Chapter 361
Wen Dong frowned and said, "Wang Jiahua? Boss Tianzi's only son? Then he wouldn't risk his life to accompany him, drinking so late."

Hearing this, Zhang Hanhan glanced at Wendong with anger and strangeness, but didn't say anything, which made Wendong very confused.

"Actually, it's not that late. The show ended after ten o'clock?" He Qing said embarrassedly with a red face.

"After ten o'clock?" Wen Dong exclaimed, "It's 01:30 now, have you guys slept in the bathroom for so long?"

Zhang Hanhan said with sleepy eyes: "Well...Actually, we planned to go to the toilet and leave, but I didn't expect that after I went to the toilet, the door wouldn't open, Sister He blocked the door and fell asleep, and I just fell asleep too. "

"Eh..." Wen Dong's eyes widened, and he looked at He Qing behind him in disbelief.

He Qing whimpered, and explained dissatisfiedly: "No, you fell asleep first, I went to the door to call you, and you said that I would wait for you at the door when you got dressed, but after waiting for a long time, you didn't I didn't speak, I waited and fell asleep at the door of your cubicle."

"Woo..." Zhang Hanhan reached out and tapped his head, his ruddy mouth squirmed a few times, and said with a whimper, "It seems... that's the case."

Wendong rolled his eyes and stopped asking. It's hard to imagine that Lanyun's proud and domineering president was drunk and sat on the toilet for several hours. If Lanyun's employees knew about it, Will the eyeballs fall out of shock?

As Lanyun's top executive, He Qing was so loyal that she also slept most of the night by guarding Zhang Hanhan's bathroom door.

After driving for more than 20 minutes, I arrived at the bustling community where He Qing lived, unbuckled her seat belt, and found that Zhang Hanhan had fallen asleep here at some point, Wen Dong didn't bother, and quickly carried He Qing out and trot upstairs.

Zhang Hanhan fell asleep in the car by himself, Wendong was still worried, and had to be fast.

He Qing wrapped her arms around Wendong's neck, bowed her head on her chest and did not speak, remaining as quiet as a slug.

Opening the door, she gently put He Qing, who was in a drunken state, on the bed. After drinking a lot, He Qing slowly got up and took off her high heels. Take it off, it's uncomfortable to sleep like this."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to leave after you take off your clothes." Wen Dong touched his nose and said helplessly.

"Well... okay." He Qing giggled, and began to undress herself, and Wen Dong hurried out of the bedroom.

By the time she came back, He Qing had already taken off her clothes and wrapped her body in a soft blanket, only her head was exposed outside, and she was looking at him obsessively with her misty eyes full of alcoholic charm.

Wen Dong folded the warm and wet towel in his hand, slowly leaned over and sat on the edge of the bed, and wiped her face.

He Qing let Wendong take care of her rare and attentive, she pouted and said, "I'm going to fly to Hong Kong tomorrow, will you miss me?"

She's really drunk, beautiful and courageous. Sister Qingqing, who has never said anything about love and deliberately acted like a baby, can even act like a baby when she is drunk.

Wen Dong turned around and put the wet towel on the bedside table, and said speechlessly: "You still know that you will fly to Hong Kong tomorrow? Then you dare to drink so much wine."

"Hee hee, the plane in the afternoon has enough time, don't be afraid." He Qing said with a smug smile.

"I'll get you a glass of water." Just as Wen Dong was about to get up, at this moment, his snowy arm stretched out from under the blanket and grabbed his arm. He Qing didn't speak, her blurred eyes It's reluctance and love, and she also knows that Wendong will leave after pouring the water.

Seeming to see what He Qing was thinking, Wen Dong bowed his head and kissed her on the snowy forehead, took her arm and put it into the blanket, and said softly: "Well, I will send Mr. Zhang down and come back."

"No need." He Qing smiled: "In fact, Boss Zhang needs company more, she is not in a good mood today, or do you think that Wang Jiahua is so capable that he can get the president drunk?"

"I'm in a bad mood? Who messed with her?" Wen Dong was puzzled, but what He Qing said was not bad. When he called Zhang Hanhan tonight, Wen Dong also felt that this girl was in a bad mood.

"Isn't it because of you?" He Qing glanced at Wen Dong angrily, her expression also helpless.

"Me? What happened to me?" Wen Dong asked in surprise.

"You will know about this matter when Mr. Zhang asks you to settle the score." He Qing giggled, then frowned and said, "I have to leave tomorrow, I really don't want to say it."

Seeing He Qing's drunken eyes, but his clean face couldn't conceal the tiredness, Wen Dong said: "Why do you have to work so hard? If it really doesn't work, you might as well quit this job and be a small employee. Anyway, we don't need money. B."

"I'm getting old when I'm tired, right?" He Qing smiled and said, "Actually, as long as I have you by my side, I'm not afraid of getting old at all, but you're too busy all day long, and you can't stay by my side all the time. Apart from being busy, there is no one who can accompany me." Saying so, He Qing's bright eyes flashed a trace of bitterness.

Although the bitterness in He Qing's eyes disappeared in a flash, it did not escape Wen Dong's capture. Wen Dong's expression moved, and he immediately understood what He Qing meant. Infertility has always been a pain in He Qing's heart. Now that she is rich , In fact, there is no such thing as old age, but besides her husband, children are also their source of happiness, and for He Qing, who is traditional in thinking, motherhood without children is incomplete.

It seems that I need to find some time to help her take a look at her body. Although He Qing is born infertile, it cannot be said that there is no cure. There is no absolute. Besides military career, even medicine in this world lags behind Wendong. world, but Wendong is a BUG.

He has master master skills, if he can't even cure a disease like infertility, then he might as well die.

"Okay, don't hesitate here, hurry up and accompany Zhang Hanhan." He Qing smiled lightly.

"Qingqing, do you think it's really good to push your own man out like this?" Wen Dong asked helplessly.

"So what if you don't push, are there not many beautiful girls around you?" He Qing gave Wen Dong a white look, with a reproachful look in his eyes, full of charms, but it seemed that there was not much anger except a little bit of jealousy.

"This..." Wen Dong was embarrassed for a while, spread his hands and said: "If you control me, maybe I won't provoke them."

"Oh, it's my fault for the feelings, that's right, you just take my silence as acquiescence, right?" He Qing said dumbfounded.

"Okay, let's go, if you have the ability, you can get our boss Zhang, I will never say anything." He Qing laughed.

What she said is from the bottom of her heart. He Qing is different from other women. As a person who has experienced many things that ordinary women cannot experience, she is not jealous of Wendong having other women. On the contrary, she feels that Wendong is not like other men. Similarly, a man like Wen Dong should have a few outstanding women around him to be normal.

Whether it is Sun Xiaojie or Lin Xiaoxi, they are the kind of beauties that make men's hearts flutter, especially Lin Xiaoxi, because Lin Xiaoxi is the special image spokesperson of the clothing company. He Qing also dealt with this girl several times a few days ago. He Qing I also have to admire Wendong's vision. Lin Xiaoxi's character is excellent in all aspects, not to mention his appearance. Even a woman like herself is moved when she sees Lin Xiaoxi's photo. She doesn't believe that Wendong will not be tempted. Moreover, the relationship between Wendong and Lin Xiaoxi is obviously not as simple as ordinary friends. When getting along with Lin Xiaoxi a few times, Lin Xiaoxi occasionally mentioned Wendong.


Wen Dong was almost driven downstairs by He Qing. He walked down the stairs quickly and came to the front of the car. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Zhang Hanhan still sleeping soundly in the car through the car window.

"Hey, wake up, you're home, do you want me to carry you home?" Wen Dong said after driving the car to the garage, poking Zhang Hanhan's arm.

"Woo..." Zhang Hanhan stretched out his hand and rubbed his sleepy eyes, opened his arms and stretched his waist. Immediately, the chest that was already protruding from the seat belt became more and more exaggerated and straight. Wen Dong next to him quickly looked away, Zhang Hanhan snorted and said, "I can walk by myself."

Wen Dong got out of the car and helped her open the car door. At this time, Zhang Hanhan had already unbuckled his seat belt and walked down. Perhaps it was because he had slept for a while, his body had no strength, and his head was still a little groggy, and his feet staggered slightly.

Wendong quickly reached out to hold her arm, but Zhang Hanhan didn't say anything this time, but leaned towards Wendong's side, holding Wendong's arm with both hands, looking very cute like a couple returning home from work.But the current time is obviously wrong, grandma's, it's almost two o'clock in the morning.

And when Zhang Hanhan approached Wendong, Wendong clearly noticed a few eyes shooting towards them in the dark, as if there was a trace of inexplicable hostility.

Heh, the bodyguard hired by Zhang Wending?Thinking about it, their duty is not as simple as protecting Zhang Hanhan, but it doesn't matter, as long as they dare to come, Wendong will definitely let them taste what is called Niucha!

He helped Zhang Hanhan to the bedroom, put her gently on the bed, turned on the desk lamp, and saw her looking at him sleepily, with a trace of vigilance in her misty eyes, probably because he was afraid that he would take advantage of her, but the world Zhang Hanhan's beautiful face was full of tiredness that could not be concealed. This woman worked overtime every night until late, even tonight until now, and she couldn't stand the iron fight. Besides, Zhang Hanhan was still a delicate little beauty.

Sighing inwardly, she leaned over to take off her high heels, and suddenly a pair of delicate little feet wrapped in silk stockings appeared before her eyes.

Going up... Wendong quickly looked away, and when he looked up, he saw Zhang Hanhan staring at him with unkind eyes. Wendong touched his nose in embarrassment, reached out to pick up a cup on the bedside table and said, "I'll get you a glass of water." .”

"Go to bed early." Back in Zhang Hanhan's bedroom, Wendong put a glass of water on the cabinet, turned and left.

"Wendong, wait." Unexpectedly, Zhang Hanhan suddenly stopped him.

(End of this chapter)

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