How bad guys are made

Chapter 429 Zhang Hanhan Has Arrived

Chapter 429 Zhang Hanhan Has Arrived

But Wendong's heart sank, because he felt that his palm seemed to be slapped on the cotton, and there was a feeling of strength and nowhere to use it. As soon as his palm came into contact with Hongyan Fang, her hands and wrists became flexible. With a flip, it pinched Wen Dong's wrist all at once, and it seemed that Wen Dong's palm slapped her flying, but in fact, this palm did not cause any substantial harm to her.

Hongyan quickly backed up seven or eight steps, tapped her toes, and stepped back to the desk before stopping her figure. With a muffled groan in her throat, she looked at Wen Dong with a surprised face and said, "Mr. airway."

Sure enough, breaking strength with softness, the beauty's fighting experience is definitely above Wen Dong's, and she lost most of the strength of Wen Dong's palm in the rapid retreat.

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for using the speed potion, which increases the speed by 30 points and lasts for 15 minutes."

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for using the strength potion, which increases strength by 30 points and lasts for 15 minutes."


"Ten benefits with one force, let me see how capable you are to block my attack." Wen Dong snorted coldly, and rushed up to Hongyan again. With this woman protecting him, Wen Dong couldn't force out He Wenlong's ability at all. Get rid of her first.

"Then try it." The delicate face of the beauty also became dignified, and her figure was as ethereal as a butterfly flying steeply, and she greeted Wen Dong.

"Go help her, just stop Wendong." A murderous intent flashed in He Wenlong's eyes, but he couldn't help Wendong for a while, so he quickly said to a middle-aged man beside him.

"En." The man agreed and rushed into the battle circle.

The men's skill is not much worse than that of Hongyan. Wendong started to struggle with one against two. It is almost impossible to defeat them in a short time, but Wendong still doesn't want to give up. The hatred and disgust on his body seem to be free of money. Use it to turn on the golden eye state, bless 200% reaction speed and 30% flaw attack, the moves are extremely fierce, and still press them to fight.

At this time, Zhou Xiaozhou, who was lying on the ground and howling, was dumbfounded. People like him rarely see blood. He has never seen such a scene like a martial arts drama. His face is full of horror, and he secretly prays These two people must kill Wendong, otherwise he will take revenge, and he will die. He is not as capable as He Wenlong and has two masters to protect him.

The pretty woman's face was also huddled in a corner in horror, her body was trembling, and she didn't dare to make a sound.

"Huh?" The two sides fought for dozens of rounds regardless of the outcome. Wen Dong, who had a strong sense, suddenly noticed that a master was approaching. This feeling... a little familiar.

Wen Dong was determined, he turned his elbow to repel the man's offensive, but ignored the man's next kick, his body suddenly jumped up half a meter, and a knee bump hit the girl's chest viciously place.

Wen Dong suddenly attacked instead of defending, which stunned Hong Yan for a moment, but naturally she would not be injured. Knowing that Wen Dong could not dodge this sudden blow, her already petite body hurriedly turned to one side at an excellent angle, and folded her hands Meet Wen Dong's knee.

"Boom!" With a muffled snort, although Hong Yan avoided Wen Dong's heaviest force of the sharp drill, her figure was still hit by this knee and flew out, and her body quickly backed away towards the door.

"Quick!" Wen Dong suddenly called out, and rushed towards Hong Yan again.

"Be careful!" He Wenlong on the side quickly reminded.

Hongyan who was flying back also noticed something unusual. She had been struggling on the line of life and death all year round, and her perception of danger was extremely keen.

Hongyan stepped back and turned her head slightly, only to see a flash of cold light, flashing past her eyes, Hongyan was startled, her secret path was bad, and Wendong had tricked her, so she twisted her body quickly.

"Tch!" Baili Han's eyes were frighteningly cold, and the sword on his back was pulled out almost in 0.1 second, and he slashed at Hongyan's back without hesitation. Chi' the sound of the wind, swinging the sword as fast as lightning.

"Boom!" Fortunately, He Wenlong rescued him in time, so he rushed over and punched Bailihan's sword-holding wrist.

But Bailihan's heart was so determined that he couldn't leave his sword after being punched on the wrist. Although the force of the punch deflected his sword path, he still let go of his hand forcefully.

"Chila!" The point of the sword pierced into the flesh, and it passed by in a flash, bringing up a cut of hair and a few drops of blood, and the red veil on Hongyan's body was suddenly cut open by Bailihan's sword , revealing a piece of white skin and a very thin line of blood inside.

Hongyan snorted in pain, secretly thinking that she should die, because her body twisted and lost her balance, she fell to the side in embarrassment, and escaped Bailihan's fatal sword with a very ugly posture.

And the struggle on the line of life and death is still going on, how could Wendong rushing over to let go of such an opportunity, under the blessing of the speed potion, Wendong rushed up at the moment when the beauty was embarrassed to avoid falling, his pupils The heart is full of coldness, this woman is helping the tyrant, death is not a pity!

A knee bump finally ruthlessly hit Hongyan's lower abdomen. The huge force caused Hongyan's beautiful face to twist in pain for a moment. I felt as if the five internal organs in her abdomen had been crushed. Speed ​​up a little more, but how could Wendong miss the opportunity to beat the dog in the water? The moment his knee hit, he swung his fist and smashed it at the beautiful and white jade neck. If it hits, even a very thick iron plate will have to be bent.

The beauty's small mouth was tightly pursed, and she was worthy of being a blue-level killer of the Seven Kills Organization. Just at the critical moment, her unbalanced body twisted again, like a bone shrinking technique, her shoulders were strangely raised a few points, and her neck was shrunk abruptly. .


"Crack!" A heavy punch without the slightest hesitation, but the blow that was intended to hit her fatal weakness hit Hongyan's shoulder, and even Wen Dong could clearly hear the cracking sound of the shoulder bone shattering.

"Ah..." Hongyan Xiaozui let out a scream immediately, and Wen Dong's knee bumped her slanted figure into the ground, and under another punch, she flew towards the ground obliquely, her petite and frail body It slammed heavily on the ground, rolled far away and hit the wall of the door before stopping.

From the very beginning, Wendong wanted to beat the most skilled confidante to Bailihan's side, and then rushed forward to double-team her. As long as this woman was taken down, the remaining man would be no threat.

"Pfft!" Hong Yan was severely injured, she opened her small mouth and spurted out a mouthful of blood, her small face turned pale and weak in an instant.

"The two of you are really shameless for plotting against me as a woman." The moment Hongyan hit the wall, she jumped up and stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and looked at Wen Dongdao coldly.

Seeing this, Wen Dong was startled, and even Wen Dong had to admire that this woman deserved to be a well-trained killer, and she was able to get up quickly after being so traumatized.

"Hey, why don't you use the ability to grow clothes? Do you look down on us?" Wen Dong sneered, and with a bent elbow, he repelled the male killer who rushed to rescue him.

"I'm not that kind of disgusting and ugly monster." Hongyan snorted contemptuously, her momentum was not weak at all, after hearing her words, the corner of He Wenlong's mouth twitched, and he snorted in his throat: " madness!"

It's stupid, women love beauty, especially a beauty like Hongyan, whose face and figure are more important than her own life, how could she be willing to become a monster covered in scales.

"Hmph, it's you again! You really are shameless!" Hongyan just finished speaking, and felt a danger approaching. go.

He is very vengeful, and naturally he has not forgotten that they were almost killed by their sisters that night in Jinxiu Villa. Now that he meets Hongyan again, there is no reason for him not to act. Injured, because the injured beauty still has a strong combat effectiveness.

"Stop!" Wendong and Bailihan each stood one by one. Wendong faced the male killer. As soon as Fang fought, Wendong gained the upper hand. But before the fierce offensive started, a familiar and angry voice came from the office door.

It was Zhang Hanhan, the president, followed by a dozen senior executives of Lanyun.

At first, Zhang Hanhan wanted to hold a meeting on the floor of the trading company, but unexpectedly, the meeting started to be noisy. It was reported that Wendong was fighting a senior executive of Lanyun in the company. There was a lot of discussion for a while, and Zhang Hanhan walked out of the meeting room to take a look. Suddenly, some lively workers started to take the elevator to the third floor.

Zhang Hanhan was overwhelmed with anger, and hated Wen Dong, a bastard, so much that he gritted his teeth, couldn't he stop for a while?How dare to beat someone in Lanyun, even Lanyun's prince can't do it, so he hurriedly brought people here.

Bailihan was originally protecting Zhang Hanhan in secret, but when he came to this floor, he, who has a keen sense of masters, suddenly found a powerful master in the past, and was full of fighting spirit for a while, so he left Zhang Hanhan and came first, and this happened. .

Baili Han saw Miss appearing at the door, his deep eyes were dull, he quickly gave up on the girl, and came to Zhang Hanhan's side in a flash. His task was to protect Zhang Hanhan. There were too many dangerous people here, so he naturally didn't dare to slack off. He stared at He Wenlong, Hongyan and the others sharply and coldly.

Seeing Zhang Hanhan coming, Wendong scolded in his heart why this idiot-forced woman would appear here, and brought so many people here, knowing that he couldn't beat him, he quickly stepped back and came to Zhang Hanhan's side.

"What's the matter with you?" Zhang Hanhan stared at Wendong coldly, but moaned weakly in his heart, what is this bastard husband doing?Use the company's office as a battlefield?
"Hehe, you'll know right away." Wen Dong spread his hands and gave a wry smile, and looked up at He Wenlong who was standing opposite. Zhang Hanhan frowned, as if he didn't have much strength left to stare at him, following Wen Dong's gaze, Just in time to meet He Wenlong's gaze, he was suddenly taken aback, and a flash of panic and fear leisurely flashed across his angry pupils.

Yes, for the current He Wenlong, Zhang Hanhan is only afraid.

"He Wenlong, why are you here?" Zhang Hanhan forced himself to calm down, and when he noticed Wendong standing next to him, Zhang Hanhan's fear was a little less, and he shouted in a cold voice.

"Hehe, my President Zhang, hello." He Wenlong didn't seem to see the disgust in Zhang Hanhan's eyes, and greeted him with a smile in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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