Chapter 736
Feng Nuanyang stripped herself clean, and leaned in the bathtub, she changed the water several times before cleaning the blood stains all over her body.

She didn't breathe a sigh of relief until she could no longer smell the smell of blood and her body returned to white. Looking at the wound on her arm, the flesh and blood turned up, but fortunately no bones were injured.

She wrapped herself up and stood up, reached out and took the clean clothes on the screen and put them on her body, her eyes fell on the jade pendant on her chest, her eyes moved, she reached out and took it off casually.

Under the light, the jade pendant is translucent, with seven layers of luster surging inside, at first glance, it seems to be alive.

"Don't be impulsive in everything, think more about yourself and your children!"

The man's voice and smile flashed in her mind, she lowered her head and pursed her lips, put on the clothes, and tied the jade pendant on her waist.

After a few people finished grooming, Luo Shiniang asked the doctor to leave the medical box and applied medicine and bandaged everyone.

"Nuanyang, are you really going to meet that Prince Shengping?" Luo Shiniang was worried in her heart. Nuanyang is Fengyuan's concubine Pluto, and Prince Shengping is from the south. Now he is fighting. This identity is sensitive. I'm afraid she will be taken as a hostage!

Feng Nuanyang carefully pulled up his clothes, his brows and eyes were indifferent, and the tension just faded away: "Don't worry, I will be fine."

She followed the girl in green through several corridors, and when she reached a door, the girl in green raised her hand, and there was a knock on the door, and then the people inside came out, took a look at Feng Nuanyang, and stretched out her hand to signal her to go in.

Feng Nuanyang hesitated for a while, touched the jade pendant on his waist, stabilized his mind, and walked in.

Accompanied by a crackling sound, the room was taken from the outside. She looked at the luxury of the room, and her heart tightened. The man in front of her with his back to her was wearing a red gold robe, his body was high and straight, and his whole body exuded An indescribable force.

Hearing the sound, Si Chuxiao's heart moved. He pursed his lips when he heard the footsteps approaching. He was a little excited, but suppressed it. He turned around and saw the girl's pretty facial features, just like Yunshang. nice.

"Nuanyang, you're here." Si Chuxiao said, his brows and eyes were gentle, and the usual coldness faded away. This was his only daughter, the daughter of him and Yunshang, who had grown up so much in the blink of an eye.

Feng Nuanyang nodded without restraint, with one hand on his stomach all the time: "What does the prince want from me?"

Si Chuxiao has never had another woman in these years. Ever since he knew that Yunshang had left him a daughter, he tried his best to get her back to the south, but every time he failed.

This is the first time, looking at the child at such a close distance, the child is almost carved out of the same mold as Yunshang, and he is a little happy and comforted in his heart.

Just hearing his daughter call himself the prince, the alienation and indifference in his tone made him feel uncomfortable. His eyes touched the bandage on his daughter's arm, his pupils tightened, and he stepped forward to hold Feng Nuanyang's hand: "How did this happen?" His tone was filled with uncontrollable anger, and his eyes were filled with distress and concern.

Feng Nuanyang saw it clearly this time, this should be the original owner's real father, she lowered her head to suppress the emotion in her eyes, and said: "I plan to go back, but I encountered an ambush on the way, thank you lord for saving me this time. "

She broke free from her hand without a trace, then took a few steps back, away from him.

Si Chuxiao could naturally feel her rejection, and felt uncomfortable, after all, she was the daughter he had been thinking about for a long time.

He didn't want to be a secret, since his daughter came back to him, he should let her know that he was her real father!
(End of this chapter)

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