How bad guys are made

Chapter 1005 Chaos Tempered Body

Chapter 1005 Chaos Tempered Body
In a large indoor training room, the bright lights above the head illuminate the surroundings extremely brightly.

The Gu Fengshuang brothers stood on both sides of the high platform, and more than 30 people's heads surged below them, and they all focused their eyes on the beautiful figure standing on the high platform.

Hui Tian Sakurako!

Li Ningyan is just the instructor of the previous graduates, and many people under her have never heard of her name, let alone her face. However, many boys who have just fallen in love still have their own first teacher, Yingzi!
Yingzi was dressed in a tight black dress, meticulous, which set off her exquisite figure in a slender and sexy figure, with unevenness.Her long hair is simply tied up, revealing a beautiful face like a lotus flower. Yingzi's appearance is not the kind of alluring appearance, but her beauty has a natural charm, every gesture, even a casual look It seems that they all give people a kind of undulating spring feeling.

Yingzi's delicate body took a step forward gracefully, her seductive eyes lightly swept across the crowd below, and anyone who caught a glimpse of that pair of pupils full of endless temptation couldn't help but her heart beat violently , and even some boys even have a little rosy face.

Yingzi is naturally charming, and is most suitable for cultivating the art of charming, which can make the eyes of these brats look hot, which makes her really helpless, even if she puts on a cold and serious expression all day long, it is useless.

The white jade-like slender hand slowly stretched out and pressed, and the agitated crowd below quickly quieted down. Yingzi nodded slightly in satisfaction, her red lips slightly parted, and her voice was crisp and clear: "You are different from others."

Yingzi just said a word, and the hearts of the people below were warmed up.They all knew that they were different from other students, because they were selected by Ms. Yingzi, Gu Fengshuang and Gu Fenghan, they were very talented, and they were given peerless cheats.At this time, Yingzi said the first words like this, and everyone felt that they were bathed in a layer of holy light, and the faces under the light became more and more brilliant, which was a kind of glory.

"Starting today, the 40 of you, including Gu Fengshuang and Gu Fenghan, will form a special group called Guardians!"

"Yes, you will be the guardians of the base, and you are also the guardians of all the students in the base. You have talents and abilities that others do not have. You carry the glory, but you also shoulder the responsibility."

Seeing everyone's chests puffed up when her words fell, Yingzi pursed her sexy red lips, and said in a clear voice, "Will you all be willing to be the guardians of the base?" Kneeled down.

"Bang bang..." The moment Yingzi knelt down again, the brothers Gu Fengshuang standing on both sides immediately knelt down.

"I am willing." Yingzi's words turned too quickly, especially the moment when she knelt down, which only made the students in the audience stunned for a short time, and they were overwhelmed.But soon some mature students calmed down, knelt down and said without thinking.

"I am willing."

"I would like to..." And this was like a fuse. After several students knelt down, a huge rock was about to be thrown into the calm lake in the training room, and the sound of kneeling on one knee was endless.

"For the base, until death." Yingzi knelt on one knee, looked up at the audience and said.

"For the base, until death!" Brother Gu Fengshuang shouted.

"For the base, until death..." Everyone swore in unison once again, all blushing with excitement.

Gu Fengshuang knelt down on one knee, and couldn't help turning her head slightly to look at Yingzi who was doing the same thing as herself on the high platform, and couldn't help admiring in her heart, she was in charge of all the high-level resources of the base, and she had a great reputation among these people. She has a low reputation, and now she is even more charming, doing these brainwashing jobs is simply a perfect complement to each other.

Of course, this kind of brainwashing only makes these people more loyal, and another point is that it can greatly increase morale.Fighters and morale, the combat power of a warrior with faith is often much higher than usual, and Yingzi was single-handedly picked up by Wendong, and now it is less than two months. He became one of the leaders of the base, and even the right-hand man of the gang leader.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help being shocked. At the beginning, the gang leader just arranged something for her to do, or did he think of it or even see through Yingzi's talent in this area?

Maybe it's just luck, but if you want to have this kind of luck, you must have enough strength. Otherwise, how could it be possible for Miss Yingzi to be so heartbroken?In addition to admiring the leader in my heart, I admire him even more.

After taking the oath, Yingzi stood up slowly, her silky winking eyes were filled with indignant coldness: "Just last night, the mercenary group outside our base was attacked and suffered heavy losses. Guardian, what should I do?"

"Revenge!" Brother Gu Fengshuang shouted in unison.


"Revenge!" The crowd shouted, raising their hands!


Two days passed in a flash...

The Huifeng is smooth, there is a swamp under the floating verdant forest, and the real white mist floats under the green grass leaves, which lasts all year round...

The soles of the feet fell, the silver light shone, and suddenly there was a steam under the grass, and the ferocious heads of several snake fish shot out highly corrosive black mud arrows at Wendong. Dodging away, the snake fish found that it had missed the target and was about to dive into the swamp water when it suddenly felt a sense of illusion in the space, Wen Dong's figure emerged, and the moment the figure emerged, , the sword of chaos in his hand flicked past, only to see bursts of phantoms.

Wen Dong kept moving, and he didn't even look at it after the split. There was a flash of silver light under his feet, and his figure flew out again, but the swaying body appeared illusory again, and at the moment of illusory body, Wen Dong Then, a black light flashed across the space...

About 20 meters away, the little murloc hangs down with the ivy whip bored, and the ivy whip that was hanging loose suddenly stretches straight.And at the tip of the ivy whip, a black figure, like a ghost, quietly emerged...

When the figure appeared, Wen Dong looked sideways at the swamp, until he saw a very faint black illusory shadow more than 20 meters behind him, still maintaining the posture of chopping, and then slowly disappeared.And the moment the phantom disappeared, Wen Dong with sharp eyes was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a line of blood at the junction of the snake fish's head and body under the phantom, which was still in the posture of spraying water arrows, and then the blood line It rapidly expanded at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, until the corpses were separated...

Phantom assassination!


"Yeah." The little murloc sitting on the branches and leaves nodded his head, Wen Dong's series of smooth movements just now is the combined version of phantom and phantom killing in "Guying Phantom Killing".

"Guying Phantom Killing?It is divided into three realms, which is very simple to say: phantom, phantom killing and free and easy.

Freedom is a state, and it is not easy to achieve it.

"You seem to have used the Magic Thunder Art." The little murloc said sharply.

"Well, Huan Lei Jue also pays attention to a phantom character. These two methods should have something in common, and I feel that Phantom Killing will be more effective in actual combat after adding Huan Lei Jue." Wen Dong nodded, his face unavoidable. proud.

"There are three thousand ways, each with its own strengths, but in the end it is exquisite, and the different routes lead to the same goal. You have achieved a lot in the magic thunder formula, and it is naturally much easier to practice "Gu Ying Huansha" now. And you are right, this "Gu Ying Huan" There are many similarities between "Kill" and "Huan Lei Jue". Although the core and essence of these two formulas are different, the word "fantasy" in them all has the effect of psychedelic and confusing. However, the "Huan" in Gu Ying Huansha pays more attention to actual combat, not fancy, as long as one hit kills, and you have Huan Lei Jue, the speed is enough, the only thing lacking now is fluency."

"Well, fluency is easy to say, as long as you practice hard, the most regrettable thing is that you can't actually fight here. Only by actual combat can you grow faster. These black snakefish are really bad, and the speed is too slow." Wen Dong curled his lips. road.

Mentioning the snake fish killed by Wendong, the little murloc frowned, feeling a little distressed, and glared at him and said, "Next, start to absorb the earth's energy. You still have five hours to complete the task today."

"There are still five hours..." Wen Dong wailed, his voice full of fear.

The Third Realm of Chaos Sword - Chaos Body Tempering!
At first he had some doubts about the Gate of Chaos, but after asking the little murloc he realized that it was used to temper the body.

As for why the body needs to be tempered after becoming an extraordinary master, it is because the extraordinary master is not a real transcendent human being, and must be tempered a second time before being promoted to the next level of extraordinary king!
There are ten divisions above Chaofan, and every two divisions have a large realm: Transcendence, Prophet, Destiny, Dao Wheel, and God.Every realm requires body tempering and god refining, body tempering three times, body tempering four times until becoming a god body; as for refining gods, it is naturally the improvement of spiritual perception and comprehension.

These days, according to the requirements of the little murloc, I have been meticulously letting the earth qi temper every part of my body. The ubiquitous and pervasive earth qi has not even let go of hair and nails.It has been two days since the earth qi was tempered, and now he doesn't look as thin as before, his body seems to be taller and taller, and he can feel the powerful power contained in his body without using energy.

This is pure physical strength.The little murloc even tried it with an ice sword, and if he used the attack power of a peak human being alone, he couldn't break through his defense at all.Not only that, his bones and flesh have been tempered repeatedly during these two days.He didn't use his fighting spirit, but he could easily crush the hard blue rock with one punch.

And he didn't even spare the skin on his face.The little murloc also specially reminded him, because this would change some of his original appearance.But Wendong still insists on tempering his face. Although he is always boasting, it is true that he is not handsome at all. If you change a little, you can change a little.Besides, in the current situation, he can't control so much at all, once he can increase his strength, he will not let it go.

The body is the capital of the revolution. At first, Wendong was very curious about this tempered body, especially the chaotic tempered body. He never wanted to bring up the matter of body tempering again.

The results are naturally gratifying, but the pain of tempering the body is simply not something ordinary people can bear.

(End of this chapter)

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