60s Bai Fumei

Chapter 675

Chapter 675

Foreigners have a sense of self-superiority, aloof, contempt for other races, other countries.

The motherland is getting better and better now, and the economy is getting more and more prosperous, but foreigners don't know much about it.

Although the motherland has produced many great figures and celebrities, there are also many foreign celebrities. They have a natural sense of superiority and feel that their country is the strongest, their people are the most powerful, and their race is the best.

Therefore, in the highest institution, there are many people who show their IQ in front of the stone every day. Some people are friendly, but some people are suspicious, tentative and hostile.

Of course, because of Shitou's young age, it is hard to say what the future will look like, and whether he will be successful, so some people are bad-mouthing about Shitou's future.

More malicious people approach Shitou, in the name of friends, intentionally take Shitou to bad places, tobacco, alcohol, poisonous powder, bars, game halls and other places, wanting to abduct Shitou.

Naturally, it is impossible for Shi Shi to be fooled, and Shi Shi is not inferior in learning and learning. Even during the monthly exams, Shi Shi severely suppressed all the favored people in the academy.

Strength is everything, with strength, others will recognize you.

At this time, these heaven's favored children also faced up to Shi Shi, who was younger than them, and felt great pressure at the same time, and even deeply felt God's malice.

Even if there is a genius, why does a monster like stone appear again?

Yes, the people in the motherland think that the stone is evil, but now the stone is already a little monster in the eyes of these favored people abroad.

Although Shitou's life is still not peaceful, no one dares to look down on him anymore, and everyone has a love for talent, so Shitou quickly won a place for himself here.

In 14, [-]-year-old Beibei was also admitted to university, followed by Xiaoshu, Xiaoshanyue and Si Hexuan in the second year.

Xiao Shu went to university in country M. Although he is not as monstrous as Shi Shi, a 14-year-old college student is already amazing.

And Xiao Shanyue was originally in the class of gifted teenagers. She was admitted to the university and did not cause much repercussions, but it also aroused a little splash.

Si Hexuan was struggling, Beibei put a lot of pressure on him, and even with Beibei making up lessons for him, he was admitted to the military academy with a low score.

At this time, Beibei was already a sophomore in the military academy and became Si Hexuan's senior sister.

Beibei was proud of herself, she finally had the upper hand over Si Hexuan.

But soon Beibei found out that although Si Hexuan had a hard time studying and taking the college entrance examination, after entering the military academy, he was like a fish in water.

And Jiang Meimei is very hard, she has been paying attention to Xiao Shanyue, Xiao Shanyue took the university entrance examination, Jiang Meimei followed the exam, and her grades also reached the first line, but she was still far away from her goal.

Xiao Shanyue was admitted to the University of Science and Technology, and Jiang Meimei wanted to go to the first university, but Xiao Shanyue failed, so she had to choose the University of Foreign Languages.

Xia Xiao and Gao Jiaxing will be in the N-Mongolian area. They walk very slowly. They don't visit two or three places in each area. They almost want to see, eat, and play every corner.

Previously in the Ice City, admiring the ice sculptures, now in the Mongolian area, eating roasted whole lamb and milk tea, Xia Xiao felt very satisfied.

"Brother Gao, what shall we have for dinner tonight?" Xia Xiao looked at his phone, and it was time to eat again.

"Look at what's special here, try them all," Gao Jiaxing said.

Xia Xiaodao: "I think the roasted whole lamb and milk tea I ate today are delicious, and I want to eat it again."

"Okay," Gao Jiaxing agreed.

"There are also roasted lamb legs, lamb backs, grilled meat, roasted lamb squares, roasted lamb tails..." Xia Xiao thought a bunch of them.

Gao Jiaxing responded one by one.

The people here are very hospitable, and Xia Xiao also discovered that they have acquaintances everywhere they go.

Therefore, they were often entertained by the host's family. Xia Xiao and Gao Jiaxing also brought a lot of gifts to the host's family as a thank you.

This will be Gao Jiaxing and Xia Xiao on the grassland, looking at the vast grassland, the mood is really bright.

The owner of the grassland here specializes in tourist business, so he also received Xia Xiao and the others. In the evening, the owner's house prepared wine and food for the tourists.

Xia Xiao ate kumiss here, as well as hand-grilled mutton back, roast leg of lamb, etc., which tasted delicious.

In the end, the host served another dish, a bunch of skewers, and it was very fragrant. Xia Xiao nodded after tasting a piece, and then asked a lot, "What is this?"

"This is roasted bullwhip."

Xia Xiao paused, bullwhip, roasted bullwhip, his expression froze.

Xiao Zhang's daughter-in-law just got it and put it back again, embarrassed to eat it.

Xia Xiao silently put the skewers in Gao Jiaxing's bowl, and felt embarrassed to eat them. The master's craftsmanship is very good, but the cow's external genitals, although there must be some effect of strengthening yang and tonifying kidney, but Xia Xiao also took it. mouthed.

She also doesn't need to strengthen Yang and invigorate the kidney.

Gao Jiaxing looked at Xia Xiao and raised his eyebrows, not as much as Xia Xiao thought. He just ate the roasted bullwhip skewers that Xia Xiao handed over, his eyes were meaningful.

Xia Xiao caught Gao Jiaxing's gaze, rolled his eyes, and ate as much as she wanted, watching her do what she did.

Gao Jiaxing twitched the corner of his mouth and looked away.

This meal, except for the grilled bullwhip, which made Xia Xiao and Xiao Zhang's wife a little uncomfortable, everything else was pretty good.

Moreover, ethnic minorities are most fond of singing and dancing, which is also a way for them to express their enthusiasm and friendliness. At the bonfire party at night, everyone is singing and dancing, which is very lively and very happy.

Even after they left, they were still thinking about the master's craftsmanship and the happy time here, no wonder there are so many tourists here.

After staying in the N-Mongolia region for three months, Xia Xiao and Gao Jiaxing moved to their next destination, heading for the Gsu region.

With a history spanning more than [-] years, Gsu is one of the important birthplaces of the nation and civilization of the motherland, as well as one of the birthplaces of traditional Chinese medicine. It is known as "the root of Heyue, the hometown of Xixuan".

Moreover, after the development and construction since the founding of the People's Republic of China, an industrial system based on petrochemical, nonferrous metallurgy, machinery and electronics has been formed, and it has become an important energy and raw material industrial base for the motherland.

It belonged to Yongzhou in ancient times, located in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, bordering S in the east and west in the west, controlling the Bashu and G seas in the south, relying on Xinjiang in the west, and bordering N Mongolia and N Xia in the north. It was the key and golden section of the ancient Silk Road.

Moreover, in the highland plateau here, in addition to the desert with solitary smoke and the long river with the setting sun for thousands of miles, there are also scenes of lush water and grass, continuous grasslands, and cattle and sheep everywhere.

There are Wusha Mountain Crescent Spring, Yadan Geopark, Mogao Grottoes, Zhangye Danxia Garden, Jiayuguan Guancheng, Yumenguan, and other popular attractions.

In addition to key tourist cities such as Lanzhou, Dunhuang, Gannan, Jiayuguan, Jiuquan, and Zhangye, other places should also be visited.

(End of this chapter)

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