Evil King, your vest fell off

Chapter 338 Feng Nuanyang, I want to find you for a decisive battle

Chapter 338 Feng Nuanyang, I want to find you for a decisive battle
"Miss, Master Hou has brought a girl over." Yu Jin ran in in a panic, his eyes touched the man and woman hugging each other tightly, and his face flushed with embarrassment.

"Girl?" Feng Nuanyang's eyes flashed strangely: "What is he here for?"

"The girl is muttering about looking for the lord," Yu Jin glanced carefully at Ming Qianjue, then lowered his head and said.

Feng Nuanyang immediately became vigilant, looked suspiciously at Ming Qianjue, and then turned to Shang Yujin: "How old is that girl, and is she beautiful?" Ganqing was caused by this old rascal again, her eyes were angry, Glaring at the smiling innocent man.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside: "Feng Nuanyang, I want to fight with you."

It was a clear and crisp daughter's voice, before Yujin could speak, Feng Nuanyang would be overjoyed: "Have you all come to me?"

She sat directly on Ming Qianjue's lap and put her arms around his neck.

Qin Xiangshi led a girl in, and seeing Feng Nuanyang's appearance, he frowned: "In broad daylight, you are shameless as a girl, hurry up and come down!"

His tone was cold and stern, and there was a bit of disgust and disgust in his eyes. The woman behind him couldn't wait anymore, and walked up directly: "Ugly woman, Lord Pluto is mine. I don't allow you to sit on him. You Come down for me quickly."

Feng Nuanyang raised his eyebrows proudly, his body remained motionless, but he rested his head on Ming Qianjue's chest: "This is my garden, he is my man, I live in my own place, sit with my own man, where can I not What's wrong with your face?"

Her eyes fell on Ming Qianjue's unmoving face with a half-smile, she curled her mouth, and reached out to touch his rough cheek: "Baby, do you like me treating you like this?"

As soon as the baby came out, Feng Nuanyang was disgusted by himself, not to mention the other two people present, Qin Xiangshi had a stern and sarcastic face, while the woman who came in glared.

"I like it." Two simple words expressed Ming Qianjue's point of view, he stretched his arms around her waist, regardless of who you were present, and kissed her directly on the cheek: "I like it very much."

The standing woman opened her eyes in disbelief, her eye sockets were red, and she almost cried out: "My lord, you can't like her, you are mine, and I plan to ask my brother to agree to propose to His Majesty the Emperor, you Can't be with him..."

"Don't bother, Uncle Huang promised to marry us a long time ago," Feng Nuanyang winked provocatively, and puffed out his chest when he met the woman in the foreign costume: "The prince said that he likes plump women , you are not her type, little girl, you should go back to practice for another year and then come to fight with me, now you..."

Her eyes fell on the flat chest, and contempt flashed in her eyes: "There is only one in Alishan. If I were a man, I wouldn't even have desires, let alone such a stalwart man as Wang Ye."

After saying that, she plunged into Ming Qianjue's arms with a face of dependence, and the two of them were in harmony with each other, not caring about the other people present at all.

"I'm the Shangge Princess of Nanhui, how dare you humiliate me like this?" The girl stomped her feet, her eyes were unwilling, and she pointed at Feng Nuanyang: "I want to face you and chop off your head."

Feng Nuanyang's eyes turned cold, and there was a flash of playfulness in his eyes. He stood up from Ming Qianjue's arms, walked up to her, and put his hands on his hips: "I am Princess Changle of Fengyuan. If you dare to offend me, I will let the emperor Uncle scratched your face and drove you back."

(End of this chapter)

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