How bad guys are made

Chapter 139 The Strange Meeting

Chapter 139 The Strange Meeting
Liu Jiancheng was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with a bright red tie around his neck, his thinning hair was polished by hairspray, combed back slightly, he looked like a big boss and an upper-class celebrity, holding a glass of champagne in his hand, being surrounded by several Surrounded by second-tier and third-tier stars, he has already collected countless small signs with room numbers in his pockets, and he has a confident smile on his face, high-spirited.

"Boss, I still haven't found him." One of his subordinates approached Liu Jiancheng and whispered cautiously: "He seems to have evaporated from the world, and there is no trace of him in the places he frequents. Also, the one who has been disappearing for several days Wen Dong appeared in Lanyun again today. Zhang Hanhan, president of Lanyun, probably won’t be back today.”

"I see." Liu Jiancheng nodded, and said, "Keep looking, you have to see people, you have to see dead bodies, tonight is very important for our new clothing brand promotion, those paparazzi must not enter the hotel, in case It’s not good to spoil the fun of the big shots by filming something that shouldn’t be filmed, you know?”

"Understood." The subordinate nodded and stepped back carefully. Liu Jiancheng hugged two second- and third-tier stars on one side, chatting casually while taking advantage of them. The two starlets were laughing, wishing to go with Liu Jiancheng Find a place to do a big job, as long as you are happy to serve this big boss, if you can become the spokesperson of Yingsa International's new clothing products, then you don't have to worry about it in this life, but Liu Jiancheng is just taking advantage of it.

And the person my younger brother was looking for just now is naturally Yue Chen. This afternoon, Yue Chen called him and asked him for 20, because he was in a good mood for his birthday and this guy really took the risk to make a lot of money for himself, so I gave it to him, but then this guy actually asked for another 50, and even threatened him with stealing Lanyun's clothing design, which made Liu Jiancheng very annoyed, and finally gave it to him helplessly.However, Liu Jiancheng, who is cautious by nature, felt that something was wrong. He was afraid that something would happen to Yue Chen. If this matter was exposed, he would be the CEO, so he quickly sent someone to find him, but it took him a whole day He didn't see anyone in the afternoon, which made him somewhat worried.

However, it seems that the birthday dinner went smoothly, without any mistakes. The entrance to the birthday dinner is drawing to a close, and almost all the people who should come have come. More than half of the large group of reporters have already moved to the venue. He will take pictures of the details of today's dinner in the venue, including the advertising of Yingsa's new clothes around the venue, including those waiters wearing new clothes, and then post them on the online media tomorrow and hype them according to his requirements.

At this moment, a valuable Zhanyi brand business car stopped at the entrance of the hotel.

A young and handsome young man got out of the car, walked to the back seat, and opened the door respectfully with both hands.

Because it is night, every celebrity who is invited to the scene will enjoy a light gathering, which not only allows everyone to see which big shot is present, but also a kind of respect for the celebrities present.Many people's eyes gathered here, the car door opened, and a slender and sexy jade leg without any stockings wrapped in the air stretched out of the car first, and the crystal high-heeled sandals stepped on the ground with a 'da' sound, a The beautiful woman who almost stopped breathing stepped out of the car.

It's Zhang Hanhan.

Many people know the name Zhang Hanhan, but not many people are lucky enough to see her true face, but most of the people present are famous people, and many people and reporters still recognized this woman at a glance.

"Zhang Hanhan, that's Zhang Hanhan, the president of Lanyun International Group!" Known as the city flower of Shuicheng, she is also the richest and happiest woman in Shuicheng, and her entire Lanyun company, which is worth tens of billions and the world's top [-], is her. The man gave it to her.

Zhang Hanhan is known as the business genius of Shuicheng City, and has attracted much attention. In terms of fame, he is much higher than tonight's protagonist Liu Jiancheng. Although Liu Jiancheng is a Russian-style president, and Ying Sa's influence is not lower than that of Lan Yun, it is a pity that Ying Sa The headquarters of the company is not in the Kingdom of Heaven but in the Kingdom of Bangzi. This is just a branch company, and Liu Jiancheng is only an executive president. The executive president of the branch company is far worse than Zhang Hanhan. He is not the real president, he just has the rights of the president and can exercise the rights of the president, but the company is not up to Liu Jiancheng.

clack clack-

With the sound of the shutter, the flash instantly enveloped Zhang Hanhan completely.

Wendong walked up to Zhang Hanhan, who had a cold and calm face, and said in a low voice, "You are much more popular than ordinary celebrities."

"Huh..." Zhang Hanhan glanced at Wendong, let out an arrogant smile, and made a "da da" sound on the ground stepped on by the high-heeled sandals, and walked into the venue with a beautiful face and a proud aura. As if he didn't see the banter in some people's eyes, let alone those waiters wearing new clothes, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

And Wen Dong followed behind, playing the role of a little follower.

In the venue, Liu Jiancheng was somewhat surprised when Zhang Hanhan came to hear the report from his subordinates, because although there was no direct confrontation with Zhang Hanhan in the previous incident, the conflict was not small. Given Zhang Hanhan's status and influence in Shuicheng, she would not I will give myself this face, and the promotion of this banquet is also aimed at designing clothes plagiarized from Lanyun, which can be described as a naked provocation to Zhang Hanhan's Lanyun, and now Zhang Hanhan even came to attend his birthday The dinner, which made Liu Jiancheng quite flattered, but it gave him enough face.

"What? She brought Wen Dong? What is she going to do? Is there anyone else besides the two of them?" Hearing the report from his subordinates, Liu Jiancheng was taken aback. What an idea.

"Just the two of them." The subordinate shook his head cautiously.

"Let's go, take me to meet her." Liu Jiancheng's complexion changed. As far as the two of them said, nothing would happen. Zhang Hanhan is more face-saving than himself, and the public opinion is on Yingsa's side. I guess Zhang Hanhan didn't dare to make any negative impact. It is estimated that Zhang Hanhan just wanted to save face to support his appearance.

Under the leadership of his subordinates, Liu Jiancheng came to Zhang Hanhan with a smile.

As the host, Liu Jiancheng is naturally the focus of attention, and as the richest and most beautiful mistress in Shuicheng, Zhang Hanhan is also the focus.

Both of them are also full of legendary characters. Let’s talk about Liu Jiancheng first. Liu Jiancheng can be said to be a rich generation. He took this position with his own strength, but according to some rumors, this is not the case. Liu Jiancheng went to Bangzi Kingdom many years ago. It is said that Liu Jiancheng took this position because he was next to a rich woman. Liu Jiancheng married the daughter of a major shareholder of Yingsa. It is said that Liu Jiancheng's wife is extremely ugly. Liu Jiancheng is just a little boy, but there are many people who admire him. No matter what, to be able to sit on Yingsa's position as CEO, I have to admit his ability, so what if he married an ugly wife, as long as he has money, what kind of beautiful woman can't get on the bed, saying that he is a bad face That is envy and jealousy.

Zhang Hanhan, in addition to being known as the business genius of Shuicheng City, she also had the title of the best mistress of Lanyun founder Zhang Wending a few years ago.A few years ago, when Zhang Hanhan first became the president of Lanyun, rumors arose everywhere, and it was the talk of many people, but even if there were explosive rumors and news, it would be time-sensitive. Coupled with the fact that the legendary Zhang Wending is slowly retiring behind the scenes, people gradually forget about this matter, and Zhang Hanhan is more talked about about her ability, because when Zhang Hanhan first took over Lanyun, she was not on the scale she is now. At that time, Lanyun Yun couldn't even squeeze in the bottom of the world's top [-] companies, but now at least half of Lanyun's business empire was built by Zhang Hanhan, which shows the ability of this young and beautiful mistress.But no matter how capable Zhang Hanhan is, she will never erase the words 'mistress', which seem ironic to her.

Liu Jiancheng is a boy, Zhang Hanhan is a mistress, but their identities carry a noble word - president, so when the two face each other, everyone's attention in the venue is focused on the two of them.

Especially just a few days ago, there was a collision between these two dramatic and legendary figures, and according to some people's rumors, Liu Jiancheng was an employee of Lanyun before, and now two influential companies have a bad collision .Countless cameras were aimed at them, hoping to capture something. It would be the best if some explosive news came out tomorrow.

"I heard that Zhang is always the most beautiful flower in Shuicheng City. Now seeing her is more famous than meeting her. You are so beautiful. I didn't expect you to come to my birthday dinner. I'm really flattered." Liu Jiancheng didn't seem to look at it. Seeing Wen Dong next to Zhang Hanhan, he greeted Zhang Hanhan enthusiastically, as if the events of the previous few days hadn’t happened, but the thoughtful Zhang Hanhan still heard the irony in Liu Jiancheng’s words, and Liu Jiancheng praised himself emphatically His beauty seems to be saying that he is just a vase, satirizing his own incompetence, is he showing off to himself the incident that happened a few days ago?
The sneer at the corner of Zhang Hanhan's mouth disappeared in a flash, and his rosy and sexy lips rose slightly, as if he didn't hear the irony in Liu Jiancheng's words, he smiled and said: "Today is Mr. Liu's birthday, how can I not come."

"Oh, Mr. Zhang is serious. Waiter, bring the wine here." Zhang Hanhan's words can be said to have given Liu Jiancheng a lot of face, and Liu Jiancheng was very helpful. After all, he just wanted to mess with Wendong and He Qing. Lanyun The group is a real overlord in Shuicheng, he didn't really want to offend Zhang Hanhan, Liu Jiancheng quickly waved to a waiter next to him, and the waiter hurried over with a drink.

(End of this chapter)

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