Chapter 288

Xi Jinzhi and Guan Qizhe's clarification cleared Gu Zhaoyan's innocence. Even though everyone was still gossiping and wanted to know more, the person involved refused to say more, and only said that they were just friends with Gu Zhaoyan. Why is it so ambiguous?

In addition, the other party really couldn't produce any more evidence to prove that Gu Zhaoyan had committed any unruly behavior. If he was just eating and chatting, what negative impact would it have?
So that person devised the next trick: Hei Yechen and Gu Zhaoyan, accusing them of having an improper relationship, implying that Ye Chen helped Gu Zhaoyan pack the package, and it was Ye Chen's credit that she became popular.

"You may not know the real name of 'Dark Night', a popular detective novelist on the Internet. It is known that he is Mr. Ye. Gu Zhaoyan's childhood, the two are childhood sweethearts, and have a deep relationship."

Many people know that the author "Dark Night" is famous for his detective crime novels. The characters he created are vivid, thoughtful, and logical, and they are linked together. They have attracted the attention of countless people, and have also been sought after by many people. He is a man of the platinum god level.

But the author "Dark Night" has never published his photos, nor participated in any variety show interviews, so many people don't know what he looks like.

This person can connect An Ye and Ye Chen, knowing that they are the same person, obviously they are people Ye Chen knows, and they are also relatives and friends around Gu Zhaoyan, otherwise how would he know?

This person spread rumors on the Internet, saying that An Ye, also known as Ye Chen, was a character in the novel created by Gu Zhaoyan, and now it was filmed into a TV series, which was very popular. Obviously, the two had a close relationship in private.

This time it seemed that they came here specifically for Ye Chen, and they posted a lot of photos of Gu Zhaoyan and Ye Chen getting along intimately, and Ye Chen went to visit the class, and the two entered and exited the hotel room together.

Gu Zhaoyan was sick, and Ye Chen even went to the hospital to visit him. In the detective blockbuster "Who Is the Murderer", he acted as the screenwriter and appeared in the studio to accompany Gu Zhaoyan, etc. Evidence.

There was also a sentence written on Weibo, "It can be said that Gu Zhaoyan's popularity is entirely due to Ye Chen, the man who has a deep relationship with her, her bamboo horse, the man who has always had a crush on her and supported her."

Seeing this sentence, Gu Zhaoyan couldn't help laughing out of anger, even if she became popular because of Ah Chen, so what?Have you committed a crime?Who's in the way?

She didn't want Ye Chen to be on the cusp of the storm, she could mock her, but she couldn't accuse Ah Chen.

That's why she wanted to clarify.

But Ye Chen didn't allow her to do so.

"Xiao Zhaoyan, there is nothing wrong with what he said. I did these things for you. You will become famous because of this. Of course, it is closely related to your efforts. I can't plan it. But have you ever thought about it? We have known each other for so many years and have a good relationship, that alone cannot be denied."

"It's not fair to you to get you involved."

"What you should worry about is yourself. I'm fine. What trouble can I have?"

Ye Chen knows that he likes her, he likes her very much, this feeling cannot be dissipated in his life, and he has done many things for her, which cannot be erased.

If Xiao Zhaoyan insists on clarifying in person, it will only make people laugh, because he does have deep feelings for her.

he loves her.

As long as the media firmly grasps this handle, it is enough to prove that there is an unusual relationship between him and Xiao Zhaoyan, and everything he does is for her.

"Xiao Zhaoyan, this person is very smart. He took some photos yesterday to confuse the public, but they were destroyed by Xi Jinzhi and Guan Qizhe. Let me be the one to talk about it today. We have to think about a way."

What that person said was actually not wrong. A large part of Gu Zhaoyan became famous because of Ye Chen's novel. In addition, she cooperated with Xi Jinzhi. Originally, Xi Jinzhi had countless fans and attracted the attention of others.

But this can't deny Gu Zhaoyan's superb acting skills. She is not a vase, and she doesn't just stand in front of the camera dressed up. Many of her movements and expressions are in place.

The right time, place and people made her what she is today.

When the scandal came out, Gu Zhaoyan did not respond, but just stayed at home and waited for the news.

Gu Huachi and Gu Heng found out the person who spread the rumors. He only said that someone sent him these photos to let him break the news, but he didn't know who the other party was.

Another black hand hidden in the dark depths.

Just waiting to give Gu Zhaoyan a fatal blow at the critical moment.

Just like Gu Zhaoyan's accident with Wia last time, the only one who could be found by following the clues was the one who was instructed, and it was impossible to see who made them do this on the surface.

The other party is really smart, never showing up in person, leaving no clues, no trace to be found.

Gu Huachi ordered that person to shut down Weibo, and publicly apologized to Gu Zhaoyan, but that was only superficial.

If the culprit didn't come forward to clarify, it could only prove that Gu Zhaoyan was bullied by the villain, but she was still criticized by the public, which had a great influence on her.

How could an unknown newcomer unexpectedly become popular, even popular all over the country, popular all over the country, with countless fans?
Is it just because she is good-looking and has superb acting skills?
The next day, Ye Chen appeared on a personal interview variety show, making his debut in front of the audience.

He kept this from Gu Zhaoyan because he didn't want to put pressure on her.

For her, he can do anything.

It's just showing his face, and it doesn't affect him much.

But Mother Ye is extremely opposed, not for anything else, but because her son has inconvenient legs and feet and is still sitting in a wheelchair. If this is on TV, how many people will look down on him?

Ah Chen once didn't go out for half a year because of his disabled feet. He just didn't want to see other people's sympathetic and curious eyes.

He is arrogant, he gritted his teeth and persevered alone, but now he exposed himself to the scrutiny of everyone because of Gu Zhaoyan, how could he be so stupid?

But Ye Chen was very persistent, and said that others might not despise him, and he didn't do anything harmful, as long as he had a clear conscience, why should he be afraid?

When Gu Zhaoyan saw this personal interview variety show, it was already the next night, and Bai Miao was the first to discover it, so he immediately called her and asked her to turn on the TV.

Personal interviews were posted on the Internet, and bullet chatting is popular now. Before Gu Zhaoyan started watching it, he saw countless bullet chats posted, commenting on Ye Chen's inconvenient legs and feet.

"It's so handsome, I didn't expect it to be a cripple!"

"It turns out that my legs and feet are not convenient, no wonder I haven't shown my face all the time."

"Made, if you talk about the dark night of my house again, go away! Have you ever seen anyone as talented as him? What's wrong with his legs and feet? Is it in your eyes? You can only talk about it, and write like this if you have the ability A hot novel is coming out!"

 Sorry for the lateness, Xiaoxiao overslept

(End of this chapter)

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