How bad guys are made

Chapter 365 Master?Rival?

Chapter 365 Master?Rival?
Wen Dong just said that he wasn't really worried, but Zhang Hanhan's small gesture surprised him. She dared to pull herself in front of old man Zhang. Is this an oath of rights with Zhang Wending?

Unknowingly, Wen Dong was secretly refreshed, and with a flick of his cuffs, his big hand grabbed her small hand.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Hanhan's body trembled when his little hand was caught, and he glanced at Wen Dong angrily.

Wen Dong touched his nose speechlessly, and said, "Don't you say you're fine, don't you need to be afraid?"

"You..." Zhang Hanhan gritted his silver teeth angrily, quickly pulled his little hand out of Wendong's big hand, and twitched the back of his hand angrily.

It doesn't hurt, it's like flirting.

Wen Dong looked at her with a half-smile.

Zhang Hanhan blushed and urged, "Let's go quickly."


In the spacious and bright top-floor CEO's office, Wen Dong is sitting at the table busy with something, while Zhang Hanhan is sitting at the table carefully reviewing the documents. It is the copy that Wen Dong threw out of the car just now, and the company copied a lot Otherwise, Zhang Hanhan would have fought him desperately.

However, Zhang Hanhan obviously looked a little absent-minded, wondering what his father had done with him and Wendong, and his intuition told her that it must not be a very good thing, or else his mother would have called her to announce the good news.The little hand turned the pen in his hand absently, raised his head slightly to look at Wen Dong on the other side, and couldn't help frowning.

When this guy came, he yelled that he was afraid, so he ran to make tea and waited without saying a word. This made Zhang Hanhan feel funny and relieved. After all, Wen Dong didn't know that it was her father. It's not good to contradict Dad.

But now I saw that Wen Dong's fear just now seemed to be faking. At this time, Wen Dong was leaning on the sofa with his legs crossed.He changed into a brand new white shirt today. He is handsome and leisurely, without a tie, and the first button under the shirt is unbuttoned, with a bit of laziness. He has the delicacy of a teenager and the calmness of a mature boy. condensate.

Wen Dong is very handsome, otherwise this guy would not be favored by so many girls. Of course, compared to the real handsome guy, he is still a lot worse, but at this time Zhang Hanhan looked at his face He looked a bit nympho, the pure white wall reflected a little bit of light on his face, making his cheeks more clear like jade, with distinct water chestnut corners.

He is a man with a story, except for his usual heartless laughter and jokes, Zhang Hanhan realized that Wendong is more mature and restrained now when he calmed down, but why does Zhang Hanhan think that Wendong at this time is weird .

Where is the weirdness?
Zhang Hanhan suddenly discovered the problem, this guy was actually drinking tea.

Didn't he make tea for dad?Why did you drink it first?Are you in a hurry to make tea for yourself?I understand that this guy is just pretending to be afraid, holding his hand and saying that he is afraid, he just wants to take advantage of it.

Zhang Hanhan was slightly angry in his heart, but he couldn't help being puzzled, and finally couldn't help it, he opened his mouth and said, "You don't seem to be worried at all."

"Well, what are you worried about?" Wen Dong looked up at her in a daze, and suddenly understood what she meant, and said lightly, "Because I think you have an unusual relationship with the chairman."

Hearing this, Zhang Hanhan was slightly startled, lowered his head slightly to hide the surprise in his eyes, and pretended to ask casually, "So what?"

"It's what you said. You and Chairman Zhang don't actually have that kind of relationship." Wen Dong took a sip of his tea and said with a narrow smile.

Zhang Hanhan froze, with a bright smile on his face: "Then..."

"Then... I don't think you are in a cooperative agreement relationship, so Chairman Zhang handed over such a large company to you to manage, so the remaining possibility can only be that you and Chairman Zhang should be in a direct relationship. .” Wen Dong said.

"Why do you think that the chairman and I are not in a cooperation agreement?" Zhang Hanhan asked curiously.

"I just think that there are eyes, which can't deceive people." Wen Dong thought for a while and said: "So, I think you are most likely the chairman's niece, etc., because your surname is also Zhang, and you are so old. You can rest assured only if your company is managed by your own people. Well... it is also possible that you are the biological daughter of the chairman, but it is not possible. How can father allow outsiders to rumor that his daughter is his mistress? , in that case, the chairman is too fucked, could it be an illegitimate daughter?"

"You..." Hearing Wendong's conclusion, Zhang Hanhan was so angry that he couldn't speak, especially the last sentence of this guy, he dared to say that Dad was fucked, and even the analysis of the last sentence was even more annoying , Meimou coldly glanced at Wendong, who was complacently analyzing, wishing to pounce on him and take a bite, you are the illegitimate one!
"Your expression tells me that your relationship with the chairman is more inclined to the latter two." Wen Dong said with a smile.

Zhang Hanhan was startled, gritted his teeth and suppressed the anger in his heart, and said with a smile: "Your analysis makes sense, but why did you deny the latter two possibilities, now you are sure? Isn't this a contradiction?"

"It's not contradictory. There is a good saying: my daughter was my father's lover in her previous life."

Zhang Hanhan raised his mouth and smiled, and was about to speak when the office door knocked. Zhang Hanhan quickly shut up and gave Wendong a wink, asking him to open the door. It can be seen that Wendong respects him.

How dare Wen Dong not answer, he quickly put down his legs and was about to open the door, but suddenly turned around, reached out to pick up half a cup of tea on the table and drank it into his mouth, chewing the tea leaves in his mouth, and went to open the door, Zhang Hanhan looked straight Roll your eyes.

"Here we come." Wen Dong replied, and hurriedly opened the office door. As expected, there was Zhang Wending standing outside the door. The fierce man was gone, but behind him was a young man whom he didn't recognize.

Wen Dong opened the door with a smile on his face. He thought he had a very warm smile on his face, and stepped aside, saying: "Chairman."

"En." Zhang Wending nodded slightly, walked in with a serious face, then turned to look at the young man behind him and smiled, "Xiaohan, come in."

"En." The young man named Xiaohan nodded, looking at Zhang Wending without much fear, the only thing he had was respect and gratitude to his elders.

Wendong looked at him, and the young man also raised his head to look at Wendong, his eyes were deep and undisguisedly cold and arrogant, looking at Wendong like a passerby, neither flattering nor contemptuous, quietly lowered his sharp eyes , followed Zhang Wending and walked in.

Wen Dong naturally wouldn't lick his face to meet him, he closed the office door and turned around after everyone walked in.

Zhang Hanhan, who was looking forward to seeing his father walking in, quickly got up and said: "Chairman." Zhang Hanhan's eyes were bright, and he turned his head slightly to find the young man following behind his father. He frowned and said softly: "This yes?"

"Well, Hanhan, come here, let me introduce you." Zhang Wending said with a little smile on his face.

Hearing this, Zhang Hanhan glanced at Wen Dong who was silent at the side, agreed with an 'oh', and walked over from behind the table.

"Come on, Xiaohan, sit down." Zhang Wending walked to the tea table first and sat down, stretching out his hand to guide him.

"En." The young man nodded slightly, and sat beside Zhang Wending.

"Wendong, sit down too." Zhang Wending said.

"Okay." Wen Dong also nodded. He didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the old guy's gourd, so he sat down quietly without saying anything.

At this time, Zhang Hanhan, who was dressed elegantly and elegantly, had already walked over, instead of looking at this handsome young man, he raised his eyes for a while, stretched out his hands to wrap up his skirt and sat next to Wen Dong, with elegant movements.

Although Wendong was upset, he didn't put on airs, so he quickly washed the tea bowls in the tea tray with tea, and distributed them to three people, each of whom poured a bowl.

When it came to the young man, he looked up at Wendong, and nodded slightly to Wendong, which made Wendong feel better about the young man, and he also nodded in response.

After pouring the tea, Wen Dong raised his head to look at this strange young man.

First of all, let's make a conclusion, a handsome guy.The young man is a little taller than Wen Dong, at least 1.7 meters [-], dressed in a simple black shirt, with a handsome and very iconic face.Neat short hair, thick black eyebrows, healthy wheat-colored skin, a broad nose bridge, and a young and handsome face with a fortitude that is rare among people of the same age. Both sides have a vigorous and powerful width.The straight trousers were as delicate as a knife, and the slightly thin body looked even more upright against the black shirt.Like in the black sky, a bright moon piercing through the clouds shines movingly. Even when sitting, the waist of the upper body is still straight, and like in the white winter snow, a green pine stands red and cold, making people dare not look at it.

Wen Dong was stunned, and then realized that there was something behind him, which looked like a sword, wrapped in black cloth.

The sword is the king of all soldiers, and it is also a murder weapon. Those who really know how to use the sword will not let the sword show its front, and blood will be seen when it comes out.

"Come, drink tea." Zhang Wending stretched out his hand and picked up the teacup first.Seeing that everyone here is hardcore, everyone added the fan group [-].

The young man nodded slightly, then stretched out his hand to pick up the teacup and took a sip. Only then did Wendong realize that his guess was right. The skin of the young man's hands was slightly darkened, his five fingers were slender and strong, but there was a thick layer of calluses on the tiger's mouth, which was obvious. It was left with a sword all the year round.

As if aware of Wen Dong's scrutiny, the young man unabashedly raised his head and looked at Wen Dong opposite, with his eyes facing each other. Even though the young man's eyes didn't show any trace of hostility, Wen Dong still felt a chill in his heart instantly. Wen Dong's eyes were so pierced that his eyes narrowed. His eyes were not mixed with any impurities, but they were like a straight sword, which made Wen Dong secretly startled. His eyes were as straight as a sword, and he looked directly at Wen Dong.

A person is like a sword, straight and powerful; his eyes are like a heart, he is indomitable, he would rather bend than bend, a person is also a sword, and a sword is also a person.

Master, this young man is definitely a master, and he is also a master of swords, and his aloof gaze is Jian Xin, which not only does not make Wen Dong disgusted, but also adds a little respect to Wen Dong's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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