about that beauty in his heart, but who was that beauty from Ye Yue?

After much deliberation, there was only one person who called Ye Yueyue's younger brother!

Rong Mo's heart trembled, a dark wave flashed across his eyes, and he looked behind Ye Yue.

It's just that the gap is too small, only Yeyue can stand at the door.

Is it her?But Fan Chen said she was a beauty, and he had seen a portrait of Routuanzi, how could he not recognize her?

He must be thinking too much, she will definitely not come back, maybe she has become a relative outside!
Thinking of this, Rong Mo felt a pain in his heart, which slowly spread to his limbs.

"Master Ye, why are you still standing here? The Princess is thinking hard, please hurry up..."

Ju Xiao's voice suddenly came from inside the door, as if a stone was immediately thrown into Rong Mo's stagnant heart.

Princess!Rong Mo was stunned for a moment, and he quickly reacted. His voice was excited, and he rushed inside: "Nuan Nuan, are you back?"

Ming Qingnuan just caught a shrimp, when he heard the sound, he shook his body, and the shrimp in his hand fell back to the plate.

"Princess, this voice belongs to Young Master Rong!" Ju Lan opened her eyes wide in surprise, turned her head to look at the master, only to see that the master quickly took the veil and wiped her mouth casually, then snatched the veil from her hand I covered my face.

Rong Mo didn't hear the echo, and his heart flashed with disappointment, but the voice just now was unmistakable, it was Ju Xiao.

Ju Xiao is Nuan Nuan's personal maid, who never leaves her body. What Ju Xiao said just now is the princess. There is only one princess in the Fengyuan Dynasty, and Nuan Nuan must be inside!

(End of this chapter)

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