How bad guys are made

Chapter 153 Xiaoxi, what is your 3 circumference?

Chapter 153 Xiaoxi, What Are Your Measurements?

"Poison tongue woman!" Wen Dong cursed in his heart, threw the phone aside, ignored it, curled his lips and thought: Even if he wants to leave now, that beautiful woman will not be willing to let him go.

This Hanhan is really thoughtful, Wendong sighed, and couldn't help but look back at the boxes full of new clothes behind the car, thinking how attractive those beautiful models would be in the new clothes he designed. My regret is that although there are quite a few beautiful models in this group, such as Cheng Yanan, there are none who are beautiful and eye-catching.

"Alas..." Wen Dong sighed, because he thought of Sun Xiaojie. If Sun Xiaojie was here, if he saw these beautiful clothes, he would rush to show off on stage. Bai Xiaojie's figure is not only worse than those models, but even better. And it's not chaotic whether it's temperament or appearance is more superior, it's a pity...

Xiaolan?Wendong also thought of He Qing's little assistant, Xiaolan, the big-breasted girl. He remembered that when Lanyun just promised to let Xiaolan be a model, but Wendong thought about it and felt bad, because according to Wendong's Arrangement, that Yue Chen will be there today as direct evidence to correct Liu Jiancheng, and Yue Chen will also be sent to the bureau at that time, Xiao Lan just broke up with Yue Chen, this silly girl will definitely not let go of Yue Chen for a short time, It would be bad if there was a mistake at that time.

"By the way, there is another person!" Wen Dong was about to sigh, when he suddenly thought of another person, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was okay, and he sighed even more: Oh, how could I forget the one who just moved into my home? Lin Xiaoxi is a full-fledged beauty, and her breasts are not at all smaller than Xiaolan's, even worse, especially her face is not worse than those big stars, and Lin Xiaoxi was a model before, it was her!It would be a pity if she was only allowed to wash and cook at home.

As soon as he thought of it, Wendong didn't drive back to the company, but turned the steering wheel and went home directly.In any case, Lin Xiaoxi was kicked out of Shangzi by Zhu Chengchun. If she was asked to continue to be a model and perform on the same stage as Shangzi's former sisters, maybe she would mind because of face. Wendong naturally had to seriously persuade her Advise her that it would be too frivolous and ignorant to let her go with just a phone call.

Because it's his own home, Wendong didn't have the habit of knocking on the door, but he regretted it when he opened the door. There is also Lin Xiaoxi at home, what if he is changing clothes or something, fortunately, this kind of fucking thing It didn't happen. After Wendong opened the door, a fresh breath rushed into his nose. Wendong was surprised to find that the furniture and other facilities in his house had been polished, and the floor under his feet could reflect his figure.

"This Lin Xiaoxi is really real, she really cleaned the room for herself." The spacious and bright room made Wendong feel comfortable for a while, but it was strange that Lin Xiaoxi didn't seem to be at home.

"Yanan, why are you back?" Just as Wendong was looking around, Lin Xiaoxi's familiar voice sounded from some corner of the room, and a figure stood up next to the sofa behind the coffee table, holding a A rag, not who Lin Xiaoxi is.

But at the moment Lin Xiaoxi appeared in front of him, Wen Dong was a little stunned, and his eyes were a little dazed.At this time, Lin Xiaoxi had already shed the alluring narrow skirt worn by the lady at the bar counter in the dance hall last night, and put on an obviously men's wide t-shirt. Because Tixueshan was too big, she The entire upper body, including the upturned buttocks, was wrapped in it, and Wen Dong was shocked that the T-shirt belonged to him.

Under the wide t-shirt is a tight-fitting hot skirt that has just wrapped the buttocks. The two beautiful snow-white long legs are exposed in the air without any wrapping. Because the hot skirt is too short and the t-shirt is too big and too long, Only a little bit of the hem of the hot skirt was exposed, as if it was just the bottom of this large t-shirt. At a glance, it seemed that Lin Xiaoxi's lower body was not wearing anything, and she was only covered by a large t-shirt. The pair of undisguised snow-white legs exposed on the upper part arouse infinite reverie, exuding an irresistible mature atmosphere from top to bottom, and a graceful mature girl's body is wrapped under the T-shirt.

Lin Xiaoxi is about the same age as Wendong, at most 24 or [-] years old. Women of this age have matured, and Lin Xiaoxi in front of her is even more familiar.The ripe and seductive body is wrapped in a T-shirt. This kind of dress not only does not affect the appearance, but also gives people a strange sense of beauty, and even has an irresistible alternative temptation.

The t-shirt was a little loose on Lin Xiaoxi's body, which made the already high chest more prominent.And because the neckline is a bit wide, if you are not careful, you will be happy.Wen Dong resisted his eyes not to look at that towering position, his eyes fell slightly, and when he saw the pair of beautiful white legs, he quickly moved away again, but he couldn't provoke the scolding in his heart. The woman of fatal temptation makes people unable to resist committing crimes.

Lin Xiaoxi was stunned when she saw that it was Wen Dong who came, and found Wen Dong's slightly surprised and dull eyes. Then she remembered that she was wearing Wen Dong's clothes, and her face flushed slightly. Dong's stunned gaze was surprisingly not disgusting.For her body, Lin Xiaoxi is still very confident. Although she is still an innocent girl, it is impossible for her body to have the mature and charming charm of a woman who has experienced women, but because of her precocity, her body is full of confidence. That kind of mature temperament is no worse than that of women who have experienced it.Coupled with her natural devil figure, it is hard for every man who sees her not to look at her a few more times, especially with her current appearance.Like Wen Dong, but his eyes are a little ambiguous and dull, which is already considered good.

"Why are you here at this time? Don't you have to go to work?" After all, this is a room where a single man and a widow live together. Lin Xiaoxi couldn't bear Wen Dong's gaze, so she forced herself to hide her panic and embarrassment, and asked aloud.

" did you put on my clothes?" Wen Dong didn't answer her, swallowed, and asked in a daze.

"I came here in a hurry yesterday, and I didn't bring any clothes. I was going out today to send money to my mother to buy some clothes, but I found out that there is a self-service bank in the community, so I didn't go out. I was just about to go out with Yanan, but Yanan Nan left after receiving a call, she took my clothes off, but her top was too tight and I couldn't feel comfortable wearing it, so I put on yours." Lin Xiaoxi blushed and explained shyly .

Wendong's eyes fell on the hot skirt on Lin Xiaoxi's lower body, and he suddenly remembered, isn't this hot skirt the one Cheng Yanan wore yesterday, but at that time Cheng Yanan was wearing a hot skirt with black silk, no wonder he found this hot skirt familiar Well, it turned out to be that girl Cheng Yanan.

Wendong couldn't help sighing in his heart. He remembered changing clothes and pants with his good friends when he was young, that is, wearing a pair of pants. He thought that this kind of thing would only happen to men who don't care about it. In fact, women also have this kind of thing.As for Lin Xiaoxi's statement that Cheng Yanan's clothes were too tight to fit, Wendong could understand that Lin Xiaoxi's figure was not fatter than Cheng Yanan's, at most he was a bit plumper than Cheng Yanan's. , that's because Lin Xiaoxi's breasts are really too big.

Wendong didn't realize this last night, so he sent the two of them home and went to the company. Originally, Wendong just said it casually. Who knew that Lin Xiaoxi actually agreed to live in his home, but he ignored these details.

"I was negligent. I'll go out and buy some clothes for you later. By the way, what are your measurements?" Wen Dong closed the door and went to the water dispenser to fill a glass of water and asked casually.

"Uh, hehe, just kidding. I design clothes. I can guess your figure at a glance. I won't buy a smaller one." When Lin Xiaoxi looked at him with a blushing face, Wendong realized that he had just If he said that, he secretly cursed in his heart that the beauty is disturbing people's hearts, why did he start talking nonsense, and quickly explained with an embarrassed smile.

What does it mean to guess at a glance and not buy a small one?what do you mean?Are you saying that I am fat or that I am big here?
Lin Xiaoxi gave Wen Dong a slight look and shook her head, "No need, I already told Yanan that she will buy it for me when she comes back, but I just don't know when this unreliable guy will come back."

"Hehe, that's good. I was just joking yesterday, you really cleaned up, don't do it, I have something to discuss with you." Wen Dong sat on the sofa and looked at the man standing with a rag in his hand. Lin Xiaoxi, who was motionless by the coffee table, said, wondering how to tell Lin Xiaoxi about this matter.

"What's the matter?" Lin Xiaoxi was a little confused, and found that Wendong's eyes were clear, and she relaxed a little, then put down the rag and sat beside Wendong slowly, noticing that Wendong's eyes wrinkled slightly when she looked at her , Seemingly hesitating about something, Lin Xiaoxi was a little confused, and suddenly remembered the 50 that Wendong gave her yesterday. Could it be that Wendong needs money now and wants to get it back?The money originally belonged to Wendong, so it was natural for Wendong to go back, but this money was Dad's life-saving money, Lin Xiaoxi became worried.

"Then I'll tell you straight." Wen Dong thought about it, but he couldn't come up with any euphemistic words. Lin Xiaoxi was a straightforward character, if he beat around the bush, he would think he was hypocritical.

"Then...then tell me." Lin Xiaoxi's heart skipped a beat when she heard Wen Dong's tone.

(End of this chapter)

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