How bad guys are made

Chapter 217: Zeng Hua's Conspiracy

Chapter 217: Zeng Hua's Conspiracy

"Damn, your butt is itching again? Believe it or not, I raped you again!" Wen Dong walked towards the car with a blank face, looked down at the woman in his arms, and cursed, his eyes Coldly, the exit threatened.

"You..." Cheng Yanan was frightened by Wen Dong's appearance, her mouth was open and she couldn't speak, and her mind suddenly recalled the scene when Wen Dong rescued herself last time, Wen Dong was also threatening like this at that time himself, and really spanked his own ass.

Cheng Yanan snorted, looked at Wendong in fear, and quickly stopped talking.

Seeing that Cheng Yanan was frightened by himself, Wen Dong opened the door and threw the woman in his arms into the back seat, closed the door with a bang, walked around the front of the car, got into the driver's seat, started the car and left at a high speed.

"Hello, the phone you dialed has been turned off, please..."

"Ah!" Just as Wen Dong called Lin Xiaoxi again with a gloomy face, Cheng Yanan in the back seat of the car suddenly let out a scream, scratching his hair with both hands, and seeing that his lungs were about to explode with anger, he was very angry, like It was like a sheep epilepsy.

Cheng Yanan was indeed annoyed, she had a strong personality, but she had never met someone as strong as Wen Dong, who dared to be rough on her without saying a word, but she had nothing to do with him, Cheng Yanan was going crazy.

"What kind of epilepsy are you going crazy? Believe it or not, I threw you out of the car? Crazy woman!" Wen Dong was driving at a high speed while making a phone call. He was startled by Cheng Yanan's scream, and found this through the rearview mirror. The woman herself went crazy there, and she was so angry that she couldn't beat her.

Ten minutes later, Wendong rushed all the way to Tianlan Community with Cheng Yanan.

"It's over, it's over, something must have happened to Xiaoxi, she can't think about it..." When I came to Wendong's house, the two bedrooms were turned upside down, but I couldn't find Lin Xiaoxi's ghost. In the living room, Cheng Yanan With a sound, he suddenly turned his head to look at Wen Dong whose expression changed, knowing that Lin Xiaoxi's leaving here was inseparable from this man.

Cheng Yanan went crazy and grabbed Wendong's neck again, shaking, "Where's Xiaoxi? What the hell did you do to her!?"

"Paralyzed, crazy woman, please be quiet!" Wen Dong was really angry because of the noise, he threw Cheng Yanan onto the sofa, rushed up and pinned her down there.

"Wendong, you bastard, you..."

"Crack!" There was a crisp sound in the room, and Cheng Yanan's angry screams stopped abruptly.

"You're asking, believe it or not, I'll take your clothes off right now!" Wen Dong looked down at Cheng Yanan coldly.

"You dare, I..." Cheng Yanan's body was pressed on the sofa, and Wen Dong was riding on her waist. She was really scared, even if she dared to refute, but when Wen Dong stared, she was immediately frightened. Don't dare to say any more.

Wen Dong didn't pay any attention to this woman, just rode on her, dialed another number, and gave Cheng Yanan a threatening look: "Don't talk!"

The call was to Aunt Lin. For a girl like Lin Xiaoxi, when she was sad, the first thing she thought of was home, and it was her mother. Maybe she was just worried about Lin's father's illness, and maybe she went home.

"Hello, Wendong." The phone was connected, and Lin's mother's kind voice sounded over there.

"Hello, Auntie, how is Uncle Lin?" Wen Dongqiang smiled and said to the phone.

"Okay, okay, Wendong, you really have a heart. That dead girl in Xiaoxi sent me a text message after you returned to Shuishi last night, and there is no call today." Uncle Lin said happily.

"Hehe, the company is quite busy these days, Xiaoxi needs to be busy with filming, and she still misses you and Uncle Lin today."

"...Well, it's nothing, I just asked my uncle if he is okay, well, well, I will pass when I have time, well, bye..." Wen Dong hung up the phone with a smile on his face, his face suddenly became gloomy, he Naturally, it can't be said that Xiaoxi lost contact, or else Aunt Lin's family would be killed?Besides, it's also possible that Xiaoxi's cell phone was lost or ran out of battery, and it would be a big mistake to worry Lin's mother.

"Xiaoxi didn't go home?" At this moment, Cheng Yanan finally realized the seriousness of the matter and didn't dare to make a fuss, and asked with a frown.

"Well, where do you think Xiaoxi can go? Could it be that the phone is out of battery?" Seeing that she was quiet, Wen Dong didn't have any intention of tossing with her, so he stood up and said with a frown.

"Impossible, as long as I am at home, Xiaoxi is always fully charged. Now there are only three possibilities. One is that the phone is lost; the second is that something happened; the third is you!" Cheng Yanan looked at Wendong coldly and said.

"Me? What's wrong with me?" Wen Dong looked at Cheng Yanan angrily.

"Hmph, you haven't said what happened to Xiaoxi all the time? Don't think I can't see it, there must be something wrong with you two!" Cheng Yanan said, staring closely at Wendong's eyes.

"We're really fine, I promise, I never bullied her." Wen Dong said seriously.

"Then why did Xiaoxi want to move out from your place? Why did she disappear when she agreed to give me the key?" Cheng Yanan continued to question.

"Don't be annoying, can you? I just told him yesterday that I have a girlfriend, and I didn't sleep here last night. Maybe he thought I told her this to drive her away, but it won't turn off the phone and disappear. Right?" Wen Dong was so annoyed that he finally told the truth.

"You really didn't bully her?" Cheng Yanan looked at Wendong suspiciously, obviously still not convinced.

"Even if I really bullied her, do you think Xiaoxi is the kind of person who swallows her anger and disappears immediately after being bullied?" Wen Dong said angrily, glaring at Cheng Yanan.

"This is really..." Hearing this, Cheng Yanan suddenly became thoughtful, frowned, and asked worriedly: "Do you think something really happened to Xiaoxi?"

"Now is not the time to worry about these things. Think about where Xiaoxi will go."

"It's hard to say, Xiaoxi's daily life is very monotonous, except for shopping with me in shopping malls or buying some clothes on the pedestrian street." Cheng Yanan thought with a frown.

"Forget it, you're talking for nothing, there's no way here, let's go to Orange Years to see first."



Something happened to Lin Xiaoxi, he was arrested by Zeng Hua's men.

At noon today, Lin Xiaoxi went out alone to look for a house. She has money now, but the habit she developed since she was a child is very frugal, so she directly found a place near the shantytowns. The houses in this area are very cheap, and they were built in the 90s. of four floors.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked into a deserted street, a van rushed towards her. Lin Xiaoxi didn't sleep well last night. She was thinking about other things and her mind was dizzy. She only woke up when she was approaching, and she was startled immediately, and hurriedly dodged, but unexpectedly, she sprained her foot in a hurry, fell to the ground, and her knee was broken.

Lin Xiaoxi frowned in pain, and was about to complain that the driver didn't have eyesight, when suddenly the van stopped, the door was pulled open with a 'wow', and two middle-aged men with cold faces jumped out of the car The man walked straight to his side.

Lin Xiaoxi exclaimed, the secret passage is not good, these sparsely populated shanty towns are very chaotic, she wouldn't be so unlucky to be kidnapped.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiaoxi suddenly showed a look of panic on his face, and hurriedly got up and was about to run.

But she sprained her ankle, how could she run faster than each other, the two middle-aged men rushed at Lin Xiaoxi without saying a word, one of them covered Lin Xiaoxi's mouth with his hand, and the two of them held Lin Xiaoxi who was struggling but to no avail Pulled into the van...

Lin Xiaoxi was terribly frightened, and the other party didn't speak. As soon as she was dragged into the car, Lin Xiaoxi struggled vigorously, but unexpectedly, a man took out an electric baton and stabbed her body, and Lin Xiaoxi was stunned immediately.

When Zeng Hua received a call from his subordinates, he almost screamed excitedly, and hurriedly drove them to the place where Lin Xiaoxi was resettled.

"Woooo..." It didn't take long for Lin Xiaoxi to wake up, recalling what happened before she fainted in her mind, and she was even more frightened to the extreme. The arm and foot that were electrocuted still hurt a little, slightly. Struggled for a while, but found that he was tied to an iron pillar, his mouth was sealed with tape, and he sat directly on a cold wooden board on the ground.

Lin Xiaoxi struggled a few times before giving up the idea, her face was extremely pale, obviously frightened, she quickly raised her head to look at the surrounding environment, and found that this place should be an abandoned factory building, and there are many around the shanty town.

A small hidden bush, no one may pass by here for ten days and a half months, here, a valuable business car is parked, the potbellied Zeng Hua and Zhao Shengqiang are sitting behind the car seat and their faces are twitching contentedly. smoke,
"You two, go and tease that Lin Xiaoxi, remember, don't do it, I have to use this woman for the first time, and I will give you pleasure in the future, and don't scare her to death." The men who stared at Lin Xiaoxi reported that she was awake, Zeng Hua said to the phone with a sinister smile on his lips.

"Yes, boss, we understand."

"Brother Zhao, is your person here? Should we call Wendong and scare him first?" Zeng Hua said excitedly, rubbing his hands.

"Don't worry, we'll talk about it later, safety is the most important thing." Zhao Shengqiang said cautiously.

"Yes, yes, don't worry." Zeng Hua took a puff of cigarette with excitement on his face. In the car surrounded by smoke, he couldn't help but recall Lin Xiaoxi's seductive and sexy body, and he couldn't help but regret letting those younger brothers go. It's cheap, and thinking about it this way, I can't help but feel the fiery eagerness in my heart.

With fire in his eyes, Zeng Hua murmured: "I'll deal with Lin Xiaoxi first, do you think Wendong will be pissed off?"

"No, you can't meet that Lin Xiaoxi yet. This Wendong is not simple. We must not do anything irreversible until we catch him."

(End of this chapter)

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