How bad guys are made

Chapter 312 Illusion God Barrier Breaking Pill

Chapter 312 Illusion God Barrier Breaking Pill

System: "Ding: The host can fuse the Phantom God Pill and Qingxin Pill into the Phantom God Qingxin Pill. Special reminder, this fusion needs to consume 300 points of medicine dust. Do you want to fuse?"

300?Why don't you grab it?Wen Dongnei is full of cows, and now he suddenly understands a reason, no matter how smart you are, the IQ of the system will always be far higher than yours, and the dream of creating a large number of masters is short, no doubt, the system will never allow you to get stuck. Because the huge amount of medicine dust required for fusion is impossible to achieve. You must know that 400 medicine dust is equivalent to 400 points of hatred, and it can be expected that if you want to fuse high-quality pills, you will need more medicine dust. It will be worth more, and Bendong simply can't afford it.

With tears in his eyes, Wen Dong looked at the Breaking Barrier Pill, and then at the Clearing Heart Pill. One cost 400, and the other cost 300. With tears in his eyes, Wen Dong chose the Fusion Magic God Breaking Barrier Pill, because the total value of medicine dust was less than 500 points. , even if it is impossible to refine two Phantom God Qingxin Pills, and the Breaking Barrier Pill is obviously much more effective, there is only one chance, and the bet is the life of the beautiful landlady.

System "Ding: The host consumes 400 points of drug dust. Congratulations to the host for successfully refining a Phantom God Breaking Barrier Pill, with a proficiency of 15/200."

Congratulations to your sister, this is all money. Seeing the white money being spent in such a blink of an eye, Wen Dong's heart bleeds, and he growled in his heart, beautiful landlord, this time you don't show yourself Xu, I will die for you! !

System "Ding: The host consumed 30 points of medicine dust and successfully refined a Qingxin Pill with a proficiency of 17/200."

To be on the safe side, Wendong refined another Qingxin Pill. The Great Shift of the Universe needs to introduce the thing that stimulates the desire of the beautiful landlord into his own body and then sterilize it.

He hurriedly greeted Xiaoyu and returned to the real world, only to find that the beautiful landlady was sitting on him and swaying on top of him. The turbulent pride made people feel hot, although at this time Wendong had reached the point of powerlessness. It's a sad state, but the figure of the beautiful landlady is really...too seductive.Especially this unrestrained movement...

Seeing the death in the eyes of the beautiful landlady became more and more obvious, Wen Dong didn't dare to wait any longer, he turned over with one hand, and a magic god breaking barrier pill with a dense white light appeared in his hand, turning over and pressing the beautiful landlady on his body Next, he pressed his palm on the other party's small mouth, and let the beautiful landlord swallow the pill. Wendong looked hopefully into the beautiful landlord's lustful eyes——


Sure enough, it was effective. After only ten seconds, the eyes of the beautiful landlady's desire suddenly turned cold, especially when he found that the two were hugging each other naked, and a certain bastard was pressing on him, and the burning pain underneath ...

The bewildered eyes of the beautiful landlady turned into terrifying murderous intent in an instant. Wen Dong turned pale with fright, got up and ran away, but could he run?
Wendong just got up and before he turned around, the beautiful landlady raised a sexy leg, and kicked Wendong's chest with a snow-white bare foot without any mistakes. Coupled with the murderous kick of the beautiful landlady, Wen Dong fell down straight, his buttocks were about to break into eight petals.

Fortunately, the beautiful landlord is very weak at this time. As for the reason, you understand better than me. This kick did not cause much substantial damage to Wendong.

Seeing the beautiful landlord enduring the pain in his lower body and standing up, looking at him with killing intent in his eyes, and seeing that the next round of attacks was about to happen, Wen Dong didn't dare to wait any longer, because the time was limited, not the usual one.

"No, wait, listen to my explanation..." Wen Dong put his hands on the ground, moved his bare buttocks backwards, and hurriedly stopped him.

But the beautiful landlady didn't listen at all, didn't speak at all, and kicked Wendong's head sharply, and it didn't matter whether it would show the spring or not.

"Damn it, you forced me!" Wen Dong was furious, cursed in his heart, jumped up suddenly, reached out and grabbed the snow-white ankle of the beautiful landlady, and moved forward a little more, slamming the one who didn't have much strength The beautiful landlady pressed against the wall.

"You fucking listen to me, please listen to me, you are deaf!" Wen Dong was really angry, and his voice was loud. This was the first time he yelled at the beautiful landlord.

The beautiful landlady stared at Wendong coldly. Perhaps Wendong's domineering aura played a role. The beautiful landlady really didn't struggle to resist anymore, but her eyes were fixed on Wendong. The killing intent did not diminish at all.

As for why, Wen Dong is holding her leg tightly, and Wen Dong is pressing on her body, this posture... er... evil...

"Do you know your current state? From the beginning to now, you have demanded me for three hours. If you do this again, you will die! Do you know that you will die!" Wen Dong didn't have the time to think about it, Quickly explain, because of excitement, the voice is also very loud.

The beautiful landlady didn't speak, and looked at Wendong quietly, but the only thing that changed was that her cold eyes finally showed a little ripple...

Her mind slowly regained her composure, and she remembered Qingxue's palm...

Seeing that the beautiful landlady stopped moving, Wen Dong took a few breaths and then said: "I just gave you a pill, which can completely suppress the demonic barrier in your body for an hour, and we only have one hour. You don't want to become like just now, a woman who jumps up when you see a man, you have to listen to me, do you understand?" Seeing the beautiful landlady's stare blankly, Wen Dong said again: "Don't worry about me Do it, let alone your poor self-esteem, because you are already my woman, you have been, so what if you are stupid? This has become a fact. You have to know that you are not a Man, you also have a lovely sister Xu Zihan, how cruel are you to keep dying like this? How painful will Xu Zihan be? You will make people who care about you more painful? Do you know!?" Wendong said to Yell at her!
The beautiful landlady stared blankly at Wendong, looking at Wendong's agitated look, his cold eyes once again showed the agility that ordinary people should have, and looked at the man in front of him complicatedly, the only man in his life.

"Let me go." The beautiful landlady said in silence for a moment.

Wen Dong was taken aback, and looked at her in surprise, her voice was no longer cold, and her eyes showed no murderous intent.

Seeing the beautiful landlady walk out of the bathroom barefoot, Wen Dong almost cried with joy, and hurriedly followed.

"What do you want me to do?" When the two came to the bedroom, the beautiful landlady turned to look at her with calm eyes, but a complex flash of light in his eyes.

"Just lie down and don't move. I'll give you an injection to gather the toxins in your body and then transfer them out. Then you'll be completely healed." Wen Dong said excitedly.

The beautiful landlady took a look at Wen Dong, walked to the bed, lay down slowly, and closed her eyes without saying a word.

Seeing the stunner in front of him who could make any man crazy lying in front of him without any cover or protection, Wen Dong quickly turned his head away, closed his eyes and silently recited the mantra of pure heart.

Wen Dong muttered in a mess for a while, and finally opened his eyes when he was confused, but the effect was very good, and he had no distracting thoughts.

Wen Dong quickly leaned over and pulled out the large first-aid kit from under the bed, remembering that there was a set of silver needles in it.

He stretched out his hand to grab one of the beautiful landlady's beautiful legs and leaned a little closer to the edge of the bed, rolling them around her legs one after another.

Wen Dong reached out and touched the beautiful landlady's legs again, it was very cold, icy cold, Wen Dong frowned, the blood circulation was too slow, which was not conducive to acupuncture.

In desperation, Wendong hastily stretched out his hand and gently rubbed the flat belly of the beautiful landlord with his warm palm.

The beautiful landlady opened her eyes and looked at Wendong quietly, without saying a word, but her eyes were a little cold. Wendong had a lot of suspicions, he was deliberately making money.

"Your body is too cold, your blood circulation is too slow, and there are several important acupoints on your lower abdomen." Wen Dong quickly explained, but his embarrassing appearance was somewhat guilty. He did not lie to the beautiful landlord, but the other party's skin It's too creamy and elastic, and I can't put it down...

But after kneading for a few minutes, the beautiful landlady didn't know if she was born with a cold body, and it didn't have much effect at all.

In desperation, Wendong quickly changed his strategy and massaged his feet.

The feet pass through the five internal organs, and when the feet are hot, the body is hot. This is why many people like to soak their feet in hot water in winter.

"If you're tired, sleep for a while. Relax your whole body and don't tense up. It's also good for acupuncture." Wen Dong stretched out his hand and grabbed the beautiful landlady's jade foot while massaging her, and said with a smile.

Maybe it was really frightened by Wendong's domineering spirit. At this time, the beautiful landlady was very well-behaved. After Wendong finished speaking, he really closed his eyes.

Ten minutes later, the beautiful landlady's exquisite jade feet had been massaged warmly. Wen Dong put his hand on her lower abdomen, it was warm and ready.

He raised his head and glanced at the beautiful landlady, and saw that she had a quiet expression, her charming face and small face were peaceful, as if she had really fallen asleep.

It's so beautiful, the beautiful landlady is so beautiful when she is asleep, so beautiful that you can't help but kiss her peaceful face lightly.

Wendong closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and prayed silently in his heart, Zhujiao's halo is blessed, this is my woman, if you make a mistake for me, I... I will die.

Wen Dong opened his eyes with a solemn expression, familiarized himself with Huangquan Nine Needles, and quickly opened the attribute panel to check that there is only a small amount of disgust left, more than 300 points, which is enough.

System "Ding: The host's recovery ability is super strong, and the special weak state is slowly recovering."

Alas, although this body has a strong recovery ability, I can't help tormenting like this, and I must not indulge in excessive sex in the future, but his sister has a special weakness...

System "Ding: The host uses 60 hatred points to exchange 30 energy points."

Everything was ready, Wen Dong didn't think about it any more, pinched a silver needle with his white fingers, and slowly tapped it on the first acupuncture point on the beautiful landlady's body, twirling his fingers flexibly.

(End of this chapter)

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