How bad guys are made

Chapter 422 Killing Night

Chapter 422 Killing Night
The air was quiet again, Zhang Hanhan looked up for a while, felt sleepy, yawned and stood up: "It's very late, I have to rest, there is an important meeting tomorrow. "As he said, he walked into the car, leaned back on the back seat and lay down comfortably, closed his eyes slightly, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, even he didn't know what he would do tonight She made this decision not to go home and sleep with Wendong to watch the stars, but she didn't regret it, at least it made her know more about Wendong.

"Honey, can I come in and rest?" Wen Dong followed behind with a flattering smile.

"En." Zhang Hanhan opened his eyes a little, and responded softly in his nose, knowing that this guy couldn't help but want to get closer.

"Hey." Wen Dong gritted his teeth, and slid into Zhang Hanhan's side in the back seat of the car. The lonely and closed space seemed to smell the faint fragrance of a woman beside him while he was circling. Feeling a trace of heat from Youxiang, my heart was ready to move again.

"Wife, can I touch your little hand?" Wen Dong asked cautiously, and he was also a little nervous. Although he had touched it before, in this eager atmosphere, he asked it himself again. It was different, the big hand stretched out to grab Zhang Hanhan's small hand that was spread flat on his thigh, but he didn't dare.

"En." Zhang Hanhan paused for a moment, then hummed lightly.

Wen Dong was very excited, this was a good start, for fear that the beautiful woman Zhang would repent, she grabbed her soft and boneless little hand, but her eyes couldn't help but fell on Zhang Hanhan's chest, swallowing hard, the voice Trembling again, he asked, "Honey, can you touch your..."

Zhang Hanhan's eyes narrowed slightly, but he had been paying attention to Wendong who was at the side all the time. Seeing his throbbing eyes, Zhang Hanhan's body trembled slightly.

Wen Dong's eyes were fixed on Zhang Hanhan's fullness, so he naturally didn't notice the colder glint in Zhang Hanhan's slightly narrowed beautiful eyes. Seeing that she was silent, he smiled, and slowly touched her with his big hand.

"Crack!" As soon as Wendong's hand touched Zhang Hanhan's chest, Zhang Hanhan slapped Wendong's hand away: "You rascal, get out, don't come in tonight." Kicked out of the car, closed the door with a bang, and quickly locked it.

"Damn it..." Wendong got up from the ground covered in dirt, wanting to cry but not crying, the paralyzed Zhang Hanhan, a stinky woman, if you don't agree, tell me, aren't you deliberately tempting me to give me a false appearance?
Zhang Hanhan didn't bother to take care of the complaining bastard Wendong outside, probably because he was too tired from throwing up before, and fell asleep in a daze after a while.


"Han, come here..." After making sure that Zhang Hanhan was asleep and that there was no threat around him, Wendong walked slowly into the darkness, and called into the phone he picked up. He knew beforehand that Bailihan didn't know what to do. Method found it, but it didn't appear in their sight. Wen Dong didn't know where he was hiding, but Wen Dong could feel it.

"Okay, north of the cliff." Bailihan said indifferently and seriously, and hung up the phone after saying these words.

When Wendong walked over, Bailihan was already standing there waiting for him. In the darkness, Bailihan stood with his hands behind his back and a sword box behind his back. loose.

This is indeed the case, Wendong was startled, because Bailihan was standing less than ten centimeters from the cliff, and he could step into the cliff with a little step forward.

"Why are you standing so close? Aren't you afraid of danger?" Wen Dong didn't dare to approach, he wouldn't joke about his life.

"I'm training my mind." Bailihan turned around, his deep eyes were so indifferent, without any other emotion, like a calm lake without a single ripple.

"Okay." Wen Dong was speechless for a while, he had nothing to say to this kind of idiot who put his life on the sword and force.

"You protect Zhang Hanhan, I will go out for a while and I will be back before dawn." Wen Dong said seriously.

"Okay, the car is at the foot of the mountain, 5 minutes away, here is the key." Bai Lihan didn't ask anything, and threw the car key to Wendong.

"Okay, thank you." Wen Dong took the car keys and nodded gratefully to Bai Lihan. The two seemed to be able to give their backs to each other's comrades-in-arms with peace of mind on the battlefield. Wen Dong actually believed in him unconditionally. Perhaps, it was more because of what happened when Zhang Hanhan was taken away by He Wenlong a few days ago. When Bailihan was sent to the hospital, he was seriously injured and unconscious. He promised Wendong that night, so for this promise he had no regrets and even almost died. After that, even Zhao Yifei admired Bailihan's perseverance. He is a person who takes promises as his life. Wendong Very relieved.

As for whether Bailihan would take the opportunity to bully Zhang Hanhan, then Wendong would not be worried. The principle he abides by in his heart is the same as his own life. Just like the demons mentioned in martial arts novels, he dare not.

As soon as Wendong turned around, Bailihan's voice suddenly came from behind him: "Are you in a hurry?"

"Oh? What's the matter?" Wen Dong turned to look at him wonderingly, wondering that he would ask such a question.

"Let's compete. I've improved again in the past few days." Bailihan said, with a strong fighting intent flashing in his dark and deep pupils. As he spoke, his calloused hands touched the sword box behind him, and his whole body erupted in an instant. fierce momentum.

"Can I call after I finish my work, it's too wasteful to fight with you." Wen Dong was speechless for a while.

"A man should be determined, and this is what you promised me, you can't avoid war." Bailihan said.

"Damn, I can't say I have to fight again when I go out this time. I just want to save some energy. This matter can't be sloppy." Wen Dong explained painfully. When talking to this stubborn guy, you must explain things clearly. Wen Dong With a serious expression, the person he is going to kill this time is Li Peihong, and it is very likely that the killers of the Seven Kills will be around to protect him.

Although Li Peihong is just a puppet, he still has to be killed.After all, he is the backbone of Lanyun Trading, and when he dies, other trading company executives headed by him will panic, and even if the other party finds another puppet to replace them, it is impossible to follow Lanyun for dozens of years. Compared with Li Peihong in [-], his management ability and relationship network cannot be completed in a day or two. This can be regarded as a small warning to them, don't think that I can't do anything to you.

Bailihan paused for a moment, then nodded and said, "That's good."


"Hello, Wendong." Zhang Sanbai answered the phone and said.

"Hey, Brother Zhang, why did you answer the phone yourself and still not sleep?" Wen Dong got in Bailihan's car and asked Zhang Sanbai strangely.

He had asked Zhang Sanbai long ago, asking him to help find Li Peihong's information and where tonight's residence, Zhang Sanbai agreed without saying a word, and gave Wen Dong the number of his subordinate named Li Sheng, Let Wendong contact him when the time comes, but I didn't expect Zhang Sanbai to pick up the call, isn't it Li Sheng's subordinate?
"Hehe, it's a little troublesome. Recently, the Tianlan Gang is ready to move, and something happened tonight, so I didn't sleep. Lao Li was next to me, so I took it." Zhang Sanbai said with a smile.

"Lanyun Gang? The gang managed by He Wenlong?" Wen Dong asked with a thought.

"Yeah, there has been some friction between their gang and our gang, and they fought again tonight, and several people died. I just went to meet and discuss with that kid He Wenlong." Zhang Sanbai said with a smile.

"Brother Zhang, if there is anything that can help you, just say it. I'm good at killing people and setting fires. You spare no effort to help me every time. I can't help you but keep bothering you." Wen Dong is serious. Said that since he met Zhang Sanbai, he has helped him a lot, Wen Dong has always remembered it in his heart, but because his status is too powerful, he doesn't need to help him with some things at all.

"Hehe, what are you talking about? If I need your help, I will definitely come to you. You can rest assured that the matter has been resolved. It's not as difficult as you think." Zhang Sanbai's hearty voice rang over the phone laughter.

"Then be careful with He Wenlong, he is a planter." Wendong reminded solemnly.

There was a noticeable pause on the phone, and then Zhang Sanbai's serious voice sounded: "I see, no wonder this kid has been a little bit crazy recently, I will be careful."

Afterwards, the two chatted a few more words. Zhang Sanbai seemed to know what Wendong wanted to do, and asked if he needed help. Wendong naturally said no. Li Peihong didn't have any force, so it was easy to kill him. The less the better.

Afterwards, Zhang Sanbai said that today was a coincidence. Li Peihong accompanied several high-level executives to the large bathing city he managed. Zhang Sanbai specially arranged to give him a very beautiful "signboard". He took the woman to the hotel to open a room. He has a wife and a lover in the villa he bought secretly. Naturally, he couldn't bring this new love home, so he had to go to the hotel to open a room, and opened a room. Sanbai also told the signboard to take good care of the old guy tonight, and must keep him overnight in the hotel, and just now the signboard secretly sent a message, and Li Peihong fell asleep after doing it a few times.

Hearing this, Wen Dong thanked Zhang Sanbai again and again. No wonder the senior killers of the Seven Kills would have such a person to assist her. With Zhang Sanbai's information and help from the dark, killing people would definitely be more effective with less effort.

In this way, even if Li Peihong has people around him to protect him, there will not be too many.

Li Peihong, if he was able to be romantic before his death, his life is not in vain.

The night is dark and windy, tonight is a murderous night——

(End of this chapter)

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