How bad guys are made

Chapter 175 Fashion Show·Lin Xiaoxi's Shocking Appearance

Chapter 175 Fashion Show·Lin Xiaoxi's Shocking Appearance

And at this moment, the second dance ended, and applause rang out outside the venue, because there were many dignitaries with status on the dance floor for the second dance, and the applause was naturally flattering. There was an element of cheering in the atmosphere, but no matter what, the series of applause woke Wendong up, and at this time, Pan Jinyuan also kept a little distance from Wendong in a timely manner, so that no one would see anything.

After waking up, Wen Dong trembled all over, and his body broke out in cold sweat. He looked in horror at Pan Jinyuan who was looking at his face playfully. Has this woman practiced charm?It was just too much.

Pan Jinlian didn't seem to notice the panic on Wendong's face, she looked at Wendong calmly, as if she wasn't the one who seduced Wendong on the dance floor just now, she wiped Wendong's waist with her small hand, and a card It fell into Wendong's pocket; "Mr. Wen think about it carefully, and you can call me at any time after thinking about it. I'm going to find my husband." After speaking, he smiled and waved his little hands with Wendong, twisting his sexy He walked towards Liu Jiancheng who was looking at him not far away.

Wen Dong stared blankly at Pan Jinyuan who left easily, and only one sentence left in his heart: "This woman is really terrible."

This radish and mallet technique is really ingenious. First tease yourself, infinitely tease your desire for her, then leave yourself like a normal person, and tell yourself to find her husband , if it's an ordinary man, he probably can't wait to find a corner to call her, and then have a secret date with her...

It is not denied that Wendong now has such a strong idea.

Wen Dong's hand naturally reached into his pocket. The card that Pan Jinyuan gave him was made of very good material. Wen Dong squeezed it hard, and his cut hand hurt. He looked away and walked out of the field with a wry smile...

At the end of the second dance, Zhang Hanhan finally received calls from various departments of the clothing company, saying that everything was ready and ready for a fashion show at any time.

Zhang Hanhan's hanging heart can finally drop more than half of it. As for why it doesn't drop completely, it is because there is still a variable on the dance floor, and this variable is Pan Jinyuan who came suddenly.As for the clothes designed by Wendong, Zhang Hanhan has absolute confidence that as long as they are released, the celebrities and reporters present will like them, and consumers will also like them.

But Pan Jinyuan is too variable, because Yingsa International, which she controls, is the aircraft carrier of clothing companies. No matter what it is, it is incomparable to Lanyun, a newly opened clothing company.

"Master Zhan, I made you laugh. Everything is ready, and the rest is up to you." Zhang Hanhan turned to look at a well-dressed, intellectually elegant middle-aged woman and said sincerely.

Master Zhan naturally knew that what Zhang Hanhan was talking about was that this propaganda method was not on the table. After all, Zhang Hanhan attracted so many reporters by relying on the attention of gossip and public opinion.

"Hehe, it's not a problem. I am very aware of Mr. Zhang's distress. After all, Lan Yun's clothing is too little-known and unnoticed. Your method is just another commercial means of publicity and advertising."

Master Zhan smiled, waved his hands, and then became serious again: "I am in this line of work, and I know very well that as a designer, the original inspiration and design creation is actually limited. If there is no design that catches my eyes, then I will not agree to be the design consultant of Lanyun Clothing Company. As I said before, the reason why I want to come is because I want to discuss and even discuss with Wen designer. It’s just for learning, if Designer Wen’s designs are no longer novel, then there’s no need for me to come.”

Master Zhan's words were not polite at all, which also showed her own high quality, she came here with the purpose of learning, not pretentious.

If you can't learn something, you won't stay in Lanyun.

"Master Zhan, don't worry, none of designer Wen's clothing designs are worse than mine, and no matter which one it is, it has its own unique style. I dare not say that you, Taishan Beidou It's refreshing, at least, that's how I feel." Zhang Hanhan said confidently.

"Hehe, I'm getting more and more curious now, how beautiful those six outfits are, which made Mr. Zhang so confident." Master Zhan and Zhang Hanhan are also friends, and she knows Zhang Hanhan's character very well, arrogant and domineering, but This kind of personality also makes Zhang Hanhan's every sentence not be a self-deprecating empty talk, and every word of her represents the will of the whole Lanyun.

"Okay, let's wait and see."

Under Zhang Hanhan's arrangement, the dancers temporarily left the rooftop and came to a hall on the first floor.

At this time, the hall has been decorated very gorgeously and tastefully. At least a dozen large screens have been set up on the left and right sides of the wall. There are large and comfortable chairs, and behind the catwalk is a larger screen.

A large number of reporters who came to film Zhang Hanhan and Liu Jiancheng's gossip, and some media invited by Lanyun had already stood in every corner of the hall.

Because as early as the beginning of the dance, there was news that Lanyun's dance was just a sip, and the biggest purpose was to hold a fashion show, and the last fashion show held by Lanyun was caused by Yingsha's explosion. The plagiarism incident ended without a problem, and this time Yingsa's CEO Liu Jiancheng and Yingsa's entire boss Pan Jinyuan were present, so Lan Yun held a fashion show in front of the big names in the clothing industry, isn't it a bit tricky?
Is it provocative?Will there be more trouble?The reporters present couldn't wait for the fashion show arranged by Lanyun Group.

Most of those who were invited to the dance didn't know that Lanyun also arranged a catwalk, so when they sat by the catwalk, most of them were still confused, and some even saw the left and right On the big screens on both sides, I am still guessing in my heart that Zhang Hanhan, the goddess of Lanyun, will not come to let them watch the movie.

At this time, Zhang Hanhan took the microphone and walked to the center of the catwalk, facing the audience.

"Today is the celebration ball of our Lanyun New Clothing Company, and also the celebration ball of our newly appointed vice president, Mr. Wen Dong. Mr. Wendong is a fashion designer, and this is also our new product launch conference. Our Lanyun Yunxin Clothing Company independently developed and designed seven new cross-age underwear and fashionable fashions, and will meet friends from all over the country tonight..."

Zhang Hanhan came to the stage, with a calm smile on his face, but a domineering self-confidence on his body, and explained the purpose of this fashion show to the people in the audience.

"Underwear and fashion across the ages? What a big tone!" On the catwalk seat, Pan Jinyuan looked up at Zhang Hanhan on the stage, with a flash of disdain and a sneer in her eyes, and said with a sneer in her heart: "Wendong's Celebration party? After tonight, whether he is from Lanyun or not..." She believed that Wendong would definitely call her tonight.

"Exaggerate the atmosphere, it's just a mystery." Liu Jiancheng on the side also had a sneer on his face, which seemed to be a woman's singing, and it was only a few days since the last Lan Yun's fashion show?Even if Wendong is a genius, he doesn't have such a great ability to design a few more beautiful clothes in less than a week.

Although Pan Jinyuan disdains these two, the male compatriots present are excited. Being able to watch a underwear and fashion show for free is undoubtedly a benefit for them, and it is also a blessing for the beauties and ladies present. Interesting thing, because whether it is underwear or fashionable outerwear, they have great appeal.

People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. Everyone has a love for beauty. Whether it is a beautiful woman or not beautiful enough, they all like beautiful clothes, whether it is underwear or coats.

When Zhang Hanhan stepped off the stage, a light cloud of smoke slowly became angry on the runway, and then, the first woman walked out from the backstage with graceful steps.

When the first woman appeared on the stage, the scene could almost hear a burst of exclamation.

so beautiful!
This is the first and only thought in everyone's mind, whether it's a man or a woman. Of course, most men's beauty is mainly because this woman is beautiful, and most women can't but secretly marvel at this model. In addition to being beautiful, I am more amazed at the beauty of the dress on her!
At this time, the screens erected on both sides of the entire hall also slowly lit up, and the person on the screen was Lin Xiaoxi on the stage, allowing people to feel the charm of the dress on her more intuitively and closely .

Zhang Hanhan, who was sitting in the background, held his breath, and looked at Wendong next to him with a little worry, because Wendong was the project director of this fashion show, and this fashion show, Wendong also boldly abandoned It can be said that this kind of catwalk routine is definitely the first in the whole world. This is a cross-generational innovation. As for whether it will be accepted by the people present, I don't know.

Wendong really gave up the previous catwalk routine, because Lin Xiaoxi did not walk the catwalk on the catwalk, which is why the large screens appeared on the left and right sides, even if Lin Xiaoxi did not walk the catwalk, everyone can still see it intuitively This dress.

Another reason is that not all clothing styles are suitable for catwalking, such as the one shown by Lin Xiaoxi.

Everyone present was amazed. Lin Xiaoxi was wearing a green antique emerald smoke skirt, a thin veil of emerald green water, black hair on the side like a waterfall, plain and elegant face, shy and affectionate, exquisite Qiong nose, pink cheeks slightly dizzy, dripping water The cherry-like red lips seemed to overflow with aura.

At the same time, a scene of Huating Bieyuan appeared on the big screen behind Lin Xiaoxi.

(End of this chapter)

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