How bad guys are made

Chapter 1015 Road Encounters

Chapter 1015 Road Encounters
"Then go and have a look, if it's not for us to leave." Wen Dong frowned and said, Ling Yun's statement is also possible, Wen Dong hesitated and said, with the strength of his four people, except for the extraordinary king, he No one pays attention to it.

"That's good." Du Manman nodded, winked with Ling Yun and Zhang Xiuxiu, and soon the three formed a triangle formation. Du Manman reached out and took out a small silver pocket gun from his waist. Zhang Xiuxiu also took out a pistol, while Ling Yun's dagger flashed coldly in his sleeves, his body was slightly arched, as if he was ready to go, and his sharp eyes were cautiously watching out for every movement around him.

Seeing their cautious appearance as if facing an enemy, Wen Dong, who was guarded in the middle, also became serious and dignified.

While the four of Wendong walked forward cautiously, at the end of the mountain path, two embarrassed figures with staggered steps also appeared, and not far behind them, six or seven black shadows flashed out, Even though the strong killing intent was far away, it was still transmitted.

As the figure's escape approached, Wen Dong had good eyesight, and finally saw the two figures clearly. The two figures were a man and a woman. The man looked about 24 or [-] years old, while the woman was just a girl. , looks about eighteen to nine years old.

The man was staggering, with some blood stains on his body, obviously injured, while the girl in the black tights looked better, but at this moment, her delicate and charming face was full of surprises. Filled with coldness and some unconcealable panic.

Perhaps it was because of his injuries. When he was running away, the man made a wrong step and almost fell to the ground. The girl quickly reached out to help her, but because of the exhaustion of the escape, the slender and sexy body was staggered. .Turning his head suddenly, he saw the approaching black shadow. In the big eyes of the talking Shui Ling, the panic completely covered up the coldness, and a little water mist appeared.

"Quack, little lady, run quickly, why don't you run?" While the two of them were procrastinating, the many shadow figures behind them approached quite a bit, especially the middle-aged man who took the lead suddenly took a stride. Quickly rushing to the girl's side, a paw slapped on the girl's buttocks while the girl was bowing.

"Go to hell!" The girl's delicate body trembled, half of her body turned around, and immediately a cold light flashed from her sleeves, slashing at the offending man.

Unexpectedly, the man's speed was extremely fast, and he flew back with a flick of his body, put his hand on his nose and sniffed obscenely, his face was full of playful excitement, and said: "Hey, this little butt is also touched. It's getting more and more tactile, this little butt is upturned, hehe..."

It's not that the other party can't catch up, but they are obviously playing tricks on them!
"Cultivator?" Wen Dong's eyes narrowed suddenly, and a murderous intent flashed through his eyes.He had just seen clearly that the obscene man headed by these chasers was clearly a progenitor!

"What's the matter? Is it one of our people?" Zhang Xiuxiu saw a slight change in Wendong, and looked at the people from far and near vigilantly, and quietly approached and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, but the leader is the planter." Wen Dong said coldly, he didn't know many masters in the base, while talking, he looked at Zhang Xiuxiu and Ling Yun.

"I don't know this girl, but this guy seems to be..." Ling Yun frowned slightly. After all, the distance was too far, and the man's face was bloody, so he couldn't see his face clearly, and his tone was a little uncertain. .

Wen Dong frowned slightly, and turned to look at Du Manman.

Du Manman couldn't help but shook her head with a wry smile. There are more than 1000 people in the base, and a new batch will be added every year. How can she recognize them all? Besides, she is only in charge of the periphery of the base, and rarely goes to the base.

The man clenched his teeth and turned his head to glance at the approaching soldiers. He knew that the other party was playing tricks on purpose, but it was not in line with their style to let others slaughter them. The two of them were really exhausted, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of despair in their hearts. Just when the feeling of despair emerged, their eyes happened to see four figures not far in front of them, and they immediately cried out as if they had grasped the last straw. Shouted: "Friends in front, please help me out, and I will reward you generously afterward."

"Hiss...this voice...does it really belong to us?" Ling Yun was taken aback when he heard the man's shout, and couldn't help but look up at Wendong.

Wen Dong glared at him sideways. Could it be that his people are not familiar with him?
Seeing the cold question in Wen Dong's eyes, Ling Yun also smiled awkwardly. Although there is only one mercenary group in the base, most of the time everyone does their own tasks, even in their spare time. Gathering, except for a few well-known masters in the mercenary group who are familiar with it, other people are rarely seen at ordinary times.Even when training at the base, because of different grades and different subjects of cold weapons and hot weapons, there is little overlap in normal times, so it is impossible to recognize them all.

But just as the man was shouting, the chasing soldiers also found Wen Dong and the others. They accelerated suddenly and finally the figure flashed, forming an encirclement circle, enclosing the entire area this time. The four are also in this encirclement.

"Hey, little lady? Can't run anymore? Or have you figured it out? Are you willing to follow me obediently and go back to work for labor and management?" The leader of the pretender saw the weapons in the hands of Du Manman and the others, but directly ignored them. Dong and the others gave a sinister smile, then turned their heads to look at the two people in a panic in the encirclement, and giggled strangely, especially when they saw that delicate-looking girl again, their eyes were full of lust.

Seeing the blocked escape route, despair appeared in the man's eyes. At first, he could only turn his attention to Wendong and the others for help, but when he saw Ling Yun who was standing by Wendong's side, he was slightly taken aback.

Wen Dong glanced at the dresser, and couldn't help frowning slightly, the dresser has nothing to do with the dark dawn, they are all damned!But their first task now is to rush to Pocket Valley for rescue. If they delay the time, they will be in trouble.Thinking this way in my heart, I immediately glanced at the girl in tight black clothes beside me. Although the latter has a trace of young girl's youthfulness between her brows, anyone with a discerning eye can tell that this girl is a very good beauty. When she matures in the future, she is afraid that many men will fall under the pomegranate skirt with admiration.

"Boy, go to the side of the road facing the sky, please don't meddle in other people's business, otherwise, hehe..." The lead farmer looked at the pistols in their hands with disdain, but when he saw Du Manman and Zhang Xiuxiu in his eyes, , but couldn't help but licked the corner of his mouth: "If there is no one, you two female companions are missing something, don't blame me."

"Ling Yun, it's you, it's really you Ling Yun..."

But at this moment, the man who was seriously injured and fell to the ground looked at Ling Yun in surprise, with an excited expression on his face, as if he had survived the catastrophe.

"Oh? You are?" Hearing the man shout out his name, Ling Yun was also taken aback, his eyes fixed on the man's bloody face, frowning as if he was searching for memory.

"Brother Li Yi, do you know them?" On the side, the black-clothed girl asked in surprise when she saw her companion shouting in surprise. Seeing the latter nod, her delicate face was filled with joy.

"What? Do you know each other?" Seeing such a state, the leader of the costumers immediately covered up the redness on his face, and looked at the four of Wendong with vigilant eyes, and most of the men around him were about to show up. The pistol in his hand was aimed at them, and even a man who was behind the man in the dresser retreated quietly, aiming his sniper rifle at Wen Dong, who was the leader.

"So it's Brother Li, how did you end up in this situation?" Ling Yun rolled his eyes and asked in astonishment.

Hearing Ling Yun's seemingly indifferent question, the leader and the other men were slightly stunned, and looked at them suspiciously.

"We have been hunted down to this point, and our base has also cooperated with you. It is quite pleasant. Please help. This is a very important matter at this time. Afterwards, our Qingcheng base will definitely be rewarded to your satisfaction." The man in the hand heard Ling Yun's words were also slightly taken aback, and then he clasped his fists and said bitterly.

"Boy, do you really want to meddle in other people's business? Don't regret it?" The lead farmer said coldly, his eyes were full of coldness, and the eyes of the men in black around him were also full of murderous intent. If they didn't look at them Also having a gun in his hand would only increase the casualties, so I'm afraid he will do it directly.

"This..." Ling Yun was stunned for a moment, and looked sideways at the leader, Wen Dong.

"I don't know them, they're just passing by." Wen Dong glanced at the lead dresser, then looked away from the girl in black who was full of hope, and left straight away with an indifferent expression.

Zhang Xiuxiu on the side frowned, obviously aware of the difference, because the injured man had clearly mentioned the Qingcheng base just now!But just as she was about to make a move, Du Manman behind her stretched out her hand and grabbed her without saying a word. She stroked the opponent's palm with her light white fingers, and then looked at the people around vigilantly, and slowly followed her. Wendong and up.

Seeing Wen Dong's actions, the faces of the man and the girl turned pale in an instant, and the girl gritted her silver teeth and stared fiercely at Wen Dong's back, as if she couldn't figure out why this person was so handsome, why? But so timid and afraid of getting into trouble!Immediately afterwards, she found Zhang Xiuxiu who was walking by, and she was surprised. She was about to shout out, but was held back by brother Li Yi, she turned her head to look at him in surprise, with a puzzled expression, not knowing why...

The men in black around were extremely satisfied with Wen Dong's sensible behavior, and the leader of the dress-up man laughed strangely with pride.

(End of this chapter)

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