Evil King, your vest fell off

Chapter 818 Qin Xiangshi VIP

Chapter 818 Qin Xiangshi VIP

Feng Nuanyang would definitely not hand it over.

In the next few days, after the gate was strictly guarded, it was calm.

It's just that the situation in the imperial capital is getting more and more serious, Feng Nuanyang wants to go to the palace to meet Emperor Feng Yuan, but he has no choice.

Hearing that the emperor is ill, all political affairs have been handed over to Feng Yuanchao.

Concubine Qing died, so the turmoil naturally stopped. After Feng Yuanchao came to power, he ordered the imperial guards to patrol the streets, and anyone who dared to spread rumors would be punished without mercy.

After a few people were dealt with at Caishikou, the people dared not speak out even if they had opinions in their hearts.

These days, officials in the imperial capital continued to die violently, and the entire imperial capital was shrouded in darkness, and the breath was tight.

At night, the doors of every house are closed, and there is no one on the street.

Except for the servants who go out to buy goods every day, everyone in Hades Mansion stays in the mansion every day, and the door is closed.

Feng Nuanyang originally wanted to take advantage of Feng Yuanchao's power grab and send the two sisters Qin Ruixin and Qin Ruiyan outside the pass, but the city gate was tightly guarded and no flies could fly out.

She was in a hurry. At this juncture, Qin Xiangshi came to the door.

Five years have left marks on his face. His temples are gray, his eyes have some fine lines, his body is thinner, but his eyes are very bright.

When he saw Feng Nuanyang, his eyes turned black, and his voice was low: "You rebellious girl, the eldest prince said that you hid his concubine, so hurry up and hand over your two younger sisters, let me Take it back!"

Ever since Feng Nuanyang knew that her father had someone else, she disliked Qin Xiangshi more and more. She snorted coldly: "Don't let him go!"

Qin Xiangshi was suffocated, and his face was ugly: "They are my daughters. Since they are married, they are married and follow their husbands. If you force them to stay in the house, what will the world think? They all say that I am Amber. Master Hou adopts a daughter who doesn't teach me, where do you want me to put my face?"

"So Lord Hou knew they were your daughters?" Feng Nuanyang sneered, and stretched out his hand to twirl his cardamom-coated fingers, his eyes flashed contempt: "Since they are your daughters, why don't you ask them? Why don't you want to go back? Why don't you take a look at what they have lived these years? Why don't you fulfill your responsibility as a father?" She didn't have much feeling for the so-called father in the past, until she saw the real father, The regent who returned to the south, it turned out that his father would also sacrifice for his daughter.

Qin Xiangshi's face was embarrassed, and he gritted his teeth: "Feng Nuanyang, I'm your father, why did you talk to me?" He knew that this girl was wild and had no respect for him, so he didn't plan to take care of her anymore. After all, it wasn't his own, but seeing her with the same facial features as Yunshang, his heart became more and more uncomfortable.

"Father?" Feng Nuanyang chewed the word lightly, and then she twitched the corners of her mouth, her brows and eyes were indifferent: "My father is not you, Lord Hou, don't mistake relatives, if you have this kind of heart, you might as well care more Take a look at your two biological daughters!"

Qin Xiangshi was startled, raised his eyes, and locked his sharp eyes on Feng Nuanyang: "You know?"

Feng Nuanyang nodded, and smiled softly: "My father is responsible, his name is Si Chuxiao!"

Hearing the name of the man he hated the most in his life, Qin Xiangshi lost his composure. He was furious and stared at Feng Nuanyang with accusations in his eyes: "You actually recognized him! Do you know that he killed you?" Mother, if it wasn't for him, Yun Chang wouldn't have died at all!" The three words Si Chuxiao were the last words he wanted to hear in his life, but he remembered them most firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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