Evil King, your vest fell off

Chapter 383 I'm Nervous About You

Chapter 383 I'm Nervous About You
And that little white face harbored evil intentions, no doubt in line with the first point.

Feng Nuanyang looked angrily at this paranoid man: "You are discriminating against women!" Could it be that women are only used to warm the bed?

"Absolutely not!" Ming Qianjue quickly denied: "That little boy is obviously interested in you, and has been pestering you repeatedly, Nuan Yang, you should keep a distance from him!"

"I didn't meet him!" This time it was a banquet, and it was such a public occasion, she just glanced at it three times without saying a word.

"The last time you met alone, he even hugged you!" Ming Qianjue remembered very clearly, the love and obsession in that man's eyes, such a dangerous person, he must find a way to isolate him, let alone look Three eyes, not even one, he wanted Nuan Yang to only have him in his eyes.

Speaking of that time, Feng Nuanyang felt a little guilty: "I met that time by chance."

"That place is a vegetable market, a grocery shopping street, a place where women go. What is he going to do? You can see now that he is the prince of the Southern Hui Dynasty. It is even more impossible to go to that place." Ming Qianjue's eyes flickered. Feeling cold, he held her hand tightly: "It must have been planned a long time ago, just waiting for you to pass."

design?How could it be possible, she was shopping with Ruixin that day, who knew she would go there, she saw Jin Ling suddenly that day...

Thinking of this, a guess flashed in her mind, but she quickly rejected it.

"You think too much, I made it clear to him a long time ago, I will only be friends with him, nothing else." Feng Nuanyang suddenly felt a little tired in his heart, and he was tired all day, and he didn't want to argue with him about these things No, just turned around and entered the house.

Ming Qianjue followed in, put the quilt back on the bed, and then went over to put his arms around Feng Nuanyang's waist: "My dear, let's go to bed."

"I don't intend to forgive you!" Feng Nuanyang broke free from his hand, stretched out her hand to pour a cup of tea, and after taking a sip, she walked directly to the bed and stretched out her hand to make a [-] line: "Sleep at night, you sleep with you Yes, I will sleep in mine, you are not allowed to go beyond here!"

Ming Qianjue frowned, looking at the abrupt white boundary, and then at her already unhappy face, she really wanted to refuse, but she was worried about making her unhappy, so she could only agree first, as for whoever crossed it after falling asleep Not necessarily, maybe she forced her arms around him?

"Also, let me stress again, I have nothing to do with Si Yanyu, nothing in the past, nothing in the future, don't be suspicious anymore!" Feng Nuanyang warned coldly: "If you don't even believe me about this, I don't think there is any need for us to live on." When a man and a woman are together, trust is a must, and it is like this before marriage, so it will be fine after marriage.

"Aren't I nervous about you, I..." Ming Qianjue was about to argue, but under her warning eyes, her voice gradually faded away.

He never doubted his own charm, Nuan Yang's heart was full of himself, why would he miss that little boy?It's just that he was worried that the little boy was too shameless, and looked at Nuan Yang's heart softened, and wanted to take the opportunity to pry the corner of the wall.

But when he said this, Nuan Yang would definitely be even angrier, so he didn't say anything, and he would be strict in the future, and he would never give them a chance to be alone.

Thinking of the uncomfortable and painful eyes of the little boy today, he felt a burst of joy in his heart, the important thing is that this silly girl doesn't know yet.

Thinking of the sight she put on him all night, those big eyes, angry, dissatisfied and sad little eyes.

He was proud of himself, and his body reacted naturally. He hugged Feng Nuanyang and strode towards the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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