Evil King, your vest fell off

Chapter 390 Open Provocation

Chapter 390 Open Provocation

Concubine Qing hooked the corners of her lips: "I have prepared a set of clothes and bows and arrows for you all. If you want to go hunting today, you can go down with Ye Er to change."

She nestled happily in Emperor Feng Yuan's arms, and said softly: "Your Majesty, I, Feng Yuan, have such a heroic figure, it's really a blessing for the country, and you govern the country well."

Emperor Feng Yuan raised his eyebrows, and looked at the dozen or so girls below with admiration, all of them were young and full of energy.

"Princess Changle, you can come with us too." Princess Shange raised her eyebrows, with provocative eyes: "If you don't go, I will not be polite to the prince."

This stinky girl dares to spy on a man who has already been tagged with her label!Feng Nuanyang was angry and stared back fiercely.

At this time, Concubine Qing's gentle voice sounded again: "I remember that Princess Changle also loved riding and hunting in the past. This is a rare opportunity to have fun. You can go too."

Feng Nuanyang was quite surprised, Concubine Qing wanted her to enter the paddock, she looked over and met Concubine Shang Qing's soft eyes, she smiled slightly, but Feng Nuanyang felt a burst of fear.

Cui Yunling had quickly changed her clothes, and she walked out, wrapped in silver white clothes, with a slender waist, tall and slender. The air is like an orchid in an empty valley.

Amazement flashed across Feng Nuanyang's eyes, seeing her get on the horse and rush in, she also felt a little eager to move.

"Nuanyang, can you go too?" Yao Jinling walked up to her side cautiously at some point, and held her hand: "Don't let her be with Ah Che."

This her, Feng Nuanyang naturally knew who it was, looking at the begging between her eyebrows, but this time, Feng Nuanyang couldn't say any unfeeling words.

"Princess Changle, are you afraid? I didn't expect that the princess of Fengyuan is so petty and petty. She is not as good as our Nanhui girls. They are all good at riding!" Princess Xiangge did not shy away from the presence of Emperor Fengyuan, provocative .

"Nuanyang, you can go if you like." Emperor Fengyuan didn't want her to go at first, but listening to the Nanhui girl's words was really exasperating. Others didn't know about his Nuanyang, but he knew it. Yang is the favorite to ride a horse.

It's not easy to retreat, Feng Nuanyang also wanted to take a look, but she knew it must be nothing good, but under the eyes of several people, she couldn't refuse, she could only nod, and followed Qing Guifei's maid into a car. carriage.

That carriage can accommodate five people, Feng Nuanyang, Shu Yi, and Princess Shangge went in to change clothes together.

When Feng Nuanyang picked up the clothes, she found that the clothes had a strange fragrance, and when she took a closer look, the material was completely different from the two next to her. She felt uneasy, and Qinggui's smiling eyes flashed in her mind, While not paying attention, she directly changed the clothes with the one next to her.

The same color, the same style, from head to toe, they don't look like much. Cui Yunling looks noble and cool, while Feng Nuanyang is extraordinary and beautiful to the extreme.

Princess Shangge is pretty, while Shuyi is dignified. Several people came out at the same time, which made all the noble ladies around admire them a lot.

Qinggui saw Feng Nuanyang's demeanor not far away, and the smile on the corner of her mouth froze a bit, but after a while, the corners of her mouth softened, and a strange look flashed in her eyes, which made her look forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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