Chapter 481

When it was dark, Feng Nuanyang returned to the room, took out a bag from the bottom of the cabinet, opened it, and inside was a bright red wedding dress, even in this dim room, it was hard to conceal its brilliance and value, she Stretching out his hands to rub the gold and silver flakes on it, as well as those small diamonds, these are priceless clothes. If they sell this, she and mother will not worry about it. In the future, mother's body can also be treated with good medicine.

In the previous life, her mother died very early, and after time travelling, Princess Changping also closed her eyes early. She never expected to meet such a woman who treated her wholeheartedly when she was desperate.

In the past, she had waited for a long time to put on this wedding dress, but she didn't expect to be treated like a princess for a day, so she left it in this small village and left it in the dust.

He already had a woman and son, so there was nothing she couldn't let go of. From now on, she would be Feng Yang.

Thinking about it this way, she became more at ease and determined. She found a pair of scissors and polished off the broken diamonds and gold and silver pieces on the wedding dress. Come to think of it, she definitely won't be able to keep this dress, so she might as well take it apart and sell it for bank notes, after all, people are walking in the world without money.

Anyway, Ming Qianjue betrayed her, there is no possibility for her to be with him, and it is useless to keep this wedding dress, it just adds to the sadness.

On the second day, she wrapped the scraped diamonds and silver pieces in a handkerchief, and then took them to the pawn shop in the market, and exchanged them for 5000 taels of silver notes. She knew that these things were far from worth the price, but these During the critical period, she had to give up what she should, and she still had a great life to live.

She tore two bolts of cloth on the street, and this time she let go of her pockets and bought two expensive ones, as well as pork and flour, planning to go home and make dumplings.

When she walked to a crowded place and planned to make some steamed buns, she heard those people talking about it.

"I heard that, the house of a party member was ransacked yesterday, and everyone in the room was killed, even the children were not spared."

"Oh, the world is too chaotic now, let's finish shopping and go back early."

"I don't know when the war will be fought. I am always uneasy, and I am worried that the barbarians will come in."

"What are you afraid of? We have the Lord God of War, so those thieves would not dare to attack the city casually."

"But the prince is in the imperial capital, far away water can't save near fire, and we don't know when he will come back, what if he doesn't come back and leave us alone?"

"Definitely not, the prince's woman and son are here, and he will definitely come back before the war."


The corners of Feng Nuanyang's mouth twitched, and she went back to the small mountain village with the cloth and food in her arms. Seeing Haijiaguan, who was calm on the surface, but actually very old, she felt complicated in her heart.

When Liu Ruchun came to the house again, Feng Nuanyang didn't refuse anymore, and took the 20 taels of silver.

He quickly made the ten cans of sugar balls and asked Mrs. Wang to send them over.

Now they have a lot of money, but they don't have to worry about food and clothing. After a while, she will take her mother to the market to find a good doctor to see her body, and he must cure her stubborn illness.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Mrs. Wang rushed in, her wrinkled face was full of panic, she quickly took out the package from the cabinet, folded Feng Nuanyang's clothes one by one, and was busy Tell: "Yang'er, you hurry up, I just came back from the village, and I heard that the general staff of Haijiaguan asked every household in our village to hand over a strong man, and let you go to guard the city and watch the night. The second Liu has been conscripted." Let's go, you will be here soon, I heard that you are also on the list!"

(End of this chapter)

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