Chapter 738

"Father? Isn't my father Qin Xiangshi, the Marquis of Amber? Are you kidding me, uncle?" Feng Nuanyang blinked, clearly not believing it.

Hearing Qin Xiangshi, hatred flashed across Si Chuxiao's eyes, and he snorted coldly: "Where did that villain of his give birth to a child like you? You are the daughter of my Lord Shengping, the princess of Nanhui!"

"Really?" Feng Nuanyang was suspicious.

Si Chuxiao nodded, and brought the jade pendant to Feng Nuanyang: "This is the proof, I gave it to your mother, and there is another half of this jade pendant, which was originally a pair."

Of course Feng Nuanyang knew it, he had seen it from Situ Qingming before, and he even took advantage of it, but he didn't expect this jade pendant to have such a mystery.

"It turns out that I'm really a wild child, no wonder they all bully me." Feng Nuanyang sighed softly, his face was a little dazed.

These words pierced Si Chuxiao's heart like a needle, and felt uncomfortable for a while. He narrowed his eyes, with a bit of guilt and guilt: "Who bullied you?" No, she worked so hard to give birth to this child, how could Qin Xiangshi tolerate it?

Feng Nuanyang recounted the days spent in Amberhou's Mansion these years with embellishment. Those memories can be said to be the deepest of the original owner. The more she said, her eyes turned red and tears filled her eyes.

Si Chuxiao could think it was one thing, but it was another thing to hear it from his daughter. He didn't expect that when he was in power in Nanhui and calling the wind and rain, his only daughter lived in Fengyuan. It was that kind of day, and his hatred for Qin Xiangshi and Emperor Fengyuan deepened in his heart.

"Daughter, don't worry, I won't make those who bullied you feel better. When I level Feng Yuan, I will definitely cut them!" Si Chuxiao's eyes flashed with cruelty, and he softly comforted Feng Nuanyang.

Flatten Fengyuan?Feng Nuanyang was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized that this is impossible, her uncle's emperor of Fengyuan, Qianjue is the prince of Fengyuan, and there are many friends, and her mother...

"You can't flatten Feng Yuan, if you attack Feng Yuan, I won't recognize you!" Feng Nuanyang glared at him, unconvinced in her heart, she thought that Qian Jue was still on the battlefield, and that was her child's father Well, she doesn't want to become a widow, and she doesn't even want her child to become a wild child without a father!
Si Chuxiao's heart was suffocated, and he was a little angry: "What nonsense are you talking about? Didn't dad want to vent his anger on you and avenge your mother!" No one knew that he used to sneer at rights. At that time, he was just an idle prince wandering around the world , wanting to find a caring girl to live his life in a mediocre way, but later, he found that rights are really good, he can keep what he wants and destroy what he doesn't like.

"Mother is Feng Yuan's eldest princess, uncle Huang's sister, she won't want to see anything happen to Feng Yuan!" Feng Nuanyang retorted, "I don't want anything to happen to Feng Yuan!" All her money is in Feng Yuan, if Feng Yuan is destroyed, what will happen to her herbal restaurant?
"Don't you want to avenge your mother?" Si Chuxiao was a little angry, and looked at the daughter who was protecting Feng Yuan accusingly.

"Feng Yuan is my mother's family. As a member of the royal family, she will not want to see something happen to Feng Yuan." Feng Nuanyang can probably guess why the two separated. This man is the regent of Nanhui. , as long as he is persuaded, can he retreat and Qianjue can come back?

Si Chuxiao didn't expect his daughter to contradict him like this, and he was unhappy in his heart, but Naihe felt guilty for this daughter, so he couldn't reprimand her.

(End of this chapter)

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