Chapter 753 Battle

Tan Ying was terrified in his heart, so he lifted his foot and walked over.

The two exchanged silver and looked around casually.

In broad daylight, those people didn't dare to follow too closely, so Tan Ying was also relieved from the bottom of his heart, and moved naturally, lowering his voice: "Her clothes are dirty, go back and change, what to do, after changing, you will understand, as soon as possible !"

Ye Si nodded, his eyes were a little dull, but the depths of his eyes were full of light, he passed the candied haws over, and casually pinched Yuan Bao's cheek: "I understand."

Tan Ying hooked her lips, the task was completed, she could go back, turned and left.

Ye Si stopped her, passed a few bunches of candied haws, and took the opportunity to ask: "Does it matter if she wants it?" He has been thinking about it these days, the princess has martial arts, and he can take care of her, but Yujin is different, that girl can only cry , she acted foolishly when encountering things. The crisis like last time probably scared her.

Surprise flashed in Tan Ying's eyes, and then she thought of Yu Jin's hesitant appearance, these two awkward people, hey, she still said: "I've got some injuries, nothing happened, she said she will wait for you."

There was a lot of information in this sentence, and Ye Si was torn and worried in his heart, but he was relieved when he heard that nothing happened, she would wait for him, did you forgive him?
He really wanted to stop Tan Yingduo from asking, but for safety's sake, he could only restrain himself, but she would wait for him, this sentence made him inexplicably at ease.

After the big and small things were successful, they returned to the inn. Ye Si pulled Yuan Bao's clothes and found a note from his clothes. !

He felt a little uneasy in his heart, and then opened another piece of paper, looking at the precise settings on it, the worry in his eyes was gradually replaced by surprise, this is a good thing, he knows all 28 weapons, so he can see this naturally Value, as long as someone finds someone to do this, he will be able to save the prince smoothly!
Right time and place.

On the second day, night fell, Fenglin Mountain was enveloped in darkness, and the surroundings were quiet.

There is humidity in the air. At this moment, only a few soldiers are patrolling, and the others have camped and slept peacefully.

Ming Qianjue and the soldiers split up. He led the main force and pushed down the prepared big rock on the top of the mountain, which was entwined with tree branches and vines.

In an instant, all the big rocks rolled down with a bang, as if there was an earthquake in the mountains, and the flames spread everywhere they went.

The strong wind was light at the beginning, and along with the black flow, it began to bark its teeth and claws, blowing the fire to spread rapidly.

But after a while, there were screams and fears below, and the sound of weapons clashing.

Ming Qianjue hooked the corner of his mouth, Nuan Yang's figure flashed in his mind, for the sake of his wife and children, he must not be trapped here to death, he wants to go back!
Pointing the sword to the sky, he said coldly: "Come on!"

Papapapa, the soldiers were hungry for a long time, their chests pressed against their backs, and if they failed to break out of the encirclement, they would die. This was a desperate battle!
The soldiers rushed down with all their strength when they got the order.

How could the ambush army at the foot of the mountain think that they would suddenly rush down and deal them a fatal blow?
Many people have already fallen asleep, and when they found out, some were crushed to death by stones, some were burned to death, and the original elite guards suddenly turned into flash sand, fleeing everywhere, unprepared, in the dark night, Fear rose in their hearts!

(End of this chapter)

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