How bad guys are made

Chapter 387 Ulan Island?Green blood?

Chapter 387 Ulan Island?Green blood?

Wen Dong held the microphone in his hand, looked at the excited expressions of everyone in the audience, felt very refreshed, and said in a loud voice: ""Let go and love", Mr. Li said very well, don't do things that you regret, meet the bold people you like To chase after, to grab boldly, this is the young man, while you are young, let go of love, and walk freely!"

"Huh, huh, huh..." Thunderous applause erupted again from the audience. Although they had never heard the song, Wen Dong pronounced the words very accurately, and everyone could understand them, especially the last words, which told everyone The voice of the heart, the emotions suppressed by work were completely aroused, and some beautiful girls applauded vigorously, and their little hands were red.

Li Jiahua also clapped his hands with a smile, but the smile was somewhat gloomy. He, who has always been the protagonist, never expected to be suppressed by Wendong.

"Mr. Wen, Mr. Wen, I love you..."

"Mr. Wen, I love you too..." Just as Wen Dong was about to step off the stage, some girls off the stage seemed to be infected by his words, and boldly began to confess.

Wendong staggered and almost lay on the ground: "Uh... Well, I'm actually just talking, if you really let go and love, I really don't dare to confess, especially it depends on the person, the world is too chaotic, I will withdraw first .”

"I despise you..." After Wen Dong finished speaking, he rolled his eyes towards Wen Dong, who was so ashamed that he couldn't bear it.

Wendong handed the microphone to Cheng Liyuan and walked off the stage, looking at the excitement on Zhang Hanhan's Qingcheng face, as if he didn't see Li Jiahua at the side, he smiled and said excitedly: "I'm so excited to say, I really want to hug you!" hug you."

"Come on, I'm not the kind of nymphomaniac who can be moved by a single song." Zhang Hanhan's beautiful eyes twitched, and he gave him an annoyed look.

"Well, what I said is not bad at all, it depends on the person to confess." Wen Dong touched his nose helplessly.

Zhang Hanhan looked at the silly look of disappointment on the side, raised his small mouth, and whispered to Wendong: "We'll talk about it when we go home." As he spoke, Zhang Hanhan gently rubbed his small hand on the back of Wendong's hand, making small movements But it made her little face blush, and even the snow-white jade neck couldn't help but smear a pink.

"Well, you can have this." Wen Dong gritted his teeth, overjoyed.

Zhang Hanhan glanced at him and hummed, "Virtue."

Li Jiahua on the side was not blind, although their small actions were done very covertly, but he stood by and stared at Zhang Hanhan, how could he not see, he really couldn't stand their secret show of affection, and left angrily.

Wendong and Zhang Hanhan looked at each other with a look of satisfaction in their eyes. Zhang Hanhan stuck out his tongue and said in a low voice, "Your song is really nice. I'm afraid he will make things difficult for us in the next project."

"Is it that serious? He has such a small belly?" Wen Dong said speechlessly.

Zhang Hanhan stretched out his full 34D, and hummed triumphantly: "You never know how powerful a goddess is."

"Well, it's really big." Wen Dong swallowed.

"Look again, pick out your eyeballs..."

Wen Dong: "Well, let's see when we go home..."

Zhang Hanhan: "..."

After Wendong finished singing, Zhao Yifei finally couldn't help but climbed onto the stage. He sang a song unique to the army. His voice was rough and powerful, and he tried his best to sing the iron and blood of soldiers. Zhang Xinlan clapped her little hands in the audience. Seeing that Zhang Xinlan likes to listen, Zhao Yifei became even more excited. After singing a song, he wanted to sing again, but was pulled down by Wu Jian. With so many girls in the arena, Wu Jian must have been frustrated chasing Cheng Yanan before. He probably gave up already, but this time he wanted to show off. Zhao Yifei was so angry that he scolded Wu Jian for being of the opposite sex and inhumanity. The atmosphere is very good.

After everyone got tired of singing, they started to gather for dinner. Actually, it was not a meal, but mainly chatting and eating snacks and snacks. After all, everyone didn’t eat much after a crazy night.

Wendong and Zhang Hanhan, Master Zhanyun and Yan Yan shared a table with Li Jiahua, because Li Jiahua seemed to be in a bad mood and did not show hospitality to Zhang Hanhan, Yan Yan sometimes said a few words to Wendong, and it was more time to talk to Zhanyun The master spoke without making waves, but ate leisurely.

And at this time, two people came to the dining hall, and the first one was a middle-aged man.

"This is Lu Zhongzheng, the chairman of Jinxiu Villa. His reputation is not obvious, but his status is prominent." Seeing Wen Dong curiously looking at the man, Zhang Hanhan introduced him in a low voice, and then stood up with a smile on his face. get up.

"Excuse me..." Wendong was also taken aback. Jinxiu Villa is one of the largest tourist attractions in Shuishi. It is said that the number of tourists who come to visit every day is at least four figures, and sometimes it will exceed five figures. A tourist gave him at least five figures of money, multiplying five figures by five figures, one can imagine how much money he would make every day, even if all kinds of costs were refunded, after that year, the money he earned would be astronomical.

When Wendong came to Jinxiu Villa for the first time, he couldn't help but envy the boss here. Now when he saw him, he was indeed very imposing.

The man is tall and tall, he walks unhurriedly, with a smile on his face, full of aura, although his temples are slightly white, his tall figure is taller and straighter than a young man, his face is deep and handsome, and he can wear a white shirt It is obvious that the bulging muscles are more mature, as if what the years have left on him is not the vicissitudes of life, but the hard work. Such a man, even if he gets old day by day, will still make many women fall in love with him.

"Uncle Lu, why do you have time to come here?" Zhang Hanhan stood up and smiled, with a calm demeanor and a respectful tone, because Lu Zhongzheng and his father were comrades-in-arms, and Zhang Hanhan had met him before.

"Hehe, you haven't come to my place for a long time. I didn't hear that you came, so I came to see you." Lu Zhongzheng's voice was powerful and powerful, and his smile was very amiable.

Wen Dong and the others also stood up, looked up, their eyes were fixed, and their eyes turned cold for a moment. Behind Lu Zhongzheng was a young man in a suit, a foreigner whom Wen Dong knew, and he was Qingxue.

Involuntarily, Wen Dong clenched his fists in an instant, and hurriedly walked to Zhang Hanhan's side, looking at Qingxue with vigilant eyes, those who come are not kind, and those who are kind don't come, Wendong didn't expect Qingxue to come like this To this venue, and it was brought by Lu Zhongzheng.

"Uncle Lu is serious." Zhang Hanhan smiled, and also found the handsome young man behind Lu Zhongzheng, but she didn't know Qingxue, so she asked with a smile, "Who is this?"

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you." Lu Zhongzheng patted his forehead, stepped aside from Qingxue's position, and introduced with a smile: "This is Mingyu, he has a lot of shares in Wulan Island. I heard that The business goddess of the water city came to my small place and came to take a look." Lu Zhongzheng said jokingly.

Ulan Island, a world-famous tourist destination, is more famous than Jinxiu Villa. At the same time, Dr. Z's base is here.

"Hello, I'm Mingyu. I've admired Ms. Zhang's name for a long time. When I saw you today, I really deserve my reputation." Qingxue spoke with a foreign accent, but her voice was nice. After speaking, she took the initiative to extend her big hand to Zhang Hanhan. It looks good, with well-defined joints and a strong sense of strength.

Seeing Zhang Hanhan frowning and hesitating, Qingxue learned to be afraid like Lu Zhongzheng just now and patted his forehead: "Oh, sorry, I forgot."

"Hehe, Mingyu didn't stay in Tianxia Kingdom for a long time, so he doesn't understand the etiquette of Tianxia Kingdom." Lu Zhongzheng explained with a smile.

In the etiquette of Tianxia Kingdom, when a man meets a woman, out of politeness, the man is not allowed to extend his hand to invite the woman to shake hands, unless the woman offers her hand.

"Hi, my name is Zhang Hanhan." Zhang Hanhan smiled lightly and shook his head, expressing that he didn't mind, but stretched out his hand.

Wen Dong on the side was shocked, and quickly reached out to give her a hand, but it was too late.

"Mr. Zhang is really a beauty. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She is beautiful and beautiful." Fortunately, the expected thing did not happen. Qingxue seemed to simply want to shake hands with Zhang Hanhan, her tone was calm, with The unique magnetic sound of men is very attractive.

"It's Xiuwai Huizhong." Lu Zhongzheng corrected with a smile.

"Yes, yes, Xiuwai Huizhong, ha ha." Qingxue quickly nodded with an apologetic smile, his handsome and kind appearance was quite likable, even some of the female staff of Lanyun on the other table couldn't help but pay attention to him frequently.

Zhang Hanhan smiled with a relaxed expression, feeling that this handsome foreigner was very kind.

As soon as the hands of the two touched, Zhang Hanhan turned his head slightly to look at the nervous Wendong, and asked clearly in his eyes: What's wrong?
Seeing Wendong's nervousness, Zhang Hanhan, who didn't know why, chuckled in his heart, thinking that this guy was jealous when he saw him shaking hands with a handsome guy, so he couldn't help but secretly glared at him, cursing in his heart: I'm the kind of guy who just goes to see a handsome guy when he sees him. Uphill person?
Lu Zhongzheng didn't know if he was a good person, maybe he didn't know Qingxue's true identity, so he met Zhang Hanhan for a drink, and then talked to Li Jiahua for a few words out of face.

Wen Dong remained silent, staring at Qingxue vigilantly, accumulating energy all over his body, as long as Qingxue dared to make any changes, he would definitely rush up and give him Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Sensing a familiar cold light looking towards them, Wendong glanced at a corner not far away. Bailihan stood there straight, with one hand on the hilt of his sword behind him, dressed in black. He pretended to be cold, and his face was indifferent to the warm atmosphere around him. He stood like a red and cold green pine, staring coldly at Qingxue who was talking and laughing with Zhang Hanhan. Obviously, he also sensed the danger of Qingxue.

Seemingly aware of Wen Dong's gaze, they met each other, and they nodded slightly to each other. Baili Han's gaze was a little colder, and his footsteps moved a little closer to this side.

There are Bailihan and Zhao Yifei here, and in front of so many people, Qingxue didn't dare to act rashly, Wendong felt a little relieved, but his eyes were still alert, what does Qingxue's sudden arrival mean?Pretentious?Or warning?Or provocative and joking, intentionally put psychological pressure on Wendong?

(End of this chapter)

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