How bad guys are made

Chapter 435 The Troubled Zhang Xinlan

Chapter 435 The Troubled Zhang Xinlan
"Director, what you said made us feel ashamed. You are so powerful. The Queen's series of clothing you designed will soon go international. Now your reputation is unknown in the clothing industry. Wherever you go, your annual salary is at least seven dollars. number of digits."

Sure enough, all the salesmen were eloquent, and Wen Dong, who could speak in a few words, was in a daze, dazed, and didn't know why.

"According to your auspicious words, when I really get rich someday, please go to my side to help me with things, and we will still be colleagues." Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, just wait for Director Wen's words. The sales of the clothes you design will definitely be good, and you will definitely have food to eat. I will write down your number first, so as to save you from defaulting on it when you get it."

"I want it, I want it too." Another salesman said not to be outdone.

"Uh...Okay." Seeing that the two beauties were really in front of him, Wen Dong reluctantly gave them a number, and I was just bragging - forcing him to talk on the spot.

Walking through the office area all the way, this also made Wendong clearly see the coldness of the world. I believe that there are many people who criticize Wendong, but there are also many who criticize him. Several employees boldly pointed in front of his face, their eyes not hiding their contempt and disgust.

For these, Wen Dong just pretended not to see it, and it was hard to tell the difference. He didn't have the time to chat with these boring people.

Wendong walked back to his office and shook his head vigorously. Just as he was about to pour a glass of water, he suddenly saw a person sitting on his full-time chair. Because the computer was blocking him, the person lowered his head again. Didn't see who it was, Wen Dong thought, "It's probably the person who will take his place."

Thinking of this, Wen Dong was also speechless, He Wenlong was really 'vigorous and resolute' in his work.

Wen Dong just wanted to see who it was, but when he got closer, he was startled. He Qing's little assistant, her little sister, Zhang Xinlan, was staring at the computer with blank eyes. They didn't even pay attention, and they looked like their souls were out of their bodies.

Why is she here?Send yourself off?But what is this in a daze?
"Xiao Lanlan, what are you thinking?" Wen Dong asked curiously.

"Ah, ah?" Zhang Xinlan, who was wandering around the world, trembled in fright, and the pair of small hands supporting her little head suddenly softened, and almost smashed her head on the keyboard on the table. Wen Dong rolled his eyes while watching this scene.

Zhang Xinlan raised her head nervously, and was relieved when she saw it was Wendong, and patted her extremely overdeveloped 34E chest vigorously: "Brother Wendong, why are you walking like a ghost?" There is no sound, you just scared me to death."

"I said girl, it's not that I walk like a ghost, but that you look like a ghost. I just walked very loudly, but you didn't hear me. Your appearance just now really shocked me. I thought you were walking like a ghost." Got caught by a ghost?" Wen Dong curled his lips speechlessly for a while, and said with a chuckle: "What's the matter, girl, look at your preoccupied appearance, what were you thinking about just now, tell you Brother Wen Dong, anyway, I am now I'm free, just to help you solve the problem."

After Wen Dong finished speaking, Zhang Xinlan looked at him strangely for a few times, then she glanced at her small mouth, wrinkled her nose and snorted, "What can you help me with? The more I think about it, the more I feel that you are the one who did the trick."

"I'm making trouble? What's the matter?" Wen Dong was suddenly confused, what's the matter with me?

Suddenly, Wen Dong's heart moved, he bared his teeth and smiled, and approached the little girl who looked full of grievances mysteriously, and said with a smile: "It can't be about that guy Zhao Yifei, right?"

"En..." Zhang Xinlan nodded obediently, and lay down on the table all of a sudden, with a helpless expression...

Hearing that this was indeed the case, Wendong suddenly lost his mind. He can help with other things, but Wendong can't do anything about her feelings. On one side is his sister and on the other side is his buddy. If Zhang Xinlan is not willing, he Naturally, you can't be stupid-force-force to try your best to match, this thing is about your love and my willingness, probably because Zhao Yifei is too direct and scared Xiaolan.

"Brother Wendong, what do you think I should do? He confessed to me." Zhang Xinlan looked at Wendong worriedly, and asked again: "Brother Wendong, tell me the truth, is Zhao Yifei chasing me? You matched it? Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?"

"Ah?" Wen Dong was taken aback: "Are you kidding me? You have wronged me. You are my sister and Zhao Yifei is my buddy. Although I knew he liked you, I didn't chase after you. You can say how good he is, and I didn't say anything about you."

"Really?" Zhang Xinlan looked at Wendong in disbelief. Obviously Zhao Yifei's idiot would be smart for a while anyway, and he didn't tell this to her sister, otherwise, Xiaolan wouldn't ask this question. .

"Of course, hehe, girl, what are you thinking about? I, Wendong, have always been helping relatives and not helping. You are my sister. How could I introduce you indiscriminately? That guy Zhao Yifei also met you by chance. I fell in love with you at first sight, it was a coincidence that I met him, don't think about it." Wen Dong smiled awkwardly, feeling a little guilty.

"That's weird, could it be that brother Wu Zhan did it?" Zhang Xinlan frowned in distress, and said so, but her pair of clear eyes continued to sweep Wendong's face back and forth.

Wen Dong has a ghost in his heart, he really can't stand the girl's weird gaze, he waved his hands and said in a majestic manner: "It must be that guy Wu Jian, this guy is the cheapest." People, the key point is that my sister is too obsessive, and you are not a good person anyway, right?

Seeing Zhang Xinlan staring straight at him, Wen Dong nodded to her seriously, and walked behind the desk, a little afraid to face Zhang Xinlan's questioning.

Unexpectedly, he dodged, but Zhang Xinlan chased after him straight away, lying on the desk, staring into his eyes, and said with a strange face: "Brother Wendong, why do I feel that you seem to be very guilty now, don't you You're lying to me, Brother Wu Zhan really doesn't look like a good person, but neither do you."

"I..." Wendong was about to cry, and suddenly he stared: "Stinky girl, what nonsense are you talking about, why is your brother Wendong not a good person?"

"Hehe, okay, okay, I won't ask, who cares, anyway, I don't want to fall in love yet." Zhang Xinlan waved her little hands like an old Buddha, Wen Dong just breathed a sigh of relief, but saw this The girl suddenly grinned at herself, she looked treacherous no matter how you looked at it: "Brother Wendong, are you really going to be kicked out of Lanyun?"

"I see why you feel a little gloating?" Wen Dong rolled his eyes angrily, and then he remembered the business. He was confused by this girl's question just now, and he forgot exactly. He quickly got up and looked at the desk to pack his things. After seeing it, I realized that I actually have nothing to clean up here. The only thing Wendong remembers clearly is the lollipop box that Sun Xiaojie gave him back then. An important memory item from an experience.

"It's nothing, because you're gone, and I don't want to stay in Lanyun anymore, let's go together." Zhang Xinlan waved her hands indifferently, with an excited smile on her snowy face.

"What? You want to resign?" Wen Dong widened his eyes, looked at Zhang Xinlan in disbelief, reached out and touched her forehead: "Are you crazy? Are you not sick?"

It's also very strange what Wendong thinks about this little girl's little head. I was forced to leave here, and now this girl wants to resign voluntarily?

"Brother Wendong, I rejected Brother Zhao's confession, but this guy seems to have a single muscle in his head, and he has been chasing me. Every afternoon, he is waiting to drive me home. He is your friend, and he is sincere. Hello, I don’t know how to refuse. I want to hide from him for a few days. And I don’t want to do it anymore. I just resigned and went with you. Well, Brother Wendong, you are so powerful. I will definitely not be bullied if I follow you. And there will be a lot of money to be made, I am your sister, you are such a nice person, you will definitely think of me first when you have good things, and you will definitely find me a good salary who doesn't have to work and don't need to use your brain Work, I believe in you. And I want to hide from Brother Zhao, so I can’t go to the place I rented before. Well, Brother Wendong, you are the best, so you can take me in for a few days? Wait for Brother Zhao to tell me Let’s talk about it after the heat is gone, I’ll go to your place to live for a few days first, you won’t mind.”

Wen Dong was already dumbfounded at this time, looking at Zhang Xinlan with a dull face, do you mind?Of course I mind.You must know that the place where you live now is Zhang Hanhan's home, even if you don't mind Zhang Hanhan, you must know that no one in the entire Lanyun International knows the relationship between yourself and Zhang Hanhan except He Qing, and even He Qing doesn't. Knowing the specifics, isn't this little girl completely out of order once she moves in?

Besides, I have just established a relationship with Zhang Hanhan. Wendong really doesn't dare to compliment this little jealousy. Zhang Hanhan is quite taboo about his affairs with other women, even if Zhang Xinlan is his sister, he doesn't have much in mind , but would Zhang Hanhan believe it?Thank goodness for not kicking myself out.Dear readers, the villains will start to explode on March [-]th, that is, tomorrow, with ten chapters! ! ! !However, only in Migu Reading Explosive Updates, Migu Reading Search, Bad Guy Cultivation System, I hope everyone can download the Migu Reading client and give us a lot of support!
And I am also a vagrant now, okay, where can I find a good job with a high salary and no need to work? It's a shame that this girl can figure it out and praise herself so highly. Feeling like a trap, full of entanglement but unable to show it: "Xiao Lan, you must have made up your mind to mess with me a long time ago, right? Are you sure you're not joking?"

"Who said I was joking with you, I brought a change of clothes early in the morning, anyway, I couldn't live in the place before, and the company couldn't stay anymore, I'll clean it up for you when you come. You took me home, here, look..." Zhang Xinlan pointed with her little finger, and sure enough, there was a light and fashionable suitcase in the corner of the office. When Wen Dong saw it, he collapsed instantly, hitting his head directly on the table. He even flicked it hard twice, completely speechless...

(End of this chapter)

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