Chapter 327

Situ Qingming's expression changed, and he hurriedly dodged a few steps to the window, and pushed the window open.

In an instant, a gust of wind blew in, lightening the smell, but there was still some smell.

Ming Qiyue's face flushed red, she clenched her fists helplessly, "Second Senior Brother, I..."

She wanted to explain that she didn't do it on purpose, but when Situ Qingming saw her lift her foot, disgust flashed across her brows, and she said coldly, "Don't come here, you go out first."

Why did the second senior brother who always loved her say anything to her with such a cold face, Ming Qiyue's face was somewhat aggrieved: "Second senior brother, I didn't do it on purpose." After saying that, she gave the unconscious woman on the bed a vicious look, It's this stinky girl, since she drank that snow mountain water that day, her stomach is not good, and she doesn't want to fart whenever she gets excited, but she can't control it.

"Get out!" Situ Qingming was impatient, with a warning in his cold eyes.

In the end, Ming Qiyue could only push the door unwillingly and go out, but when she saw the faintly visible face in the floating curtain at the door, her heart was filled with jealousy.

The room suddenly became quiet. Situ Qingming stood leaning against the window for a while, until the smell in the room had dissipated. He was still not satisfied, so he lit a stick of incense before walking to the bed, looking down at the sleeping man. The woman was as white as jade, her skin as creamy, her facial features were exquisite, and her black and smooth hair was spread on the bed like smooth silk, adding a touch of glamor to her whole body.

This is Ming Qianjue, his pretentious senior brother's woman, Situ Qingming's heart was moved, and she reached out her hand to continue exploring.

It felt so good, he pinched her face, and watched as his fingers lightly touched her cheek, the cheek was sunken in, very smooth and soft, as if water could be squeezed out with just a little force.

This is Ming Qianjue's woman, the corners of his mouth curled up, and the strength in his hands increased a little unconsciously.

The eyelids of the unconscious woman suddenly trembled, although it was only for a moment, Situ Qingming still caught it.

The corner of his mouth curled up playfully, he withdrew his hand and waited for a moment, but after a closer look, she was still sleeping peacefully, without the slightest ups and downs, not even her breathing.

"It looks good, but it's a pity that he is in a coma. I like to live, so I can only enjoy it slowly after waking up." He spit out a sentence casually, asked the maid to serve the wine and vegetables, and just sat there and ate. Move slowly and behave gracefully.

The smell of wine and vegetables in the room made Feng Nuanyang's stomach empty and terribly hungry, she swallowed in her heart, but she could only pretend to be dead.

She held her breath tightly, afraid that there would be a slight strangeness, and he would realize that she was awake. This man is the younger brother of that stinky woman, so he must not be a good person.

Situ Qingming didn't expect this girl to have such good stamina, she could pretend to be under his nose for so long even when she was awake, if he was careless, he might be deceived.

However, just sitting here and watching, I have to admit that this girl is good-looking, very seductive, and has an interesting temper, but it's a pity that she actually followed Ming Qianjue.

He gently shook the wine glass in his hand, fixed his eyes on the bed, and his heart flashed with interest.

After gulping it down, he stood up. He has no patience for this game of waiting for the rabbit. He is used to taking the initiative and following his own way of doing things.

He walked back to the bed, with a malicious smile in his eyes, bent down, and reached out to untie her clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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