How bad guys are made

Chapter 12 Bottle of 82-year-old Lafite

Chapter 12 Bottle of 82-year-old Lafite
"Do you think it's ridiculous? But the example given by Master Bo is very consistent with me. The familiar and unfamiliar street environment he said was really encountered in my dream. It seems to predict the future..." Li Binger Looking at Wen Dongdao with a smile on his face.

Hearing this unbelievable theory, Wendong would have dismissed it in the past, but now he really believes it, and he has to believe it, because his name is Wendong on earth, and that guy in this world is also Wendong, but his own It's just that the soul has traveled to his body. Are there countless selves in the entire universe?Thinking of this, Wen Dong shuddered involuntarily...

But Wendong is very interested. He wonders if this Bo Huayan is also a time traveler?from earth?Or another world similar to Earth?

"Can this "Theory of Parallelism of Particle Motion and Space" be found on the Internet?" Wen Dong asked curiously. He knew that the country would not necessarily admit these unbelievable conjectures, or even block them.

"Yes, you can search it online with your mobile phone. There is CMCC in this bar." Li Binger smiled.

"Oh, what's the password?" Wen Dong didn't pay attention to Li Binger's face, and asked with his cell phone.

"What's the password?" Li Bing'er turned to look at the waiter at the side, and winked at her.

"Lp82ndlf." The waiter said fluently.

"What? Why is this password so convoluted." Wen Dong looked up at the chick standing aside in doubt.

"Don't twist your mouth, the initial letters of the words '82 Lafite' will be easy to remember." Xiao Niu explained.

Although Wendong was puzzled, he didn't think too much about it. He wanted to see the parallel theory in his heart, picked up the juice on the table while drinking, muttered these words and began to enter the password: "Here is a bottle of 82-year-old Lafite ..."

"Boom!" The sound of the cork being opened sounded, and the girl beside him politely put a bottle of red wine in front of Wendong: "Sir, the Lafite you wanted has been opened for you, forty-eight thousand, thank you."

"Pfft!" Wen Dong squirted out the juice he just drank into his mouth.

Wendong looked at the smiling Li Binger opposite with a shocked face, and turned his head blankly to look at the chick waiter who was forcing a smile beside him, as if he understood something in a flash of inspiration.

Blackmail, this girl Li Binger definitely knows this waiter!They partnered to cheat themselves!
But this blackmailer is too good-for-nothing. To use the sentence in the skit, it is: hard to guard against!

Come on!Didn't I just call my wife a few times and touch my little hand by the way, is it necessary to treat me like this?
Wen Dong looked at Li Bing'er with a mournful face and said, "Sister, can we stop playing?"

"Why don't you play anymore? I just wanted to say that you are really a big shot and have courage. You just opened your mouth and ordered the most expensive wine in the bar." The color in Li Bing'er's eyes flashed, and she pretended not to know anything.

Petite, fight with sister?You are still a little tender, as you said, you glanced at the chick next to you without any trace, and gave her an appreciative look, and you are familiar with the road, probably this is not the first time this kind of deceitful trick.

"Yes, this gentleman is really courageous." The chick beside him did not hesitate to praise him.


have to!Wen Dong is now slaughtered. After all, the wine has already been opened. If Wen Dong would have talked about it before, but now he has a card of more than 100 million in his hand, and [-] is not a lot.

"Okay, since we are all friends, let's sit down and drink together." Wen Dong looked at the opened Lafite painfully, then turned to look at the waiter beside him and said.

"En? You know me?" The waiter looked at Wendong suspiciously, and Li Binger was also a little puzzled.

"I don't know each other, but I think you two must know each other. I bought this wine, let's drink it together." Wen Dong said generously, there is nothing you can do if you are not generous, the wine has already been opened.

Li Bing'er couldn't help but look at Wen Dong again: "Are you really planning to invite me? This is [-]."

"Otherwise, I have a card anyway, so what are you afraid of?" Wen Dong flaunted again.

"But the money here is hers."

"Hey, it's because it's hers that she spends it. I guess she still wants me to spend it." Wen Dong grinned and shook the card in his hand.

"Okay." Li Binger said nothing, it was indeed like this, since Wendong found out that she and Xiaohui were cheating him, there was no need to cover it up: "I'm lying to you, this is just an ordinary Chateau Lafite. It’s just wine, eight hundred a bottle.”

Hearing this, Wen Dong was immediately happy. Although [-] is not cheap, but [-] and [-] are far from each other: "Ahaha, I knew you were lying to me, come, sit down and drink together, [-] You can drink anything under [-], I’ll invite you today.” Wen Dong waved his hand happily, inviting the chick next to him, he looked like a big boss and nouveau riche, which made Li Bing’er roll his eyes suddenly, it’s too embarrassing, too cheap.

(End of this chapter)

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