Chapter 377
Wen Dong shot like lightning, he punched him under the elbow with a tricky angle, and another fist hit him hard in the abdomen.

He Wenlong didn't evade anything, with a contemptuous smile on his lips, his abdomen bulged, and the shirt on his body was torn apart in an instant. His entire upper body, especially the vulnerable parts of his internal organs, were all covered by thick black scales. Power is not generally high.

The Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, the first palm!
Wendong's fist hit He Wenlong's abdomen accurately, but his fist was numb from the shock, painful, and even bleeding, but it was not ineffective. This palm also carried a gravity of 1 ton, and He Wenlong's feet In a row, his body slammed into the coffee table behind him fiercely, and the coffee table with only a frame was torn apart in an instant, and his figure stopped.

He Wenlong twisted his neck a few times, and there was a 'cracking' sound, his face became more ferocious: "No wonder you dare to come to me single-handedly, as expected, you actually hurt me twice, unfortunately, today you have to die here .”

Wen Dong panted slightly, seeing the scales on his abdomen were shattered and blood was everywhere, but the wound began to heal in the blink of an eye, damn the regenerative enzyme!

However, Wen Dong discovered one thing, that the almost necrotic scales on He Wenlong's abdomen, which he smashed by himself, recovered extremely slowly.

This is enough to show that he is not invincible.

Without waiting for Wendong to think about anything, He Wenlong rushed over like lightning, and made two powerful palm splits in the air!

Facing such a tyrannical and powerful force, how could Wen Dong hold his strength, swaying his feet, and immediately dodged his blow, but He Wenlong obviously had kung fu, and he was definitely not bad, and his own speed was too fast. Even Wen Dong, who had [-] falls on his clothes, couldn't escape his two consecutive attacks so quickly.

After dodging his blow, Wen Dong quickly stretched out his hands to block, but when Wen Dong's arms were just in front of him, He Wenlong had already smashed his arms with a palm split, and even had no strength left. With his arms hitting his shoulder together, the mountain-like force almost shattered Wen Dong's shoulder collarbone, and just after He Wenlong succeeded in one blow, Wen Dong's body lost his balance. Seeing the third attack One after another, Wen Dong's eyes were fixed, and his right leg kicked his lower body violently.

He Wenlong didn't care about it, and he was full of killing intent.


He Wenlong was kicked in the lower body unprepared, but what made Wendong speechless was that it didn't seem to have caused much harm to him. He Wenlong retreated several steps, while Wendong slid out along the floor hard by the huge force. He slammed into the wall behind him, his whole body was in a mess, he swung his arm, and the tearing pain seemed like the bones inside were broken.

"Ding: The host has suffered a huge trauma, and his physical function is only 50 points, losing 3 points of function per second."

"Ding: The host uses healing potions..."


"Come again!" The two said almost in unison.

Wen Dong's dilapidated body sprang up again to meet the rushing He Wenlong.

"Boom, bang, bang!"

The two of them were like two prehistoric beasts engaged in the most primitive battle for spouse and rights in the quagmire. They punched to the flesh, and the heavy muffled sound shook as if the whole private room was trembling. smash.

Dragon Subduing Eighteen Palms, the first palm, armor-piercing damage, causing 3 points of critical damage.

Consumes 20 energy points.

The second palm of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!

The third palm of "The Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon"...

A series of attacks hit He Wenlong's body almost without stopping, and the scale armor fragments flew around, revealing the squirming flesh inside, stained with blood, which looked disgusting and terrifying.

And Wendong was also having a hard time. The surface of his fist was completely bloody, part of it was caused by a strong impact, and part of it was scratched by the hard scales, exposing the blood-stained bones inside, and one arm was hanging down feebly. Equally terrifying.

"Ding: The host has been greatly traumatized, and the physical function is only 25 points. The energy of the host has been exhausted. Please replenish it in time."

"Ding: The host uses healing potions..."

"Ding: The host uses 100 points of aversion and replenishes 50 points of energy."

Wen Dong staggered to avoid He Wenlong's fatal blow to his neck, but his speed was too fast, he missed his neck, but landed on his shoulder, which made his almost useless arm even worse , It seems that I can still hear the sound of bones breaking.

"The Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, the third palm!"

Wen Dong's body shook heavily, he didn't care, his face showed a look of madness, and at the same time, he punched his chest and heart where the scales had not healed.


Sure enough, without the defense of the scale armor, Wen Dong's punch directly broke the defense, and the punch actually hit his chest. However, He Wenlong's skin was not so hard and tough, and it didn't directly break his heart, but His chest was sunken by Wen Dong's punch, and the ribs surrounding his heart were directly broken. Finally, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew out heavily.

At this time, Wen Dong was also sent flying by the other party, with a listless look on his face.

"Ding: The host's body function is only 20 points."

"Damn it, save the boss!" Seeing that the invincible boss was actually injured, the two men next to him finally couldn't sit still, holding the shining machete in their huge claws, they rushed towards Wendong while the other man went to help From He Wenlong.

Judging by this person's posture, at most he is a big gangster watching the scene. He is just He Wenlong's confidant. Although he has now transformed into a planter, his fighting skills are unsightly, and he is even better at stabbing people with knives. However, his speed was too fast, and he rushed over in the blink of an eye.

Wendong gritted his teeth, and stood up quickly. He didn't have scales, so he couldn't be invulnerable. Fortunately, the energy value was enough, enough for him to use Zhanyi Eighteen Falls.

Immediately, an embarrassed and ugly donkey rolled to avoid the opponent's chopping knife.

The chopping knife struck the floor with a 'clang', and sparks shot out, because the sword was swung too fast, and it smashed into the floor intact.

Wen Dong's face was extremely solemn, and he must not let him cut him. If the knife hit him just now, wouldn't he cut himself in half?

Just when the man took advantage of the situation to pull out the knife with great force, Wen Dong's eyes showed a trace of determination, and he stepped on the front fiercely, his body rolled towards the man and hit him suddenly leaning over in his arms.

This man obviously didn't expect Wen Dong to be so bold, with a blood-thirsty look on his face, he had an idea, not only did not pull out the knife forcefully, but pressed his claws on the handle of the knife and slapped it down fiercely, as if beheading The big guillotine is average.

Wen Dong quickly reached out and grabbed the handle of the cut knife, but the blade pierced into his palm with a "puff", and blood splashed on the faces of the two of them. Wen Dong shivered in pain, almost lying in the opponent's arms. The body jumped up suddenly, and hit the opponent's chest fiercely with his shoulder.

With a muffled sound of "Boom!", the man was knocked away by Wendong, and Wendong was even more uncomfortable. After another collision with his already weak body, he was thrust back and rolled to the ground with a machete. corner.

"Roar!" Wen Dong's collision did not cause any substantial damage to this person at all. With a roar, he swung his giant claws and rushed again.

"Ding: The host uses healing potions..."

"Ding: The host uses Qin Wangjian's handprint, consuming 5 points of energy, the soul of Wang Jian has successfully possessed, consuming 1 point of aversion per second."

At the moment when Wang Jian's soul possessed him, he saw a strange energy rushing into the knife in his hand in an instant, and the knife groaned softly, as if he was excited for the coming blood.

"Ding: The energy value of the host has been exhausted."

Before Wendong exchanged his hatred for energy value, the other party had already rushed forward with a roar.

Whether he can live or die depends on this blow!

Wen Dong didn't have time to wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth, he tried his best to support his body to stand up, and slashed at the opponent's chest with a knife.

"Chi Chi!" The blade slashed fiercely across his chest, and there was an ear-piercing sound like crushing glass slag, and the scales where the blade slashed were also shattered, the skin was ripped open, and a stream of fine blood oozed out. out.

Wendong's desperate eyes finally revealed hope. If he hadn't been seriously injured now and his own ability was not one-third of what it was in its heyday, this knife would at least make the opponent's intestines rot, but these were enough.

The man's face suddenly showed panic, and he even had doubts. He was very clear about the defense of the scales on his body. Even bullets couldn't penetrate, so how could the knife penetrate?
And just when the other party lost his mind, Wen Dong rushed up with a stride and kicked the other party's chest fiercely.

With a sound of "Boom!", the man retreated under force, and Wen Dong had been prepared to injure the opponent's blade and penetrated into the wall so that he would not be able to retreat, but the hard handle of the knife hit him hard. On the back of his waist, he frowned.

But now is the opportunity, Wen Dong yelled angrily, as if to cheer himself up, stepped on his feet, and rushed up to meet the retreating planter, swinging the blade in his hand.

Qiankun Liangyi Sword, causing 130% damage to the target.

With a clear sound of '噗嗤', the blade slashed across the neck of the colonizer, and a large head flew up in response, blood splashed out from between the headless neck, and the body fell heavily to the ground.

However, in the blink of an eye, the blood on the other party's neck stopped flowing, and it was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although the planter is dead, the regenerative enzymes in his body are still working and repairing under the condition of nutrients.

"Huh——" Wen Dong supported his body with a knife, blood mixed with sweat dripped on his face, and his slightly delicate face looked extremely hideous at this time, he looked up at the person sitting on the sofa full of splashed glass shards. The eyes of He Wenlong and the other groomer were full of refreshing and cold killing intent.

"Ding: The host uses healing potions..."

The breeder looked in horror at his companion whose head had been cut off. The scales on his face squirmed. Although he couldn't see the expression clearly, his eyes were filled with horror. How could this young man use a knife to kill a breeder who thought he was invincible?How does this make him not afraid!
(End of this chapter)

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