Evil King, your vest fell off

Chapter 796 Don't Bark, It's Me

Chapter 796 Don't Bark, It's Me

Qin Ruixin stayed in the room, her whole body was a little swaying. She had been staying in that dark corner all these years, and now she was a little scared in this huge room.

Clasping her hands together, she cringed and flinched. When the door clicked, she quickly stood up and looked towards the door with joy in her eyes: "Nuan..."

When she touched the man standing at the door, her heart skipped a beat. She looked around and quickly backed away in fear: "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

She was afraid and wanted to run to the door, but the man blocked the door, blocking her way to escape.

The man in the felt hat directly closed the door, and then walked towards Qin Ruixin. The steps were very slow, but stepped on Qin Ruixin's heart step by step.

This is the backyard, how could there be a man?Qin Ruixin was terrified and stepped back.

With a bang, it hit the tea table behind, crackling, and the teacup fell to the ground and shattered.

She panicked, and quickly bent down to pick it up, but her hand was stabbed, and it turned red.

The man couldn't keep his composure any longer, and hurriedly stepped forward to hold her hand.

He had just touched that familiar but unfamiliar hand, and before he could say what he had buried in his heart for a long time, the woman in front of him had already started shouting: "Nuan Yang, help, there are thieves..."

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he quickly hugged her in his arms, covering her mouth with his other hand. Under her horrified gaze, he didn't hide his voice anymore, and said, "Xin'er, don't bark, it's me."

Heavy and magnetic, after all these years, it is still the deepest nostalgia in my memory.

Qin Ruixin swallowed the words in her throat suddenly, and opened her eyes wide in disbelief, meeting the man's eyes as deep as the sea.

Those were a pair of familiar eyes, the eyes that had appeared countless times in her dreams, her heart trembled, a little surprised, a little flustered, her whole body softened, she didn't struggle any more, and let him hug her.

Seeing that she had calmed down, Feng Nanjin let go of her hand, directly picked up her injured finger, took out a handkerchief to wipe her, and then gave her some medicine.

The handkerchief was a bit rough and old, but she gave it to that man. Is he really Nan Jin?

Qin Ruixin's eyes were hot, and immediately turned red. She let the man swing, and when a pair of strong hands picked her up and put her on the couch, she regained her senses.

"Nan Jin, is that you?" She choked up, a little cautiously, like a frightened rabbit, but the excitement and expectation in her eyes were so real.

Feng Nanjin directly took off the hat, and that magnificent face was immediately exposed in her sight. With deep affection in his eyes, he sat next to her and reached out to hold her hand: "Xin'er, I'm back .”

Back, really back, Qin Ruixin's eyes widened, fearing that this was a dream, she reached out and touched his face, the tears in her eyes couldn't stop flowing down, but this time she was happy.

"Nan Jin, you're really not dead." She couldn't help it, and plunged into his arms, hugging him, she started crying and laughing at the same time, feeling a little crazy.

Feng Nanjin's empty heart has finally been filled all these years. Only when he hugged her did he realize how ridiculous what he insisted on in the past was.

"Yeah, I'm back," Feng Nanjin put his arms around the woman in his arms, stroked her hair, and felt emotional in his heart. He originally planned to find a chance to break into Feng Yuanchao's place and snatch her out, but he didn't expect her Will come to Hades Mansion, and when he heard her coming, he couldn't bear it anymore, and came here directly, just to take a look at her. He had a lot of things he wanted to say to her, but he was afraid that after all these years, she had changed her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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