How bad guys are made

Chapter 424 The Strange Stalker

Chapter 424 The Strange Stalker

Just as Zhang Hanhan was about to turn his head and look away, Wen Dong suddenly turned his head with a wicked smile on his face: "Hey wife, you are looking at me so lewdly, are you fascinated by my beauty and want to treat you to me?" I'm plotting something wrong, if it's true, you should tell me earlier, so I can be mentally prepared."

"You're going to be a fart, don't be so stinky, isn't it." Zhang Hanhan quickly turned his head away, but was stunned again soon, did he say that to him just now?Since when did I become so familiar with this guy, I have always been so dissatisfied with him when I met him coldly, and I can even say jokes?
Could it be that he was spoiled by this bastard?Thinking of this, Zhang Hanhan felt sad.

She found that since she came into contact with Wendong, she has gotten used to his hooliganism and shamelessness, and even her own behavior is being influenced by this bastard, which is not a good sign.

Wen Dong didn't know what the beauty around him was thinking, the Zhanyi car drove into the city center quickly and steadily, stopped at the intersection of Qianjie, got out of the car quickly to buy breakfast, just bought pies and millet porridge and went back The moment he left, Wendong's heart suddenly moved strangely, and he turned his head to look almost instinctively.

In the morning, there are people coming and going on the front street, all of them are commuters who buy breakfast, and there seems to be nothing unusual.


Wendong was puzzled, and continued to walk out early. He absolutely did not believe that it was his own illusion just now. Now his perception has surpassed ordinary people. Just when he turned around with the evil soldiers, she felt a pair of His eyes are staring at himself, like a poisonous snake staring at its prey in the dark night. With his current intuition and keen intuition of danger, he is sure that this is definitely not his hallucination. Wen Dong knows that he is being followed.

The coincidence of the stalker surprised him a bit. If he hadn't turned his head inadvertently when he was buying a pie just now, it would be impossible to find the existence of those eyes. Even if he knew in his heart that there were eyes staring at him secretly, but when he When I searched carefully, I lost the figure of the other party.

Wen Dong's ability has only been improved recently, and he doesn't know how long the other party has been following him, but only now has he discovered that there is only one reason to explain it, the person who followed him is a real master, otherwise it would never be possible for such a long time Time did not find out.

Moreover, Bailihan has been secretly protecting him all the time. If he can avoid Bailihan and successfully target him, the other party must be a very powerful super stalker.

This person is an enemy, not a friend. Among the people Wendong knows, perhaps only the beautiful landlady has this level of stalking, but obviously the stalker is not her, and the beautiful landlady has no time to stare at him.


Wen Dong sneered in his heart, no longer deliberately looking for the stalker hidden in the dark, he walked out of the front street and came to Zhanyi car, he was not very worried about his safety, the only thing he was interested in was who was following him What do you want to do?
"Hanhan, what are you thinking?" Coming to the front of the car, Wen Dong saw Zhang Hanhan's blank expression, and asked with a strange smile in his heart.

"No, it's nothing." As if Wen Dong had broken his mind, Zhang Hanhan quickly lowered his head and looked at his legs, as if deliberately avoiding Wen Dong's gaze, and said softly: "It's getting late, drive to the company Well, I still need to prepare the materials for the meeting."

Wen Dong grinned, got in the car and turned into the parking lot quickly, because Wen Dong was distracted by someone following him, so he didn't think much about Zhang Hanhan's abnormality.

Driving into the parking lot, after getting off the car, Wendong did not leave alone, but directly followed Zhang Hanhan into the president's special elevator that can go straight to the top floor. Regarding this point, Zhang Hanhan just glanced at her casually and did not stop him, as if she had accepted it. And get used to this bastard's overbearing and strong.

"Hello, President."

"Hello Director."

On the top floor of Lanyun Building, there is not only Zhang Hanhan’s office. Next to her office is a secretary’s office directly under the president’s office. There are only seven or eight beautiful women who are dedicated to serving Zhang Hanhan. Zhang Hanhan’s senior secretary, Li Jing, also has her own office.

When the two passed by the secretary's room, the secretaries who were walking towards each other stopped and greeted Wendong and Zhang Hanhan with smiles and respect. of Wentong.The fact that Wen Dong is the popular man next to the president is no secret on the thirtieth floor, and he naturally knows a thing or two about the rumors between him and the president, but because of Zhang Hanhan's secret and inadvertent reminder, these rumors are already very popular. Few people would mention it, after all, no matter how gossip these secretaries are, they are afraid of being put on by the president.

At this time, I saw Wen Dong came up with the president, and it didn't look like the two of them just happened to come to see the president for something, as if they were still very close, and suddenly the gossip thoughts in the hearts of these gossip-loving secretaries were ready to move again. Now, my heart is full of curiosity, especially when I see the breakfast in Wendong's hand, the secretaries look at each other, their eyes are full of strangeness and doubts, is this going to the office for breakfast with the president?So blatant?
After greeting the secretaries one by one with a smile, Zhang Hanhan was like a tall goddess, with a calm expression and an elegant posture, and walked into the office slowly, but at the moment of entering the door, she turned her head slightly and glanced at Wen Dong behind her. Qing Qing couldn't see anything, but Wen Dong still noticed a trace of anger in Zhang Hanhan's eyes.

Zhang Hanhan has a very thin skin. She doesn't like gossip about the company's employees, not to mention that the gossip is about herself.

This short look made Wendong smile bitterly in his heart.

Wendong often comes here for a walk, and he is quite familiar with these secretaries, and some of them can still talk. Seeing that Zhang Hanhan didn't wait for his own to enter the office, he stopped by Zhou Xiaoyun, the team leader of the secretary's office. At the door of the card room, she put a bag in her hand on her desk: "Hey, Secretary Zhou, this is the breakfast specially bought for you by the president. Fried pie, eat it while it's hot." After finishing speaking, Zhou Xiaoyun didn't wait for a response Come and walk into the office.

Reaching out to pick up the hot breakfast on the table, Zhou Xiaoyun couldn't laugh or cry, he wouldn't believe Wen Dong's words, Mr. Zhang would buy breakfast for himself?Unless the president is busy and confused or the sun is coming out of the west.

That is, Director Wen bought it for himself?
How could this guy suddenly be so kind to buy breakfast for himself?Does he have other plans for himself?Thinking about it this way, Zhou Xiaoyun suddenly remembered that almost every time he met this gossip celebrity, this guy would always stare at him obsessively. He wouldn't be interested in me, would he?
Zhou Xiaoyun was thinking wildly, unable to figure out what Wendong meant, and suddenly found that several colleagues appeared in front of him, all of them looked at him curiously, with strange expressions, and gossip-like expressions in their bright eyes.

A secretary smiled and approached Zhou Xiaoyun and asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, why did Director Wen buy you breakfast?"

"That's right, isn't he looking at you?" Another secretary came over and asked gossipingly.

"Well, I think it's true. Have you noticed that Director Wen always stares at Miss Xiaoyun every time he comes here, especially there..." The secretary nodded quickly, staring at Zhou Xiaoyun with bulging eyes full of ambiguity. The swollen place giggled and said.

"Smelly girl, what are you talking about? Who do you say hasn't been stared at by Director Wen?" Zhou Xiaoyun glared at the two gossip secretaries angrily, but his little face couldn't help turning red.

"Uh... this is really true." A secretary thought for a while and said, but she didn't look angry. After all, besides her natural ability, that baby also has another function for these beautiful girls, which is to make her figure more bumpy. They are beautiful, and it is a kind of appreciation to be seen by others, besides, it is the young, handsome and capable Director Wen who is watching them.

"That being said, why did Director Wen only buy breakfast for you and not us?" The secretary approached with a gossip and smiled.

"Hey." Seeing that Zhou Xiaoyun was dumbfounded and didn't know how to explain it, the little secretary smirked at her triumphantly, "Is it true that the rumors outside are not the case, Director Wen runs here every day, but the person who actually wants to see it is Xiaoyun Sister, tell me, have you guys already had an affair? No wonder Miss Xiaoyun always wears the Queen series clothes designed by Director Wen these days, isn’t it also a gift from the director?”

"Go, go, get out of the way, the president is here, you two still have time to gossip here, hurry back and do your work, and be careful not to be seen by the president and punish you." Seeing the two stinky women who are also best friends, they look broken. Zhou Xiaoyun's face was flushed with the posture of guessing the casserole, and he was displaying the absolute authority of the head of the secretary's office with a tiger face.

"Well, sister Xiaoyun is showing off her power. You should be the one who is determined to be punished by the CEO, but it's okay, we won't talk about it. Hee hee, there is a handsome guy who will buy you breakfast, and you can invite dinner..." The secretary just said After walking two steps, he suddenly turned his head and smiled triumphantly.

"Get out of my way, there is no way for me to treat guests, my mother's last month's salary has been used to buy clothes..." Zhou Xiaoyun curled her lips and snorted, her face blushed again when she said this, the clothes she bought were all designed by Wendong.

Naturally, Wendong didn't know, but just gave away a copy of breakfast, which made the three girls bicker and laugh. If he knew, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Zhang Damei, who was walking in front like a queen, became his wife, and he was just shivering with joy.

Wendong walked into the office and found that Zhang Hanhan had already sat there and began to carefully examine the materials and was about to go to work. Wendong was also very speechless for this workaholic who couldn't even take care of food. He put the breakfast on the coffee table, He said casually, "Let's watch after eating."

"Oh, right away." Zhang Hanhan agreed without looking up.

(End of this chapter)

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