How bad guys are made

Chapter 151 Zhang Hanhan's Shock

Chapter 151 Zhang Hanhan's Shock
"Let's see, this Wendong is a bit stupid and forceful, but now he is getting a lot of attention from the public opinion. This afternoon, this Wendong and Zhang Hanhan attended the birthday dinner of Yingsa CEO Liu Jiancheng, and another scandal broke out. Now that public opinion is staring at Wendong and his new company, let's not act rashly."

Zeng Hua didn't like it when he heard it, why was his brother-in-law so cowardly: "What? Just because he is a shitty director, you just..."

Wang Chengfeng glared at Zeng Hua and interrupted her: "Listen to me first, I mean let's not harm him first, can't this guy jump, let's put him in the bottom of his life first , Let him lose face and lose his position, let's find someone to mess with him when his shit is not everyone is willing to pay attention to, this double blow, even if this guy doesn't commit suicide, he won't have the courage to live."

"Oh? That's it, how should it work? I want to make his life worse than death!" Zeng Hua said with hatred on his face.

"I'll call the news search company right now, let's do this first..."


"Huh? Why isn't this guy answering the phone? He's sleeping again?" The next morning, after breakfast, Zhang Hanhan was on his way to the company, thinking about what he was going to do next. Wendong's clothing design would be the most important thing. The important part, otherwise all her previous efforts would have been in vain, so she quickly called Wendong, but the phone said that there was no one answering, Zhang Hanhan had a pretty face and coldly threw the phone into the passenger seat superior.

"If you can't come up with a design today, let's see how I can get you out of Lanyun." Zhang Hanhan became more and more worried as he thought about it along the way, thinking that he shouldn't put such an important matter on Wendong alone, cursing in his mouth She went directly to the floor of Wendong's new company. She had to wait for Wendong in the office. If she couldn't come up with a design, let's see how he looks.

Opening the door of Wendong's office, Zhang Hanhan was almost smoked out by a pungent smell of smoke, and there was no sound in the office: "Damn it, this guy treats the office as his home, making it a mess."

Zhang Hanhan walked in with a cold face, and wanted to open the window to ventilate, but suddenly a figure on the desk next to her caught her attention, because the figure was lying on the stomach, and there was a computer in front of him, Zhang Hanhan stood at the door at all. just can't see it.

"Huh? Why did this guy fall asleep here?" Zhang Hanhan took a closer look, and immediately recognized the figure who was lying on the table sleeping soundly. Isn't this just Wen Dong?
Zhang Hanhan was taken aback, and suddenly thought of something, did this guy go back to the company last night?Designing all night here?Zhang Hanhan's eyes fell slightly into the ashtray on the table, there were no less than a dozen cigarette butts, the more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

Zhang Hanhan couldn't help remembering that he scolded the guy in front of him just now, but Wendong didn't expect Wendong to work overtime in the company all night, and he felt ashamed.

Zhang Hanhan walked over carefully, for fear of waking up the sleeping Wendong, and found that the computer in front of Wendong was still on. Thinking of the most important thing, he quickly bent over and grabbed the mouse to check.

When Zhang Hanhan saw the clothes designs on Wendong's computer, his eyes lit up. Wendong designed more than a dozen styles of clothes, all of which were women's styles, including underwear, coats and skirts.Zhang Hanhan has seen Wendong's designs before, but the designs of these clothes in front of him are of a higher level than the previous ones, more eye-catching and full of temptation, especially these women's underwear, although they are only The simple design sketches that have been dyed in color still made her feel the temptation of the underwear in front of her. Even Zhang Hanhan, who is already as beautiful as a goddess, can't help the temptation to wear these sexy, bold and elegant underwear. Tempting lingerie that doesn't lose its restraint and see how beautiful you really are when you put it on.

As for other women's coats and skirts, they are equally beautiful, and these have continued the design concept of the short story that Wen Dong said when he first came to the company. Publicity, some elegant and extravagant, each piece has a unique style, suitable for women with different personalities or worn on different occasions.

Zhang Hanhan suddenly had an irresistible thought in his heart, these underwear and skirts must be a set, a complete set, and one piece must be missing!
Zhang Hanhan's eyes couldn't help but fell on Wen Dong who was still sleeping soundly on the table, and he couldn't help being shocked. How many such beautiful designs did this guy have in his mind, so full of temptation? Consider the clothes of these women.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hanhan gave Wendong a look in his eyes, but he was very happy in his heart. As long as these clothes are brought out, Lanyun's new company will not be popular. Thinking of these clothes, Wendong must have racked his brains all night. The cigarette butt of this ashtray can be seen, and I feel even more ashamed of the previous curses.

Zhang Hanhan was thinking too much. In fact, Wendong, who is already a beast in fashion design, only finished the design after two o'clock in the evening. Because there are two beautiful women at home, I don't know if my bedroom has been occupied, and if so. Even if I go home, I still have to sleep on the sofa, so I didn’t go back after I finished the design. I just watched the beautiful women’s live broadcast online in the office, and most of these cigarette butts were smoked when I was watching the beautiful women’s live broadcast. , I didn't go to bed until I saw it was almost dawn at four o'clock.As for the racking of brains that Zhang Hanhan said, of course there is no such thing. Even if there is, Wen Dong only racks his brains when he cares about the sexy body of all kinds of girls.

Wendong is very sleepy, especially after his attributes are basically added to [-], his recovery ability is beyond the reach of ordinary people, and he didn't feel too tired last night, as if he heard There was a slight sound around him, and a unique fragrance of a woman penetrated into his nostrils. Wen Dong woke up in a daze, and raised his head lying on the table.

Because Wendong was lying in front of the computer, Zhang Hanhan didn't want to disturb his sleep, so when Zhang Hanhan checked these designs, he lay on Wendong's body to look at them, but because Zhang Hanhan was propped up, he was at least a dozen centimeters away from Wendong. The safe distance, but Wen Dong straightened up after sleeping in a daze, it was different.

Especially when Wen Dong raised his head, he bumped into the high bulge on Zhang Hanhan's chest under that skirt with a 'bang'.

"Huh?" Wendong felt his head hit a soft place, like the surface of the sea, full of elasticity and softness, very comfortable, Wendong fell asleep and didn't remember where he was for a while , his head was still leaning back, a little doubt came out of his mouth, and he turned his head and looked back in a daze.

This look made Wen Dong's eyes widen immediately, and he saw only two bulging and straight chests close at hand, as if he could smell the charming fragrance of those two big babies just by breathing.

Zhang Hanhan was concentrating on checking Wendong's clothing design, thinking about what he would look like if he wore it, so naturally he didn't notice Wendong who woke up, until Wendong's head hit him, Zhang Hanhan bowed his head in doubt, and waited until Wen Dong's face was almost stuck to his own, and this sleepy guy let out a dirty grunt of saliva in his throat. Zhang Hanhan woke up with a start, and suddenly let out a coquettish cry from his small mouth, rubbing He straightened up, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Uh..." When Wendong saw who the owners of the pair of big treasures in front of him were, he almost exclaimed in shock. Seeing that Zhang Hanhan's pretty face turned red but his aura suddenly turned cold, Wendong snapped Thinking of Zhang Hanhan who lost his children and grandchildren last night, fortunately Wendong reacted quickly enough. Although his mind was completely sleepless due to this incident, he still looked at Zhang Hanhan suspiciously with a sleepy look and asked: "Mr. Zhang, why are you here?"

Zhang Hanhan's pretty face was flushed, and even her crystal clear earlobes were rosy, and she looked like a shy daughter, which was really pretty.Full of anger, seeing Wendong's appearance at this time but having nowhere to vent, Zhang Hanhan looked at Wendong with a blushing face, and found that he did not seem to be fake, and his head bumping into his place did not seem to be intentional, Zhang Hanhan thought about it Forget it, after all, she didn't do it on purpose, as if she didn't know anything, and as a woman, she naturally wouldn't bring it up to speak out, and she could only let go of her anger.

"I came to see if the mission for you is done. I just took a look, and it's pretty good. Thank you for your hard work this night." Zhang Hanhan's red face suddenly disappeared, and in an instant, he changed into a new one. The indifferent and serious expression that the president should have made Wendong on the opposite side sigh again. Some people say that every big boss is a performer, and this sentence is really true.

"Oh, it's okay. It's natural to do my best to work for Mr. Zhang." Thinking that he watched the live broadcast of beautiful women in the middle of the night last night, how could there be any hard work, Wen Dong blushed when he was praised, and stretched out his hands to scratch the back of his head with a look of displeasure. She looked embarrassed, with the naive look of just waking up.

"En." Zhang Hanhan nodded, noticing Wendong's eyes, he couldn't help but feel faint again, and couldn't help but think of the sobriety just now, this guy not only pressed his head against him, but almost stuck his face on it, Fortunately, there was no one else here. If someone saw him, he, the CEO, would be thrown to death.His eyes fell on Wen Dong, and upon discovering this guy's movements, Zhang Hanhan's pretty face that had just been hidden couldn't help but blush again, wondering if this bastard did it on purpose, the back of his head he reached out to grab just bumped into his own. .

Zhang Hanhan cursed in his heart, and quickly put on a serious expression: "Since you are awake, copy this design, I will find someone to take it to the garment factory to quickly produce a batch, yesterday I beat Yingsa Liu Jiancheng, the president of the company, tonight's dance party will definitely attract attention, this is our chance, as long as these clothes are shown, they will definitely be spread wildly on the Internet, don't be afraid of not being popular!"

(End of this chapter)

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