Evil King, your vest fell off

Chapter 893 Rain Today and Night 440

Chapter 893 Rain Today and Night Four 40
Feng Nuanyang whined, but he swallowed it all.

"Dear, miss me!" Ming Qianjue's eyes were filled with flames. After these few days, he had accumulated a lot of anger, and his big hands were merciless and fierce, as if he wanted to make up for these days.

Since Feng Nuanyang gave birth, he has been nourished with good soup and medicine. When he pinches the skin and tender flesh on his body, there is a red mark. How can he bear the rough treatment from him?Before it even started, his eyes were already red with discomfort, and he kicked his legs in resistance.

"Nuanyang, I miss you, so please feel sorry for me, my husband, let me taste it!" Ming Qianjue said quickly, but with a ruthless hand, she directly stripped her clean, just about to cover her body.

Suddenly there was a nervous knock on the door: "Princess, it's not good, Ye Si broke in."

For the first sound, Feng Nuanyang was only concerned about her discomfort and didn't hear it. For the second sound, Ming Qianjue deliberately took her attention away, but the third sound and the fourth sound really reached her ears. Angry in his heart, the original anger faded away, and he stretched out his hand to push him: "Get up quickly, I'm going to take a look." Damn, he dared to come to the palace, what did he think of himself?

Ming Qianjue looked at his desire, feeling a little helpless, can he get up like this?

Originally, he and Nuan Yang were husband and wife, and it was only natural for them to do this kind of thing. The two of them were in love. Normally, no matter how uncomfortable Nuan Yang was, she would satisfy him.

But now, for two unimportant people, she distracted her attitude.

no!Nuanyang can only belong to him and the children. Thinking of this, Ming Qianjue hugged her directly, bit her earlobe hard, and heard her muffled groan, he breathed hot air in her ear: "They Why do you want to mix things up? No matter how bad the Fourth Night is, Yujin likes it. If you separate them now, it won’t solve anything if you don’t let them meet. Why don’t you let them meet once, have a clear talk, and solve each other’s hearts In the end, it’s up to them to decide whether to share or not, so don’t join in the fun and serve me well!”

He didn't wait for Feng Nuanyang to respond, he gagged her inside, and brought her into a love affair with his hands up and down.

The maid outside the door knocked on the door several times, but there was no response. She was anxious and hesitated whether to open the door and go in, when a woman's groan sounded from inside.

She was surprised. After listening to the thin iron door, she blushed suddenly. Realizing what this was, she quickly turned and left.

Just as Yujin walked to the candlestick and was about to blow out the lamp, there was a knock on the door.

She pursed her lips, a little surprised, who came to her so late?

Walking to the door, she said, "Who is it?"

"Today, it's me, you open the door!" Yesi's anxious voice suddenly sounded.

Yu Jin was stunned for a moment, but the voice outside the door was urgent: "Today, today..."

Yu Jin pursed her lips, clenched her hand hanging by her side into a fist, but suddenly let go, and the corner of her mouth curled up bitterly: "It's so late, what are you doing here? Go back, I'm going to rest."

She turned around, intending to ignore him, but Ye Si's voice continued to sound outside the door: "Today, you open the door, I have something to tell you!"

"Let's talk about something tomorrow. It's too late now. Those who are lonely and widowed will be criticized!" Yu Jin thought that Ye Si didn't come to her these days because of guilt. Not on board.

(End of this chapter)

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