How bad guys are made

Chapter 399 Conditions

Chapter 399 Conditions
The car finally stopped at a stream with a beautiful environment at the edge of the town. There was a small lake here, and a wooden two-story house was built next to the lake.

Standing at the door of the house were four young men with expressionless faces and a rigid indifference.This indifferent look is too familiar, showing human life as worthless, Zhang Hanhan has no doubt that these people have the same bloodthirsty factor in their bodies, in their eyes only money and force, even women, have no humanity.

She, the dignified President Lanyun, has actually fallen here, in a desperate situation.

Will Wendong come?will daddy come
It should be my father, I don't know what they want to threaten my father, now people are fighting for a knife, I am a fish, for the current plan, I can only wait and see what happens.

He Wenlong also seemed to be a different person at this time, without the coldness and arrogance before, his eyes were lowered, calm and solemn.

She followed He Wenlong, took off her shoes, and walked up the wooden ladder step by step.This is a very beautiful wooden house, very delicate, every piece of wood seems to have the same color and texture, stepping on it, it feels warm and cool.

In the middle of the room, there was a sandalwood coffee table with several equally exquisite teapots and tea bowls on it. A man was kneeling and raised his face when he heard the sound.

At this time, Zhang Hanhan also looked up at him, and his heart moved, this man...

The man was wearing a slender white shirt and gray trousers. He was tall and slightly thin. He was about 40 years old, and his appearance looked very delicate and refined, calm and elegant.

This is He Wenlong's boss, or, the boss?

Seeing Zhang Hanhan, the man smiled slightly, his eyes flashed a soft and gentle light, which made people feel peaceful. He nodded slightly and made a gesture of invitation to Zhang Hanhan.

Zhang Hanhan couldn't help but turned his head to look at He Wenlong who was beside him, and seeing him nodding with a smile, he sat down opposite the man, and He Wenlong also sat on her left.

The elegant man lifted the purple sand pot to three cups of tea, picked up a cup and put it in front of Zhang Hanhan, his movements were not too fast, his movements were calm and peaceful.

Zhang Hanhan remained expressionless, Mo Yan didn't speak, took a sip from his teacup, and looked up at him.

He looked at her with a smile on his face, but the first sentence was in a somewhat jerky Tianxia Mandarin: "I'm sorry."

Zhang Hanhan was slightly taken aback, even though she knew that they arrested her to force her father or Wendong to submit, this sincere apology still surprised her a little, and he was not from Tianxia.

Perhaps it was because she saw a few cold-blooded and ruthless killers that this person's attitude made her uncomfortable.

Zhang Hanhan's heart skipped a beat. From now on, perhaps, the person they forced should be his father.

This time, he used English fluently, but fortunately Zhang Hanhan understood it.

He said apologetically, "I'm sorry for wronging you, I just want to have a good talk with Zhang Wending. Whether it succeeds or not, we will let you go. Don't worry, it's safe here, no one can hurt you."

Zhang Hanhan nodded slightly, but he didn't take it seriously in his heart, but still smiled at him politely: "When will Zhang Wending come?"

"Right now." He smiled, and said in jerky Mandarin: "You are Zhang Wending's woman, men in Tianxia Kingdom are so interesting, things that were unreasonable for [-] million before are now brought to your door for women. "

"Woman, hehe."

Zhang Hanhan raised his eyebrows and looked at him, thinking, you are just a gentle bastard, how can you understand these things, besides, that is my father.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hanhan couldn't help but cast a glance at He Wenlong who was at the side. He didn't even tell this person that he was not Zhang Wending's woman, but his eyes were not grateful at all, and his expression was extremely indifferent.

He changed the subject, but said: "President Zhang, I have seen you."

The next thing is the boring homework. This man is very interested in some things in Tianxia Kingdom, and even has dabbled in the customs of many countries. When asked about Zhang Hanhan's university in the UK, he expressed his interest in Zhang Hanhan's The university appreciated it very much, Zhang Hanhan didn't care about it, and responded one by one with a smile, but there was no disturbance.

Finally, the mobile phone in the man's hand rang. He picked up the mobile phone and looked at it, then raised the mobile phone to Zhang Hanhan, who was looking over here, with the corner of his mouth lightly: "Here we come."

Zhang Hanhan's expression changed, and he nodded, feeling happy and worried at the same time.The joy is that my father finally came; the worry is how my father will take me out of the predicament. They took such a lot of trouble to catch me. Just now this man mentioned that he couldn't buy his father with 3 million yuan. It can be seen that this seriousness of the matter.

Will Wendong come?They probably wouldn't let him come.

Just when Zhang Hanhan was lost in thought, the man nodded to He Wenlong who was beside him. He Wenlong stretched out his hand and pulled Zhang Hanhan's sleeve, signaling to go out.

The two left the wooden house, Zhang Hanhan bent over to put on his shoes, before stepping down the stairs with his front foot, Zhang Hanhan suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the off-road vehicle parked not far away, a black car was parked there, the door opened, his father looked He walked out anxiously and solemnly, but Wen Dong was nowhere to be seen.

Sure enough, he was not allowed to come.

When Zhang Wending looked up, he also saw Zhang Hanhan on the wooden ladder on the second floor, but his steady footsteps were a little staggering, and he walked quickly to this side, and he came to the wooden ladder in two or three steps.

Zhang Hanhan's nose was sore, and she almost cried. She had always had an unforgivable shadow of her father, and now seeing her father's vicissitudes of life, she seemed to have aged ten years overnight. Dad must have been up all night. At this time, the feeling in her heart The shadow slowly faded and dissipated.

Zhang Hanhan couldn't help himself, and stepped down the stairs a little faster. Zhang Wending was about to reach out to grab her, but a powerful big hand suddenly blocked Zhang Hanhan's face, and pressed his arm back, so that Zhang Hanhan couldn't help but backed up. half a step.

It was He Wenlong.

Zhang Hanhan raised his head and stared at him coldly, but He Wenlong was unmoved.

He didn't speak, but looked up at Zhang Wending with a faint smile in his eyes.

Zhang Wending looked up at him, and his cheeks with sharp water chestnuts twitched. Zhang Wending understood better than anyone else that now that the matter had come to an end, there was no need to tell He Wenlong any more. He raised his head and gave Zhang Hanhan a reassuring look, and passed by. , and walked up the wooden ladder.

Zhang Hanhan raised his head and glanced at his father who was walking up. Perhaps, the man let him come down at this time just to show his father. His life is in their hands, forcing his father to compromise.

Zhang Hanhan was taken to a room on the first floor, during which the two of them didn't speak. He Wenlong locked the door, and before leaving, his eyes finally showed a different kind of excited smile: "The good show has just begun."


In the wooden house on the second floor, the man sat opposite Zhang Wending, and He Wenlong sat beside him with an extremely relaxed expression.

The man looked up at Zhang Wending and said directly: "We only have one request - to transfer your 30% shares in Lanyun to Mr. Li Peihong."

Zhang Wending suddenly looked up at him, exuding a powerful majesty from his whole body.

The man still had a smile on his mouth, and looked at him lightly.

Zhang Wending lowered his head slowly, and tapped the edge of the bowl lightly with his fingers. The 30.00% shares of Lanyun are at least 300 billion. The key point is that once he is not the largest director shareholder of Lanyun, all appointments of Lanyun will belong to Li Peihong.

Li Peihong was one of them, Zhang Wending had already noticed it, but he didn't expect that the veteran who fought with him would betray him so thoroughly.

Zhang Wending's eyes were downcast, and his thick and strong fingers were tightly holding the edge of the bowl, as if he was making a decision. After a long time, Zhang Wending raised his head to look at him: "I will transfer all 50.00% of Lanyun's shares to Li Peihong, remove Zhang Hanhan from the position of president, it's up to you to decide."

Hearing this, the man's eyes lit up, but he couldn't help but look at him with admiration: "The men of Tianxia Kingdom are really unpredictable."

Zhang Wending looked up at him coldly, without speaking.

"No, just 30.00%, Zhang Hanhan is still the president of Lanyun." The man shook his head and said, obviously, he still wanted Zhang Hanhan to be a constraint.

Zhang Hanhan is the goddess of the water city business world, and her influence is undoubtedly huge. If she resigns at this time and does not become the president, Lanyun will definitely be in turmoil, and most importantly, it will attract the attention of many parties, which they will never allow.

Moreover, in this way, Zhang Wending still owns more than 20.00% of Lanyun's shares. If something happens to Lanyun, he will not be able to get rid of it. The same is true for President Zhang Hanhan. This is what they need.

Money, for them, is not lacking.

Seeing that Zhang Wending was silent, the man winked at He Wenlong who was beside him. He Wenlong understood, and reached out his hand to take out a stack of documents from the drawer and put them in front of Zhang Wending.


The car dealership was silent all the way, Zhang Hanhan sat quietly in the passenger seat and said nothing. She wanted to ask what the other party asked her father to do, but in the end she didn't ask, because my father would definitely not tell, and even if he did, it would not be the truth.

The car drove to a small town, and my father stopped the car suddenly. Zhang Hanhan looked at him curiously, wondering why he stopped here.

"Get out of the car." Zhang Wending nodded to her with a smile on his face.

Zhang Hanhan was puzzled, but he didn't ask any questions. He opened the car door, and just as he took a step, he suddenly looked up at the door of a nearby restaurant, and a familiar figure walked out quickly.

Zhang Hanhan stared blankly at the quickly approaching figure, opened his small mouth but was speechless.

Wen Dong walked up to her, his eyes solid and silent.

Zhang Hanhan raised his head to look at him quietly, only feeling a bitter and sweet emotion spread from his heart.Like a deep undercurrent at the bottom of the sea, it surrounded her silently but powerfully, as if everything in the field of vision dimmed a bit, only the upright figure in front of her stood out vividly.

He was wearing an ordinary white shirt with a little dust on the shirt, and the sleeves were rolled up to the elbows. He was standing with his hands down, but he raised his hands when he walked up to her, as if he was about to embrace her in the next second. in the arms.

The surge of emotion seems to be uncontrollable and grows rapidly in his heart. Zhang Hanhan raised his head and stared at him in a daze. He hadn't seen him for only one night, but it seemed like a long time. The faint shadows showed that he hadn't slept all night.

(End of this chapter)

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