How bad guys are made

Chapter 199 Zhang Hanhan's Compromise

Chapter 199 Zhang Hanhan's Compromise
Wendong is indeed capable, and Wendong has indeed created a lot of wealth for Lan Yun, but, is Zhang Wending short of money?
In the CEO's office on the [-]th floor, Zhang Hanhan listened to the news of his father's arrival with a wry smile, or the rumors below. Zhang Hanhan could predict that Xiaoxi, whose father came to Lanyun, must be the one who let his cronies take the initiative to spread it. She also saw the purpose very clearly. Dad was testing Wendong to see if he could withstand the pressure.

After all, father is the real master of Lanyun.

What makes Zhang Hanhan dumbfounded is that Wendong is not in the company. As far as she knows, Wendong didn't know what happened last night. He left in a hurry after receiving a call. He has been working for more than two hours. Neither appeared.

Zhang Hanhan is very clear about Wendong being late and most innocent absenteeism, but Zhang Hanhan is in charge of more than a dozen branches, and he doesn't have so much time to talk to him, but now, it is impossible, but Zhang Hanhan is a little I wasn't worried, and I didn't even call to urge Wendong to get back quickly.

Zhang Hanhan shook the cup in his hand with a smile on his face, thinking in his heart that his father had painstakingly created this kind of atmosphere, and when he came to the company, he didn't even see Wendong's ghost, would he be so angry that he would run away on the spot? ?
Zhang Hanhan could already foresee the excitement on her father's face when he learned the truth. As for what kind of exciting scene it would be when Wen Dong came back in a few days, sloppy and fine, when he met his furious father, that was not what she expected. I'm concerned, anyway, Wendong won't leave Lanyun as his employees think, as for the rest, he can follow his father to toss that bastard Wendong to death.

At a quarter past eleven, a Tianma brand bulletproof business car stopped at the entrance of Lanyun Building, Zhang Wending got out of the car with a gloomy face, and didn't pay much attention to the Lanyun executives who were ready to greet him below, He didn't even say a word, just nodded at most, and then went straight to the [-]th floor of Lanyun Building.

The murderous look made people tremble all over, and many high-level officials looked at each other, and a scene came to their minds, Wen Dong was kicked out of Lanyun!
I'm afraid that even the president Zhang Hanhan will have to be scolded.

And the arrival of Zhang Wending, like a bowl of water poking into a pot of already boiling oil, the whole Lanyun immediately exploded, especially the new clothing company was hotly debated, but no matter how discussed or imagined , but they came to the same conclusion after talking about it, Wendong was going to be finished.

At this time, many people who paid close attention to Zhang Wending's arrival thought of the other leading actor, and began to inquire about Wendong. After hearing everything, what surprised them was that Wendong was not in the company.

Did Wendong run away after hearing the news?Check again!But the results of the investigation made them startled. Wendong didn't run away, but didn't come to the company at all, and some people spread the news that the director of the new company often came late and left early, and sometimes absent from work innocently. .

It's exciting now, Wendong hit the muzzle of the gun!
Zhang Wending stayed in Zhang Hanhan's office for more than an hour before coming out. When he came out, he still had a gloomy face. Very crazy.

At the same time, Wen Dong, another male protagonist who was quarreled by the employees of Lanyun Company, was in a bustling shopping mall, and was picking things up with a beautiful beauty, commonly known as shopping.

In fact, it's not even shopping.Because they had to stay for a few days anyway, Wen Dong accompanied Lin Xiaoxi to buy some daily necessities, washbasins, slippers, and clothes. They came in a hurry yesterday and didn't bring anything.

"Dinglingling..." At this moment, Wendong's cell phone rang, and it was He Qing's number.

"I'll answer the phone." Wen Dong said to Lin Xiaoxi who was picking out pots.


Wen Dong stepped aside, picked up the phone and said, "What's wrong?"

"Zhang Wending is here." He Qing said directly.

"Zhang Wending? Who is Zhang Wending?" Wen Dong was puzzled, but he didn't remember it for a while, only knowing that he didn't know this person.

"Lanyun's chairman, that is, Mr. Zhang' understand." He Qing said.

"En." Wen Dong nodded, thinking that it was none of his business that he came, and then immediately remembered: "En? You don't want to tell me, guess Zhang Wending came to Lanyun to find me Is it troublesome?"

"It's not a guess, it was. Zhang Wending came to Lanyun, and he came for you. He has already come to Lanyun, and he is in Mr. Zhang's office." He Qing said.

"Ah? Don't scare me, I didn't mess with his woman, why did he ask me—" Wen Dong said in shock.

"Did you really not mess with it?" He Qing asked.

He came to Lanyun because of Zhang Hanhan. He finally got the position of vice president and could fulfill the task that Li Binger gave him well. Before this started, he was about to be shot to death by Zhang Wending?This fucking death is too unjust, Wen Dong said with a mournful face: "No, can I afford it? I want to provoke it, but haven't I provoked it yet? The most I can do is lust. Forget it, adultery is not illegal, right!?"

"Puchi!" He Qing was immediately amused by Wendong's words: "When is this, you are still in the mood to joke, I just want to remind you, it's a blessing or a curse, you can't avoid the disaster, come here as soon as you have nothing to do Well, Zhang Wending came here after you. Fortunately, you didn’t see anyone. Where do you put Zhang Wending’s face like this? The promoted vice president will be resigned soon, and Zhang Hanhan will not be able to protect you even if he wants to, you know what's going on."

"What do I have, I, I was wronged, what did I do to Zhang Hanhan? Isn't this matter already clarified, are we acting?" Wen Dong said helplessly, the egg hurts in his heart, Zhang Hanhan, Zhang Hanhan , You really killed me.

"It's useless for you to tell me about this matter. If you have no idea, then you can call Zhang Hanhan and ask her." He Qing said.

"Okay." Wen Dong hung up the phone speechlessly.

Wendong naturally didn't know that Zhang Wending was actually Zhang Hanhan's father. If Zhang Hanhan was really Zhang Wending's mistress, he would be in real danger. For a character like Zhang Wending, he would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go. , Wendong is really about to dismount.

And the consequence of getting off the horse is to be carried back to the prison by Li Binger, can Wen Dong not worry?
After walking back and forth twice with the mobile phone, Wendong finally couldn't help calling Zhang Hanhan, and at this time, Zhang Wending had just left her place.

Zhang Hanhan picked up the phone with a smile on his face, and asked as if nothing had happened: "Is there anything wrong?"

"What's the matter, that old man didn't come to you?" Wen Dong asked strangely.

"Old man Zhang?" Zhang Hanhan asked suspiciously.

"It's Zhang Wending."

Hearing Wendong call his father the old man, Zhang Hanhan snorted angrily: "I found it, what's the matter?"

"Then why are you asking, let me tell you, you've got a big deal!" Wen Dong said seriously.

"A big deal has happened to me? Is it you?" Zhang Hanhan was surprised for a moment, and was dumbfounded by Wendong. This guy really doesn't know what to think.

"It's me, but I don't have much to do. The big deal is that I just leave Lanyun. I have produced the seven Queen's series costumes. It will be a good treatment for any large clothing company. Maybe Master Zhanyun will follow me. I'm going together, what am I afraid of, the key is you." Wen Dong shook his head and said, he was trying to scare Zhang Hanhan, to try her skills.


"You dare! I'll tell you Wendong, if you dare to leave, I'll go to your house and kick you to death!" Zhang Hanhan was startled by Wendong's words. The master is Lanyun who came to Wendong, and with these clothes made by Wendong, he would not have to worry about finding a good job. Now Zhang Hanhan became impatient, cursed his father in his heart, and threatened.

"Oh, I also want to stay in the company, but will Zhang Da's board of directors agree? I feel chilled when I think about it. I designed so many good clothes for our Lanyun with a scapegoat, and I always think about our Lanyun. That's just to die after all, that's good, this kind of thing happened just after the new company got some vitality, what can I do, and I've got you in trouble, I can't bear it." Wen Dong spit Heng Fei, what he said was impassioned, and he almost cried out of his excitement.

When Zhang Hanhan heard Wendong say that he was afraid of hurting himself, his heart suddenly warmed up, and he muttered in his mouth: "It's thanks to your conscience, it's not in vain to promote you."

"Or I don't have to go back to the company. Pan Jinyuan called me yesterday and said that after arriving at her company, the benefits are definitely not lower than Lan Yun's. Anyway, Liu Jiancheng has already entered, and it's not bad if I went to Yingsa. "Wendong released a bomb again.

"Don't you dare! If you dare to go to that coquettish fox, I'll kill you! Let me tell you, there's nothing wrong with me here, and you'll be fine. Don't worry, I'll protect you!" Zhang Hanhan became even more anxious when he heard that , I originally wanted to take advantage of my father's excuse to tease Wendong, but I didn't expect Wendong, a bastard, to be so timid, so he was too scared to come. If Wendong was really scared and ran to Yingsa, Then their Lanyun is just a joke, Zhang Hanhan is so angry.

"You protect me? Can you really do it?" Hearing this, Wen Dong's eyes lit up immediately, thinking in his heart that his brother's words were not in vain, Zhang Damei still turned to me.

"It's okay, don't worry, I won't let you go, where are you, come to the company quickly." Zhang Hanhan said firmly, but he couldn't help feeling a little anxious and angry. Dad made this happen, in case What should I do if I scare Wendong away? Wendong is now a big favorite in clothing. Maybe someone has heard about Lanyun. Someone has already started looking for Wendong. Wendong must come to the company quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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