How bad guys are made

Chapter 1002 Reaper - Snake and Tiger

Chapter 1002 Reaper - Snake and Tiger

Broken Cloud Country.

The endless plains and wide fields, from a distance, the green hills are rolling up and down.

Although it was just past [-]:[-] in the morning, the sun above the head had already shown a trace of poisonous heat, which evaporated and disappeared the mountain fog floating in the jungle, revealing the emerald green forest sea below.Among the undulating mountains, there is a winding road. A light green mountain off-road vehicle speeds through, rolling up dust, like a cheetah running through the jungle.

Ghost Ying was dressed in a tight black dress as thin as a cicada's wings, fully revealing her curvy and sexy body.She closed her eyes slightly, and lay lazily on the passenger seat of the car, but her little feet in military boots stepped on the front windshield of the car wantonly.

As a rose in the Temple of Dawn, Ghost Shadow is undoubtedly very beautiful, with a snow-white pretty face without a trace of blemish. If you only look at her face, most people will definitely think that she is just a girl who just graduated from college. girl.And her tight-fitting black outfit looks extremely capable, her lazy look doesn't need any expression at all, and she has a sexy and charming attitude that attracts the attention of any man, and the way her legs are crossed and casually put up will not make people feel disgusted , but added a touch of natural wildness.

This is a woman who makes any man turn into a beast. Conquering such a woman has an irresistible allure to most men who have experienced wind and rain.

The driver was a young man, whose age was similar to that of a ghost, but he was really tall and mighty, with a flat cut and a short cut, with the roots standing up like steel needles, and a stern expression on his face. A heavy sense of oppression.

It's just that every time the young man sees a ghost beside him through the rearview mirror, he can't help showing a gentleness that seems a little bit ashamed on his cold and stern face.

His name is Snake Tiger, and he was promoted to an extraordinary king a year ago. He was selected as the most sacred Harvester of the Temple of Dawn, and he is also one of the many suitors of Ghost Shadow.Of course, fortunately, Snake Tiger is one of the few suitors of Ghost Shadow who has the potential to embrace a beautiful woman.

Of course, there is a feel-good component to this as well.Because Guiying has a cold personality, he is sincerely indifferent to most people, and he doesn't even bother to say anything, but he can at least say a few words to himself, and his expression is relaxed, which is a very honorable thing.

The off-road vehicle drove all the way, until it got into a hidden path in the mountains, and the car began to bump.

"Don't sleep, it's too tiring." Snake Tiger found Huatou, turned his head and said to Ghosting.

"En." Ghosting agreed, retracting the two slender and sexy legs, with a calm tone, at least not indifferent.

The snake and tiger looked away naturally, and the corners of their mouths slightly raised, unable to conceal their excitement, like a dog rewarded with a bone from its master!

The off-road vehicle bumped for more than ten minutes, and finally stopped in front of a hidden camp, and the moment it stopped, men dressed in black quickly appeared on both sides of the vehicle, more than ten meters away. After the two people were in the car, they naturally withdrew their gazes and stood on both sides with their hands down, without looking sideways, like puppets.

They are all peripheral members of the Temple of Dawn, and they are much more advanced than the general builders, and they can also be regarded as substitutes for the members of the Temple of Dawn.

"Ying, you seem to have something on your mind. Have you found the murderer who killed Big Brother Devil May Cry?" Snake Tiger turned his head to look at Ghost Ying, and summoned up his courage to ask.

"Found it." Ghosting said coldly.

"Who is it? Tell me, I'll kill him right now!" A slap the size of a cattail fan slapped on the steering wheel, and the snake tiger's eyes showed fierce killing intent...


"Snake Tiger! Come back to me!" Seeing that Snake Tiger was about to start the car and turn around to leave, Ghost suddenly ordered loudly.

"What's there to be afraid of in Shuishi? I'm going to kill that kid right now!" Hearing Guiying's order, the snake and tiger said in a low voice, with a somewhat unwilling expression on their faces.

"You should know how strong Tianxia Palace is. We don't have the strength to fight against Tianxia Palace yet. Once you go to Tianxia's interior and are found, you will die!" Guiying said coldly.


"Wendong must be killed, and I already have a careful plan. I know you want to help me, but I can't trap you to death just because I want revenge." Slowly became soft, and said leisurely: "My brother's death is my biggest knot, as long as I avenge my brother, I will find a double-cultivation partner once the knot is gone."

"Then tell me quickly, what do you need me to do?" Hearing Ghosting's words, Snake Tiger was overjoyed, with an uncontrollable excitement on his face.

Ghosting lowered his head slightly as if he was deliberating, a slight sneer and disdain flashed in his eyes.

"As far as I know, Wendong has some strength in Tianxia Kingdom, and there is a secret base at the border between Nitan Kingdom and Tianxia Kingdom, but my time is limited, and I have not found out where this base is hidden Where, however, I have basically determined the approximate location of this base, and this Wendong has a life-threatening friendship with a certain general of the Suiyun Kingdom..."

"Okay, just as you said, I will never act rashly this time. You can rest assured to do the tasks issued by the temple. When you come back, I, Snake Tiger, will definitely offer Wendong's dog's head as a betrothal gift." Snake Tiger said solemnly, the love in his tone was beyond words.



After dinner, Zhang Hanhan, dressed in a professional suit, went to the bathroom for the last touch-ups before going to work. I don't know if it was because of his personal experience, his beautiful and beautiful face had a touch of the charm of mature women, dignified, elegant and beautiful.

Wen Dong stood beside her and stretched out his hands. His hands were not idle, but they were always touching her stomach.Zhang Hanhan has already confirmed that this bastard husband is really different and has a belly fetish. Thinking of this, she only makes her angry and funny.

"Okay, I'm going to work." Zhang Hanhan stretched out his hand to open Wendong's bag angrily, walked to the coat rack by the door with a swaying sexy body, took a white down jacket and put it on.

This is the first time that Zhang Hanhan is so attached to Wendong, she doesn't want to go to the company, but she is not a willful woman, and she just thinks about it when she doesn't want to go to work.When he looked up, he saw that Wen Dong had followed him out, looking at his down jacket with his eyes, as if he was admiring it. Of course, he was more profane with his eyes, his pair of thief eyes were not honest.

Wendong's attachment to him made Zhang Hanhan feel a little proud. Standing at the door, he turned around and smiled at Wendong, "Does it look good?"

"It's beautiful, but it's a pity that such a beautiful wife can be seen by others. If you don't go to work, you can just let me see it at home." Wen Dong bared his teeth and smiled lewdly.

"Get out, hooligan!" Zhang Hanhan guessed what he was thinking as soon as he heard it. He glanced angrily, waved his small hand, stretched out his hand and opened the door and said, "Go to Qingcheng Group more when you have time. You, the nominal chairman, are now going to come back." The Qingcheng Group is still in name only, so go help her by the way."

"Huh?" Wen Dong was taken aback, looked at her in surprise and said, "You have changed a lot."

"Why? Can't I be more virtuous and virtuous?" Zhang Hanhan rolled his eyes at him, curled his sexy mouth, but imitated Wendong's way and grinned: "You have changed a lot, keep working hard."

Wen Dong: "..."

Leaning lazily on the door frame, with a cigarette in his mouth, he watched Zhang Hanhan's car drive out of the garage. When passing by the door of the villa, the car glass opened, and a snow-white arm stretched out and shook it outside. Shake and leave.

Wen Dong narrowed his eyes slightly, and shook his hand, but the moment the car shadow disappeared in front of his eyes, his tiny face became serious, even a little cold.

"Dinglingling..." At this moment, the cell phone in the living room rang suddenly.

Wendong closed the door and walked back to the living room, picked up the cell phone that kept ringing and saw that it was Yingzi.

"Hi, I'm Wendong." Wendong answered the phone with a serious tone.

"Wendong, husband, Xianggong..." Yingzi's greeting immediately rang out from the phone, and she called her three titles in a row, with a brisk tone and even a hint of joy.

"What happy event?" Hearing Yingzi's brisk voice, Wen Dong asked with a smile after the haze in his heart was removed a lot.

"Huh? Husband, how do you know that there is a happy event?" Yingzi's strange voice came, and her tone was full of doubts.

"Look at how happy you are, how could it not be a happy event?" Wen Dong smiled helplessly.

"That's right, it's not only a happy event, but also a double happiness. Guess what it is?" Yingzi said excitedly, because she was excited, she deliberately put it off.

"Hmm... are you pregnant? And it's a boy? Double happiness?" Wen Dong thought nonsense.

"How is it possible!" Hearing Wendong's obvious perfunctory words, Yingzi complained, and then said: "Although this is a happy event, it is not a big happy event, as long as we..." Yingzi hummed, The last words speak for themselves.

"What kind of happy event is that? I can't guess." Wen Dong touched his head in embarrassment.

"Do you still remember the elixir that you sent Ling Yun to send over a few days ago? One of the elixir is called the soul-entering elixir." Yingzi reminded.

"You mean...someone has been promoted to Transcendence?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately remembered that he knew the effect of the Soul-Entering Pill best, but his tone of voice still couldn't conceal his shock.

"Yes, early this morning, brothers Gu Fenghan and Gu Fengshuang both advanced to Transcendence!" Yingzi said pleasantly.

"Okay, that's great." Hearing Yingzi's confirmation, Wendong said excitedly.

If you want to fight against the dark dawn, the most basic thing is to need a solid family background, even if you want to go to Niki country to help the beauty or deal with the coming ghosts, you need these.

Ghost Shadow is an extraordinary king, and although he has already touched the threshold of an extraordinary king, it will take at least some time to become a king.Although even if there is no chance of winning against the ghost, at least there is no worry about escaping, but the monk can't escape the temple if he escapes. If he escapes by himself, what will happen to the base, the Qingcheng Gang and his own women?
And if Brother Gu Fenghan advances to Transcendence, at least he can help himself a lot.

As for the loyalty of these two brothers, Wen Dong didn't need to think about it at all. Back then, there were these two brothers in Suiyun Kingdom's party, so Wen Dong still believed in his own eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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