Evil King, your vest fell off

Chapter 42 Provocation

Chapter 42 Provocation
Ming Qianjue really didn't want to accompany these women, so he went back to his room directly.

Feng Nuanyang didn't stop him, and ordered Yujin to serve tea.

"Eldest sister, do you know that second sister is sick?" Qin Ruixin did not touch the tea on the table, pursed her lips, and spoke carefully.

Feng Nuanyang sipped the tea in his mouth, wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief, and said indifferently: "I don't know, her affairs have nothing to do with me!"

Qin Ruixin immediately caught the disgust and disgust in her eyes, and she was a little happy in her heart, but she didn't show it at all: "I heard that she has been having nightmares these days, her hair is disheveled and crazy, and she said that she met a ghost in broad daylight. I really don’t know what kind of bad luck has caught me.”

"What bad luck can there be? I heard that a maid died in her yard a few days ago. It must be a ghost who took her life." Qin Ruiyan looked around the room, heard her third sister's words, and thought of the rumors in recent days , There was a look of gloating in her eyes, "Second sister's temper, third sister, you know, relying on the second aunt's support, don't take us younger sisters seriously, not to mention those girls who offend her must be very serious. Death is injury, and everyone suffers." She is twelve years old, and she has gradually learned some ways of the world. Her father dotes on her, but the second sister never betrays her face. She always looks arrogant, which makes her hate it in her heart. Itchy teeth.

Although Feng Nuanyang disliked Qin Shuwan extremely, but hearing that such a young child had such vicious thoughts, he didn't feel very displeased. This girl might become the second Qin Shuwan when she grows up.

She put down the teacup, feeling very uncomfortable, but in this deep house, she couldn't express her thoughts on her face, especially since she had just returned here.

Thinking of this, the corners of her mouth twitched, showing a look of sympathy: "Second sister, she doesn't take me seriously. A few days ago, she ordered the kitchen to skip my meals and beat my maid. If Second Aunt hadn't come forward, I'm afraid I'd starve to death."

She took out her handkerchief and wiped the corners of her eyes, her face full of grievances.

Of course, Qin Ruixin knew what happened in the past few days. Every courtyard in this deep house has its own eyeliner, and she is no exception.

She was very proud in her heart, she didn't expect to pretend to be pitiful, and she got out of this woman's heart in just a few words. She exchanged glances with Qin Ruiyan, then turned her head to look at Feng Nuanyang, with an angry look on her face. "Second sister is really too much. It is obvious that the eldest sister is the first daughter, but she bullied you. She knows that you like Mr. Su, but she forcibly intervenes. This is not a real sister, it is simply To the enemy, big sister, I feel worthless for you!"

Feng Nuanyang nodded in agreement, resentful: "No, obviously I and Su Gongzi met first, if it wasn't for her, Su Lang and I would be married, maybe we would have children!"

She just wanted to fool the two silly girls in front of her, but this sentence was heard by someone in the dark, and she immediately remembered it, and drank a lot of dry vinegar afterwards.

Qin Ruixin also has some affection for the suave, gentle and refined Su Yixuan. If it wasn't for Qin Shuwan, she would have the confidence to make Su Yixuan fall in love with her. As a concubine, she would be able to find someone from a family like him with a unique family background. Young Master, it's a very good fortune, but there is Qin Shuwan on top of her!

(End of this chapter)

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