How bad guys are made

Chapter 1026 The True Strength of the King of War——The Power of the Domain

Chapter 1026 The True Strength of the King of War——The Power of the Domain

The left hand that had been hanging down all the time was raised quickly after being prepared. Wen Dong sneered contemptuously, and the surging thunder fighting spirit burst out from his body, and with the appearance of the silver thunder, it spread all over his body. Condensed into a pair of silver thunder light battle armor, there is a thick yellow earthy atmosphere in the intertwined electric lights, dual attributes, I also have it!
Condensed battle armor, the symbol of an extraordinary master!

"Not necessarily!"

And at the moment when the dual-attribute battle armor was condensed, the sword of chaos that was raised in the hand was also full of silver light, and as Wendong's shout fell, the tip of the sword of chaos was full of silver light. Sheng, suddenly drew a zhang-long arc from bottom to top, and also ruthlessly swept towards the tiger's chest.And at the moment when the lightning arc swept out, his body leaned back in a strange arc.

The cohesion of Wendong's dual-attribute battle armor was terribly fast due to his long-awaited preparations. Even when the sharp claws of the snake and tiger suddenly came into contact, the dual-attribute battle armor had been completely condensed successfully.

The sudden appearance of the earth mine battle armor also made the pupils of the snake and tiger shrink slightly. Such a close contact, the extremely domineering explosion aura on the battle armor, the thunder and silver lights on it, occasionally a small electric glow tore It seemed that Wen Dong turned into a hedgehog in an instant.However, although this thunder attribute battle armor has the effect of counterattack as well as defense, it is no better than the earth attribute battle armor in terms of defense.

But the only thing that made him afraid was the lightning arc triggered by the weird long sword. This arc that arrived in a blink of an eye was obviously prepared by Wen Dong, although he was confident that he could break Wen Dong with a single punch. However, Wen Dong's movement skills are too weird. It is expected that his long-planned plan may not be effective. If he is hit by this electric arc to suppress his fighting spirit, he may reveal a long way to go.

"I want to see how much defensive power your battle armor has!"

This thought was only completed in the mind in an instant, the attack was so close that it was too late to take it back, so a coldness came into the eyes of the snake and tiger, and with an angry shout, the offensive was not stopped, but the fighting spirit in the body was fierce Gushing out, the pale golden fighting spirit exploded on the surface of the body, emitting a dazzling light.The misty rustic atmosphere on it isolated the burst, and at the same time, a layer of fine scales formed around his body, and in an instant on top of the scales, a stream of incomparable text was condensed again. Dong's battle armor also needs to be solid and heavy armor.

Instantly condensing a double layer of defense, it can be seen how strong the snake tiger's fighting consciousness is, and what is even stronger is his deep understanding of his own fighting spirit!
To do this in just a split second naturally consumes a lot of fighting spirit, but the outcome is only in this hand, so naturally I can't care about so much. Besides, Wendong, who has less fighting spirit reserves than himself, consumes a lot of energy. Treat yourself more!

Because of the fighting spirit in his body, the wind of snake and tiger's claws seemed to become more and more fierce in an instant, and immediately, the sharp claws finally hit the thunder armor heavily!

When the two collided, it was like the clang of steel colliding, which resounded extremely crisply in the field.

As the voice fell, a hard torn dent suddenly appeared on the surface of the solid yellow and white battle armor, and Wen Dong, who was hidden under the yellow and white battle armor, although the battle armor was isolated Most of the strength was exhausted, but there was still a dark energy passing through the armor, shaking him so that he staggered back.

And the moment the snake and tiger's claws hit the battle armor, the arc condensed and shot by the sword of chaos in Wen Dong's hand also hit the former's chest heavily.The zhang-long lightning arc was completely eaten by his body, and the powerful destructive power contained in the arc explosion and the strange suppressing force contained in the sword energy suddenly exploded, directly breaking through the hastily formed soil of the snake and tiger. It was a battle armor, revealing the dark scales under the battle armor, and even the scales were forcibly cut by the force of lightning, and there was blood overflowing from the chest.

The arc burst exploded in front of its chest, the powerful destructive force and impact made the body of the snake and tiger shake violently, and its cold and stern face was also flushed, and then its throat rolled, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of its mouth. Under the suppression of the strange sword energy, he successfully broke through his own defense, and the powerful destructive force of the thunder and lightning injured his internal organs, but it was not a serious problem!
While his body was shaking, he stomped his right foot fiercely, and as the sole of his foot fell, the gravel around it was instantly shattered into powder, and then he directly spurted out a mouthful of donated blood, and ate it with his tyrannical flesh. After the impact of the electric arc, he roared angrily, and rushed up when Wen Dong was backed by his own claw.

"It's going to be desperate!" Gu Fengshuang said in a solemn tone, staring at the snake tiger who was desperately injured and seized the opportunity to bully Wendong again.

"En." Gu Fenghan at the side responded in a hoarse voice, and touched the dagger in his sleeve with one hand.Ready to rescue at any time, although my own resistance may be torn apart by the imposing snake and tiger in just a moment, but even if I only give the leader a moment, he may be able to escape successfully.

He said that his life had already been sold to the leader.

Yingzi stood beside her beautifully, her plain hands clenched tightly, her pretty face became a little pale because of holding her breath too much, and at this time even Zhang Xiuxiu, who was usually heartless, held her breath, her eyes Without blinking, he stared at the two people fighting for life and death in the battle circle.

"If my snake and tiger are injured, you will be proud even if you die!"

"Fusion technique——Domain Wind Tearing Claw!"

The two of them had already killed each other with red eyes, so naturally they didn't have time to estimate things outside the battle circle, and as the snake and tiger's voice fell, when Wen Dong stepped back, he followed up instantly like a ghost, his claws The golden light above was shining brightly, and afterimages left behind in the mid-air.

This snake and tiger actually comprehended the power of the domain? !

Being able to control the elemental power between heaven and earth is the most basic characteristic of a war king, and having the power of the domain is the true beauty of a war king!
The reason why Wendong has been training hard before is to deal with the powerful supernatural warrior Ghost Shadow, so during the rest, he naturally did not let go to ask the little murloc about the superhuman king, and naturally he also knows the power of the domain overbearing.

What makes Wendong depressed is that even if he is familiar with the power of this field, he can't solve it at all.The only solution given by the little murloc is to use the power of the domain to fight the power of the domain, to compete whose domain is stronger and who has a deeper understanding of the elements in the domain; of course, there is another way to escape from the place. Domain, however, the feasibility of this method is almost negligible, everyone's comprehension is different, and the domains formed are also strange.However, for those who are shrouded by the domain, it is almost impossible to escape so easily; and the last, most stupid and stupidest method is to hold on!Because the use of the field is very exhausting.However, generally speaking, before the opponent's fighting spirit is exhausted, his own life in the opponent's field has already been lost on the spot.

like now!

Wen Dong only felt a strong wind rushing towards him, and when he retreated hastily, he was horrified to realize that the misty loess air around him had become much thicker.And Wendong is very clear that this is not really sticky, but in the field where he is standing in the opponent, the gravity of the land he is subjected to increases geometrically.This is obviously the gravity of the earth in the field of earth. Although this field does not have much offensive power, it is also very daunting, especially for a fighter like him who is good at speed and agility. Speed, slow movement, this is his biggest nemesis!

And the most frightening thing is that the snake tiger will not be affected by the slightest gravity in this field, and he also has a metal matching attack!

When Wen Dong looked horrified, he quickly forced himself to calm down. Seeing the opponent's fierce attack, he did not dodge any more, because at his current speed, he could not dodge at all when he was locked by the opponent's domain , but gritted his teeth fiercely, forcibly tore away the heavy gravity with both feet, and stomped his feet violently.

"The body of the earth—the messenger of the earth!"

"The gate of chaos is open!"


Hearing only a slight sound, his body was covered with a layer of rustic atmosphere, the pattern of the mountain in the palm of the palm holding the hilt of the sword suddenly lit up, and the sword of chaos in his hand seemed to have something Inductively, the yellow light brightened in an instant, and a vortex suddenly appeared under his feet.As soon as the two skills were released, Wen Dong was pleasantly surprised to notice that his body lightened suddenly.


Feeling the lightness in his body, Wen Dong was overjoyed. It was just a solution he came up with in desperation, but it was really effective!
The Earth Envoy is actually the first stage of "The Body of the Earth", and its function is very simple, that is, to increase one's affinity for the earth element in a short period of time, and its essence is to speed up the cultivation speed of "The Body of the Earth".The domain created by the snake and tiger is the domain of the soil system. Wen Dong just thought that if he strengthened his affinity for the soil system, would the gravity of the earth be reduced, but he didn't expect it to be effective.

Of course, it would be impossible to activate the Earth Envoy alone. Snake and Tiger are using the domain that is only useful for the King of War. How could it be possible to break through the first stage of the Body Tempering Cheats? Too fake.So the key lies in the gate of chaos opened by the sword of chaos.The power of chaos, the master of the nine attributes, can suppress any of the nine attributes, but the door of chaos opened by the sword of chaos cannot be completely blocked by the domain built by snakes and tigers of.

It’s just that Wendong, who has a strong affinity for the earth’s energy, is no longer as painful as the first time when the earth’s energy quenched his body. Although in the domain of snakes and tigers, it seems that the gate of chaos absorbs the earth’s energy more slowly. However, it is just right to protect the place where Wendong's feet are.Keeping your feet on the ground, the earth's energy gushes out through the gate of chaos, and Wendong is no longer affected by this gravity.

What the little murloc said was true, this Chaos Sword is indeed a peerless treasure!

(End of this chapter)

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