How bad guys are made

Chapter 396 Questioning the future father-in-law

Chapter 396 Questioning the future father-in-law
"Boom!" At this time, Qingxue's sharp blow arrived, too fast to dodge, and slammed into Wendong's chest fiercely.



Qingxue's elbow was so powerful that Wen Dong felt as if his chest was hit head-on by a fast-moving locomotive. There was a sound of broken ribs in his chest, and his body flew backwards with the sword in his hand in an instant. He was also taken out, and at this critical moment, Wen Dong turned his wrist tightly on the hilt of the sword vigorously, and the sword body was stirred vigorously. With the sound of a person's 'click', the scales on it were broken into many pieces.

"Pfft!" Wen Dong's body rolled among the rocks, and he barely stopped until he hit a tree. A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and a large piece was dented in his chest, with The densely packed blood openings were bleeding, which were caused by the scale thorns on Qingxue's body.

"Come on, I said, you will die today!" Qingxue staggered slightly, roaring in his mouth, his left shoulder had been abolished, his arm was hanging limply, his face had a hideous expression, and he watched Wendong fall to the ground I'm sorry, and rushed forward with an angry shout.

Suddenly, Qingxue was stunned, because Wen Dong who was lying under the tree disappeared.

Qingxue knew that he was fast, and his speed was not much slower than himself, so he quickly looked around vigilantly, but what made him terrified was that Wendong seemed to have really disappeared?What kind of trick is this?Stealth?
System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for using it - you can't see me, the host enters the invisible state. You can't see me Effect: The host enters the invisible state after using it, and it lasts for a quarter of an hour. (Note: After the host enters the invisible state, if it is violently If the hit or pain is over 50, the host will automatically leave the stealth state.)
In the end, it was still used. Wendong wanted to use his actual ability to defeat Qingxue, but he didn't dare to wait any longer, because his mobile phone that was thrown on the ground kept ringing. He knew the characters of Bailihan and Zhao Yifei very well. Knowing that Wendong was fighting Qingxue, he would not take the initiative to call him to disturb him unless it was absolutely necessary. As expected, something happened to Zhang Hanhan. If nothing else, it should be He Wenlong.

However, Wendong knew very well about He Wenlong's skills. Bailihan and Zhao Yifei would definitely not lose to him in a single fight, so He Wenlong must have found a helper, and a very powerful helper at that.

"Bang!" A gunshot broke the stillness of the night, startled a few birds among the treetops that fell at night, and a spark lit up in the dark and disappeared.

Qingxue looked at the blood hole on the other shoulder in horror, the entire right shoulder was almost exploded, bloody and bloody, Qingxue's body shook, this is not an ordinary gun, Qingxue is very sure, because even if he is now The defense at his weak point has been broken, and it is impossible for ordinary firearms to cause fatal damage to him.

"It's time to end." Wen Dong's indifferent voice came out, Qingxue looked sideways suddenly, and was shocked to find that the place where the voice came from was nothingness.

"Get out!" Qingxue roared, his body jumped up from the ground, and rushed towards the direction of the sound.

"Boom!" Wen Dong kicked him on the chest, Qingxue let out a muffled groan in his throat, and quickly backed up a few steps. Wen Dong bullied him with his sword, and a beam of sword light reflected a brilliant light through the moonlight. It flashed past Qingxue's ferocious pupils.

"Pfft!" There was a crisp sound, and a huge head flew away in response.

"You shouldn't have come, didn't you?" After a long time, Wen Dong's heavy panting came from the empty air, and in the silence, drops of blood fell on the rocks, splashing drops of blood, Wen Dong was in a panic The figure broke away from the invisibility, covering the bloody chest wound with one hand, and his body was weak and rickety.

The headless body that fell to the ground was already cold...

System: "Ding: The host kills one person, and the system determines that the other party is a villain, so add 0.5 heads, and the task completion rate of killing thousands of people is 1.5/1000."

System: "Ding: The host uses healing potions..."

"Hey, Brother Zhao, how are you doing?" Wen Dong picked up the phone and asked hastily.

"Hey, the mission failed, Zhang Hanhan was taken away by the other party, you, come quickly..." Zhao Yifei's weak voice sounded from the phone, his speech was broken, and it seemed that he was hurt a lot.



When Wen Dong arrived, more than a dozen cars had parked at the foot of the mountain, and more than a dozen bodyguards dressed in black stood upright, staring coldly at Wen Dong who was running fast, with one hand on his waist, eyes full of Be vigilant.

"Stop coming, who are you?" One of the bodyguards greeted him with a cold face.

"Fuck you, get out of the way!" Wen Dong cursed angrily, without slowing down.

"He is Miss's friend, he lives with Miss, and the boss knows him, let him in." At this time, a bodyguard hurried over and whispered to the talking bodyguard.

"I'm sorry." This should be the bodyguard who specially protects Zhang Wending, who doesn't know Wendong, so he quickly retreated after hearing what his companion said.

Wen Dong ignored him and passed them by.


Wen Dong stood at the door, looking at the messy courtyard in surprise, Zhang Wending was not seen in the small courtyard, a dozen bodyguards surrounded him, and two figures who looked like doctors were moving the weak Zhao Yifei. On the stretcher, Bai Lihan was lying on the stretcher like Bai Lihan, weak and unconscious.

"What's going on?" Wen Dong walked up quickly and asked Zhao Yifei anxiously.

"They have two blue-level killers, we can't beat them, and Zhang Hanhan was taken away by He Wenlong." Zhao Yifei barely supported himself, and said with a shameful face.

"Two Blue Levels?" Wen Dong almost exclaimed, what is Qi Kill doing?It doesn't take such a big battle to kill myself and Zhang Hanhan, and Zhang Hanhan was taken away, what do they want to do?
"Yeah, numb, give me a cigarette, it hurts me to death..." Zhao Yifei cursed.

"No smoke, how about the others?" Wen Dong asked quickly.

"I don't know." Zhao Yifei curled his lips: "They don't seem to dare to kill people here, otherwise Bailihan and I would have been killed a long time ago, and Xiaolan and the others are fine. I heard they were drugged. They don't know anything."

Wen Dong nodded, looked up at Zhang Hanhan's room, and said, "Well, I see, you can lie down and rest."

Zhao Yifei: "..."

Opening the door, a pungent smell of blood came over his face, Zhang Wending stood with his hands behind his back with a gloomy face and a frightening coldness.Looking up, he was facing Zhang Wending's cold eyes.

"Zhang Dong, I'm sorry." Wen Dong bowed his head and smiled miserably.

"I'm sorry? You still know to come back? Do you know that Zhang Hanhan was taken away? Didn't you promise to protect her? Ah? How did you promise me?" When he saw Wendong, Zhang Wending came here immediately. Furious, he took two quick steps and grabbed Wen Dong by the neck.

"You have the guts to criticize me!" Unexpectedly, Wen Dong also yelled angrily, struggling to struggle, Zhang Wending's hands trembled, and Wen Dong pushed him back a few steps when he missed it.

Seeing this, several bodyguards around quickly surrounded him, staring at Wen Dong with a bad expression, as if he would shoot him down if he dared to make any changes.

"Go away!" Wen Dong glanced at those people coldly, his eyes were so cold and frightening, the cold murderous aura spreading around him made several bodyguards who had seen blood look shocked, and fell silent for a while.

Zhang Wending also glanced at Wendong blankly, wondering where his anger came from.

Wendong sneered, ignored the bodyguards around him, seemed to have forgotten that he was Zhang Hanhan's father, stepped forward and approached him, and asked coldly, "Who is He Wenlong? Don't tell me he is just Hanhan." Han's first love."

"Wenlong? He..." Zhang Wending's body trembled, and his gloomy face suddenly changed.

"Shouldn't you say it? Then do you know that he is now a man in disguise? Do you know that he is with those killers? He is the one who took Hanhan away!" Wen Wen Dong asked loudly.

Zhang Wending's face was miserable, but he hesitated and couldn't speak: "He..."

"Get out of here!" At this moment, a familiar female voice came in from outside, the voice was filled with extreme anger.

It was Jiang Yanmei, who came here, apparently seeing Zhao Yifei suffering such a serious injury, she was very angry.

Several bodyguards looked at each other and quickly gathered towards the door. Zhang Wending also raised his head suddenly.

"Boom!" The door of the room was kicked open, and Jiang Yanmei walked in with a few young men in black uniforms alone.

The faces of these young men were indifferent, and their steps were steady and powerful. They were not mediocre at first glance, at least they were much stronger than Zhang Wending's bodyguards.

Jiang Yanmei didn't know if she was entertaining or something, she was wearing a bright red cheongsam, as soon as she walked for a while, she could see a piece of snow-white skin on her side thigh, the narrow cheongsam made her already hot The figure is more and more sexy.

It's just that Jiang Yanmei's charm has faded at this time, and her beautiful face reveals a fierce coldness, her sword eyebrows are tightly knitted, and her heroic spirit is compelling.

"Who are you?" One of the bodyguards saw that the other party was approaching menacingly, and was afraid of harming the boss, so he quickly blocked him and asked Jiang Yanmei coldly.

"Go away, am I the one who asked the question too?" Jiang Yan yelled coquettishly, her slender white legs instantly lifted up, and kicked on the bodyguard's thigh.

"Pfft!" With a crisp sound, Wen Dong's eyes widened suddenly, and the bodyguard's body was kicked flying out. The heel pierced the bodyguard's thigh!
"Looking for death!" Several bodyguards yelled after seeing this, and shot at Jiang Yanmei directly.

Seeing this, several youths brought by Jiang Yanmei attacked at the same time, and there was a constant groan in the room. In less than ten seconds, all the seven or eight bodyguards of Zhang Wending were subdued to the ground.

"Stop!" Zhang Wending yelled, suddenly raised his head to look at Jiang Yanmei, and snorted coldly, "What do you mean?"

Jiang Yanmei glanced at him, but ignored him, and walked towards Wen Dong beside her, her high heels stepped on the ground and made a 'da da' sound, and everywhere she passed, a round shoe with little blood spots could be seen Yin, a fierce, snake-like woman, makes people shudder.

(End of this chapter)

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