Evil King, your vest fell off

Chapter 791 Chapter News

Chapter 791 Return
After the matter was over, Qin Ruiyan dragged her tired body back to the house, washed up casually, and then planned to go there.

Qixi put on her clothes, looked at the traces on the skin, felt a little uncomfortable: "Miss, she doesn't even know that you treat Madam Qi like this." She was bought by her aunt from outside, and arranged to come into the house to take care of Miss Si Yes, but the young lady has suffered all these years, she can see in her eyes, but she can't help.

"She is my only biological sister. This is my only chance. If we can't get out, we can only die here." Qin Ruiyan said coldly, this is in her own garden, and there is no outsider. That's why she dared to say that. Over the years, she has seen it clearly, and she has become more and more aware of the suffering of the former aunt.

"But, Seventh Madam, she doesn't live up to it!" Qixi was angry, but if Seventh Madam put away her arrogance and served the eldest prince well, Fourth Miss would have less hardship.

"It's not easy for her." Qin Ruiyan didn't say anything. Although she looked down on her sister's dying appearance, when she was a child, her sister was obviously very scared, but she always stood in front of her. Things don't look back, now that she's grown up, it's time to pay back.

After tidying up, she went to the Seventh Garden. There are too many women here. They have no titles, only code names. In fact, this is also a kind of sadness.

Here, Qin Ruixin has just finished drinking the medicine, and she feels a little comfortable. The doctor came to see her just now, and said that as long as she takes good care of her, she can still recover well.

However, she smiled and looked at the rough hands, as if she could see the bones inside. Nan Jin is gone, so what's the use of taking care of her?

Under the dim light, the smile on the corner of her mouth was particularly bleak, Xiao Cong looked at her, knowing that she was having a hard time thinking about it, and quickly said: "Ma'am, it is thanks to Madam Nine that the doctor can come today, you have to take good care of yourself , and try to raise her as soon as possible, so that I can be worthy of her and my aunt."

Qin Ruixin's eyes moved, guilt flashed in her heart, she touched her face, yes, she still has her aunt and sister, if she dies, Xiner will stay here alone, she must find a way to get her out before she dies , she must see Nuan Yang.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside, and Xiao Cong hurried to open the door.

Qin Ruiyan walked in, and a burst of hot air blew in, her complexion became better, and it finally had some effect.

She sat on the head of the bed, stretched out her hand to take Qin Ruixin's hand, and asked the two girls to watch outside, she spoke with unconcealable joy in her eyes: "Sister, take good care of yourself, and someone will send you there in three days Pluto Manor sees eldest sister."

Qin Ruixin was stunned for a moment, and a warm current gushed out of her ashen heart, but her eyes touched the pinch mark on the neck, and her face was shocked: "What's going on? He hit you?"

Qin Ruiyan's eyes flashed unnaturally, she touched her neck, and shook her head, "No, Your Highness was just joking with me, it's all right..."

It wasn't the first time that Qin Ruixin saw scars or even burns on Qin Ruiyan's body. She quickly reached out to pull off her clothes and wanted to check, but Qin Ruiyan held her hand: "Sister, if you are really worried about me, this time I must ask the elder sister to help me, I really don’t want to stay here anymore.” These years, she did have good food and clothing, but she felt uncomfortable in her heart, always worrying about the schemes of those women in the mansion, and fearing that the eldest prince would be moody, This place is a prison. If she could choose again, she would rather find an honest man and live a normal life.

(End of this chapter)

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