Chapter 132
"What's next?" Wen Dong looked at Li Bing'er with his chin in one hand, his eyes lit up, and when Li Bing'er didn't know what this guy was up to, Wen Dong continued: "Next, if he finds out Teammate is actually a woman, and she is also a beautiful woman, do you think he will be very surprised?" Wen Dong smiled evilly.

"Hey, yes, yes, this method is good. Although this Yue Chen has a little money and no shortage of women, he is still a bachelor. If there is a female player in the world of bachelors and she is also a big beauty, she will definitely be excited to death. This kind of network The excitement obtained by the virtual is much stronger than the reality." Wu Jianzhang said, he is a bachelor, so he naturally has a deep understanding, let alone a beautiful woman, in the game world, as long as she is a female, many males will treat her. The stars hold the moon.

"It's OK, just strike up a conversation, then seduce him, let him go somewhere to play, treat the beautiful player to a meal, and then Wu Jian and I will stop him halfway, let him want to break his head Wouldn't have thought that we did it." Wen Dong said.

"Where can I find beautiful players now?" Li Binger asked.

"You are not." Wen Dong and Wu Jian looked up at Li Bing'er together.

"Let Wu Jian come to play at that time, if you need it, you can start a video with him and it will be OK." Wen Dong said.

"Then what happens after the person is intercepted?" Li Bing'er nodded, and she would not resist Wen Dong's method at that time, but this way of thinking really made him unable to figure out the result.

"Then Wu Jian and I will pretend to be black and so on, chopping hands and stomping feet and asking for money, why don't we scare him to death? As long as we scare him and break his psychological defense, we probably will recruit everything without asking him. "The more Wen Dong thought about it, the more he felt that this method was feasible, grandma, and he couldn't sleep for several days, I don't want to scare you so that you spit all your shit and pee, and I won't be named Wen.

At this time, Li Binger's expression froze, and she didn't know what to say. Such a bold design made it impossible for her, who was already accustomed to police thinking, to turn a corner.

"As long as he makes a move, when your police status is revealed, he can't immediately join us to commit crimes and meritorious deeds?" Wen Dong blinked at Li Bing'er indistinctly.

Li Binger was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly understood, isn't Wen Dong's method exactly the method he used against him?You must know that Wendong was brought out of prison by himself while he was waiting for a crime.

The stinging operation was decided after an hour of chatter between two laymen and a regular vice-captain of the criminal police...

It's just that the three of them didn't go to the Internet cafe where Yue Chen was staying, they just found a nearby Internet cafe and got in.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

Every Internet cafe is almost the same, the sound is always the same sound of knives and guns, the sound of the death of the protagonist in the computer controlled by the character, and the sound of the young man in the Internet cafe slapping the table in anger.

Most of the Internet cafes are wearing headsets, staring at the screen with both eyes, and not hearing anything outside their ears. Students, hot girls, men, women and minors are all fascinated.

Yue Chen was sitting in the VIP room of the Internet cafe, playing games leisurely with a ham in one hand, staring at the screen with his eyes intently, continuing his day of enjoying life.

These few days, he feels very happy. He helped Brother Cheng with something and even gave him more than 20 yuan. This money is enough for him to squander for a year and a half. I don't want to leave, Lanyun's department is full of beauties like clouds, and he even dated a girl named Xiaolan, but he was afraid that that silly girl would rely on him and cause trouble, so Yue Chen didn't dare to do anything against her, even though he was a little bit It's a pity, but he also knows that there are too many taboos in his line of work. Brother Cheng told him not to go out these days, and he was also afraid of getting into big trouble. Live comfortably and carefree.

In fact, in his opinion, women are all the same. I feel very happy these few days. I get drunk every night and find two girls to have a double-fly service. What does that girl look like in the evening?His greatest hobby is still the feeling of dominating the world in this virtual world.Because he is rich, he bought a lot of heroic weapons, and sometimes he finds someone who is pleasing to the eye to give him one. A few days ago, he joined a team that is famous for crossing the line of fire, and there are several voices in it Nice girl, although she didn't open the video, but because Yue Chen was a local tyrant who gave some heroic weapons and it was spread, and several girls were willing to chat with him, which made him very satisfied.Today I’m still crossing the line of fire, the battle mode, and the map I chose immediately. Yue Chen is full of spirits holding a limited-edition hero weapon and bringing two girls to pretend to be aggressive.

What puzzled Yue Chen was that he was suddenly forced out of his battle uniform while playing on a random map. At this time, a message flashed below. Yue Chen quickly opened it and almost died of anger. For some reason, he was kicked out. He left the team, and all the girls and friends added to that team deleted him, which made him very annoyed, and ruined all the good mood of the day.

Damn it, I found out that I am not pleasing to my eyes when I am rich. I am paralyzed.Yue Chen scolded angrily, so he started to find a room to play in anger, but what made him very annoyed was that the skills of the team members he was with were really poor. A high-explosive grenade killed several people, and he didn't listen to the command when he turned on his voice. The more he played, the more annoyed he became. After being wiped out of the team again, he was so angry that he slapped the table.

Team formation request—team formation request—inadvertently, he saw a flashing notification message, and he clicked on it casually when he was playing extremely depressed...

He has seen this flashing notification for a long time. These days there are too many liars and small advertisements for dozens of dollars to buy various heroic weapons. Maybe they will be hacked, so Yue Chen is ready to close it.

But for some reason, just like a ghost, the bright red notification message seemed to be different from usual. Before closing it, he casually clicked on the other party's profile, hey, this person's level is two levels higher than his own, it seems It's not a liar, and the team that this guy belongs to seems to have some names, Yue Chen tried it, and the two started to form a team to play, and then added a few more players to start a new round of competition.

After 3 minutes passed, his eyes became cold. This guy nicknamed "Old Woman with Two Guns" is still a master. A big sniper wheel is leak-proof. He uses an instant sniper. It's death on sight, the opponent's two team members just jumped out, and they were headshot before the volley landed.

10 minutes passed, that guy never defended his house, he rushed forward with a charge, no one could stop the charge, no one was injured in the whole team, and he beat the opponent so badly that there was only one person left. He was surprised, and arrived He hasn't fired yet, and the limited-edition hero weapon in his hand has become a display.

Another 5 minutes passed and the last enemy suddenly rushed out from under the bridge. Before he could shoot, a perfect Baotou movement ended his escape career. Yue Chen was so happy that he patted the table with his big hands and almost cheered. Ma is called a teammate, and this damn is called a master.

In the second round, blast your opponents.

In the third round, the last enemy was stabbed to death by Yue Chen with a knife. , the task controlled by Yue Chen danced happily in front of the opponent's corpse.

Fourth round...

A group of people rushed to the second place in the real-time game as if they were in the middle of nowhere. There were more than a dozen rows of requests for battles. They were not convinced and asked for a contest. Yue Chen was full of joy. Completely winning with enthusiasm, he didn't care about other things, he stared at the computer screen nervously and operated, typing and communicating with the other party on the screen from time to time.

But he never dreamed that Wu Jian would be his partner.

It was Wu Jian, who just saw the demeanor of this dick, sitting on a seat in a random Internet cafe, without a professional mouse or other tools, playing extremely briskly, one shot at a time, one person can fight a team.Li Binger and Wen Dong who were watching were stunned. Now I understand why this guy is so confident when talking about games, especially Li Binger. She played this kind of game when she was a soldier. Although the virtual technology and practicality are not as good as The military website is more authentic, but she was dragged by Wu Jian for a few blocks as she often touches guns. Li Binger also found an account to play with Wu Jian, and her record of killing and injuring enemies was only just photographed The average level of this team is slightly higher than that of Yue Chen.

Really awesome, on the dazzling map, he has not been beaten to death once since the beginning, even if he was swept, he was only beaten to a little blood. He looked at the shocked Wendong and Li Binger and said with a smile: "I don't even bother to play with this. I can abuse these rookies with my eyes closed."

Xiaobian, you have to be silly, Wen Dong pouted and ignored him, turned his head to stare at the analysis data on the screen, and occasionally wrote something on a WPS file on the computer. As for why Yue Chen was kicked out of the team, he Deleting all of my friends is naturally a good thing Wendong did.

"Hey, Xiaodongzi, how did you crack his QQ password?" There was only one person left in the opponent, Wu Jian squatted down in a corner, and asked curiously.

"Cut, this thing is left over from my playing. My brother is a hacker, do you understand? Do you want to learn? You can take me as your teacher. With your aptitude, you are not stupid. You can learn a little bit." Wendong proudly road.

"No, get me a few QQ accounts, the ones with a lot of Q coins, one yuan each." Wu Jian said with a look of cheap eyes.

"No, this is against the law, do you understand? As good citizens of the kingdom of heaven, we must never do such a thing. I am a person with principles." Wen Dong glanced at Li Binger next to him, and reprimanded Wu Jian righteously. He said, making Li Binger on the side look at him with supercilious eyes, is this guy also a principled person?

(End of this chapter)

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