Evil King, your vest fell off

Chapter 841 Love Between Husband and Wife

Chapter 841 Love Between Husband and Wife
The sky slowly brightened, and a thick smell of blood lingered around.

The corpses of Su Mansion were scattered all over the field, wailing all over the place.

Su Yixuan gritted his teeth, his white clothes were stained with blood at this moment, he couldn't fight, he was directly tied up, and pushed him into the small room.

"Son, son, do you want it?" Mrs. Su hugged her great-grandchildren, her eyes were red, and her face was full of panic.

"Mother, I'm fine." Su Yixuan struggled to get up, and quickly comforted the woman and the child.

He pursed his lips against the sounds of women crying and children trembling in fear. He looked around and suddenly found that there was one person missing.

His downhearted heart suddenly picked up, and he quickly asked Mrs. Su: "Mother, where is Shuwan? Have you seen her?" Although he doesn't like her, she is Ruixin's sister and his first wife after all, she won't After giving birth to a child, he has been with him for so many years. When he walked in here just now, when he saw the rows of corpses, his heart constricted and he felt very anxious.

"You mean that woman?" Madam Su only cared about her grandson when the incident happened. How could she miss Qin Shuwan? She made her son suffer a lot in the past, and she wished that this woman was dead now.

"We are all in danger now, and you still care about her?" Madam Su was dissatisfied, and quickly hugged her grandchildren to comfort her.

"Mother, she is my wife, why didn't you keep an eye on her?" Su Yixuan became anxious, his eyes were full of red threads, he didn't care about the threat to his life, he got up directly, slammed into the door, and shouted : "You come in, I have something to ask you, where is my wife? Where did you get Shuwan?"

He yelled madly, as long as he thought that Qin Shuwan would become one of those corpses, he immediately felt uncomfortable. Although he hated her in the past, after all, they had a relationship in the past. It was because of him, Lord Amber died, and Second Auntie was gone, she must be very afraid of such a disaster as a woman.

"You give back my Shuwan, if you dare to hurt her, I won't let you go..." Su Yixuan shouted, feeling very anxious.

"Son, don't do this, they will be angry, you are still injured..." Mrs. Su quickly got up and held him: "Shuwan will be fine, she must have found a way to escape." She felt that Qin Shuwan That woman is a poisonous snake, and she is very shrewd. Now that several concubines have been caught here, it makes no sense for her wife to be killed. She must have escaped. She is shameless in her heart. How can she treat this daughter-in-law? I can't like it either.

"Mother, she's a weak woman. Why didn't you look for her when you saw she wasn't there?" Su Yixuan complained in his heart. Although he and his mother didn't like Shuwan, after all, after all these years, at such a critical juncture, since she He was still thinking about those personal grievances, and ignored Shuwan.

"You also know that it's not easy for me to take care of myself in this situation," Mrs. Su was very wronged, her eyes were red, and her voice was choked up: "You have so much energy to find Qin Shuwan, why don't you think about it? Get out of here safely? I'm afraid that if we don't wait for Pluto, our family will be ruined and we will lose all children and grandchildren."

"Mother, we are doing well now, I will find a way, but Shuwan," Su Yixuan pursed his lips, his face heavy and uneasy: "She is a woman, she has no strength to restrain a chicken, these people are so cruel, I am worried... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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