How bad guys are made

Chapter 441 Got a job?

Chapter 441 Got a job?
Wen Dong sat down, and suddenly found that Wu Jian and Jiang Tao were staring at him blankly, thinking that he didn't expect the boss here to respect him so much.

"Hey, Bitch Wen, it's amazing." Bitch Wu smiled mysteriously at Wendong, and treacherously moved to Wendong's side, hooked her eyes and said in a low voice, "Can I have a top card tonight?"

"Didn't you call Fan Youcheng brothers and sisters just now? You can just tell him no?" Wen Dong rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Oh, it's just a scene talk, who doesn't know that Boss Fan is looking at your face, right Jiang Tao?" Wu Jian smiled cheaply, flattered Wen Dong and turned his head to flirt with Jiang Tao.

"Hehe, I don't know."


Just as Wen Dong was about to speak, he suddenly turned his eyes and turned to look in the direction of the stairs. At this time, Fan Youcheng left and returned, still carrying a bottle of wine in his hand.It's just that there are two more beautiful women beside him at this time.

Originally, Wendong thought that Fan Youcheng gave him two accompanying maids, but when he saw the two girls' outfits, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

There is a very good-looking woman next to her. She looks very delicate, but she is very upright and elegant. At first glance, she is not the kind of romantic woman. What makes Wen Dong frown is that the woman is wearing sunglasses, and she is accompanied by a little girl. The girl supported her, moving her lotus steps lightly, she looked like a flimsy lady who just came out of the boudoir, but she looked like a very awesome lady wearing sunglasses. This completely different temperament made Wendong very puzzled.

And looking at their direction, they were running towards him. Wen Dong was sure that he didn't know this delicate woman, and wondered what they were going to do.

"Where are you?" Seeing the three of them approaching, Wen Dong got up and asked curiously.

"Hehe, Xiaoyao, please tell Mr. Wen, don't be rude." Fan Youcheng smiled, turned to look at the woman wearing sunglasses and said.

At this time, the woman next to the girl in sunglasses pulled her to turn around in Wendong's direction, and at the same time looked at Wendong curiously.

The corner of the woman's mouth curled up, a smile appeared, she bowed her body and said in a soft voice: "Mr. Wen, my name is Shen Yao, the director of Fashion Music Company."

"Fashion style? Music company? Director?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, wondering, he didn't know her. He stretched out his hand to shake her little hand and said with a smile: "It's a pleasure to meet you, I wonder what Miss Shen is looking for me for?"

"It's like this. Mr. Wen sang a song called "Let Go and Love" before. I like your song very much, and I even composed a song for this song on my own. I hope Mr. Wen will make this song The copyright of the song will be handed over to us for management, and it will be placed on our fashion music website as the exclusive copyright, but you can rest assured that we will share [-]% of the profit from this song, you will share [-]%, and we only need [-]%." Shen Yao speaks directly and to the point.

However, Wen Dong was stunned. He did sing the song "Let Go and Love" that night at Jinxiu Villa, but because it was a song from his world, there was no accompanying song in this world. Unexpectedly, it was just a song. A song he sang casually was appreciated by the fashion director.

He has heard of the fashion music company before. Although not to mention how famous it is, it is also a regular company. It produces and releases its own films. It is also well-known in the music industry. I remember that the most popular album of Fashion Style was called " "Happy Time", the song "Happy Time" became popular a few years ago. Wen Dong often listened to Lin Xiaoxi humming this song, but the singer who sang this song disappeared after only releasing this album. Probably something happened, what is the singer's name, Wen Dong remembers seeing it.

"En?" Wen Dong was taken aback, then suddenly raised his head to look at the woman wearing sunglasses in front of him: "Shen Yao? Shen Xiaoyao? Are you the singer who sang happy times?" Wen Dong stared at her blankly, feeling more and more nervous To be sure, firstly, the name is very similar, and secondly, the voice of this woman is similar to the original singer of this song. Dong is still sure that she is Shen Xiaoyao.

Hearing what Wen Dong said, the corners of Shen Yao's mouth twitched slightly, because she couldn't see her eyes wearing sunglasses, but Wen Dong still clearly felt an inexplicable feeling in the woman when he said the name. sad.

"Yes, I am Shen Xiaoyao. I didn't expect Mr. Wen to know me." Shen Yao shook her body, and the girl beside her also showed a trace of sadness on her face, she quickly reached out to help her, Shen Yao shook her head, and whispered: It's okay.

"Hehe, of course I know. I have a friend who likes your song very much. She often hums it, and I like to listen to it too." Wen Dong felt strange, thinking that something must have happened to Shen Xiaoyao, but it is not easy to ask too much, laughing said.

"Mr. Wen, to get to the point, are you willing to hand over the copyright of this song to us? Don't worry, I will definitely not bury this song. Although I dare not say more, I can say that this song will definitely There are more people who know and even imitate and sing. To put it mildly, some large entertainment venues such as KTV will also add your song, and more and more people will know and like it, although I know you are not short of money , Singing is just a hobby and a means of expressing feelings, but letting more people know about your song, this is also the time to reflect the value of your song, this is an achievement, I believe you will not refuse."

Seeing Shen Yao's serious look, Wen Dong took a serious look at her, and said with a smile: "Your words touched me."

Hearing this, Shen Yao smiled: "Then you agreed?"

"Hehe, don't worry, come on, sit down and talk first." Wen Dong stepped aside and stretched out his hand.

Seeing that Shen Yao still needed to grope for a seat with the support of the woman next to her, Wen Dong smiled and asked Fan Youcheng to also sit down, then looked up at Shen Yao and frowned: "Let me ask curiously, your eyes? "

"Hehe, I can't see anything. Please don't take offense at Mr. Wen's impoliteness." Shen Yao said with a smile, her tone casual.

Hearing this, Wen Dong took a deep breath, and couldn't help being shocked. Could it be that Shen Xiaoyao disappeared after that version of the album was released? It turned out that something like this happened, but even if she lost her eyesight, it wouldn't hinder her from singing, right? ?Although it is not convenient to go on stage, it is completely possible to sing and record in the recording studio.

What shocked him even more was that Shen Yao could still take the position of fashion director without singing, and she was still invisible. Firstly, she could see her ability and influence. Perseverance is also admirable, and today I still come to find myself to tap my potential.

Well, Wendong is not bragging, if he really agrees to her, he will really dig into the treasury. There are many famous songs with beautiful lyrics and meaningful lyrics in my world, but there are no such in this world. Thinking about it this way, Wendong suddenly thought of a way to make money-singing.

Be a singer, no matter what.

"Hehe, why would I be offended, I just feel a little pity." Wen Dong smiled and waved his hand.

Shen Yao didn't seem to want to talk about this topic, so she said with a straight face: "Mr. Wen, you can create such a good song, which shows that you also like music. If you have time, you can visit our company first. If you are interested, I welcome you to join Fashion Style, after all, you don't have a job now, do you?"

"Xiaoyao..." Fan Youcheng, who was sitting by the side, was startled when he heard this. It was a shameful thing for Wen Dong to be dismissed by Lan Yun, but now he annoyed Mr. Wen by saying it in front of so many people. It's broken.

Unexpectedly, Wen Dong smiled and waved his hands, and said indifferently: "It's okay, I just don't have a job." Suddenly, Wen Dong found that Wu Jian, who had been silent by the side, was touching him, and Wen Dong turned his head curiously. Glancing at it, he asked with his eyes: What's wrong?
"Promise her." Wu Jian urged in a low voice, but his eyes glanced at the woman next to Shen Yao from time to time. Wen Dong could understand the eagerness of his eyes at a glance, and couldn't help but glance at the woman curiously. He didn't pay attention just now, but now he looks carefully It was only later that I realized that this girl was very good-looking, dressed in elegant, stylish and decent manner, with a kind face, she looked like the kind of girl who came from a simple background but had an excellent family education.

Wen Dong wanted to laugh in his heart, he guessed that Wu Jian had taken a fancy to him, no wonder he urged himself to agree to Shen Yao.

Wen Dong originally wanted to agree, after all, idleness is idleness.

"Thanks to Ms. Shen's appreciation, yes, I will go and have a look tomorrow." Wen Dong smiled and nodded.

"Okay, then I will temporarily welcome Mr. Wen to settle in on behalf of Fashion Style. Don't worry, I will definitely not disappoint you." Shen Yao stood up happily and said.

"We'll wait and see." Wen Dong chuckled and shook hands with Shen Yao again.

"Then let's not bother Mr. Wen. I can't see. I can't blame Mr. Wen's friends for being rude. I do it first as a respect. I wish us a happy cooperation." Shen Yao was extremely generous and decent, after speaking , the girl beside her hurriedly found a glass and poured wine into her hand, and the girl poured a glass herself.

"Hehe, I'm not rude, I'm happy to cooperate, hehe." Wu Jian hurriedly took the wine bottle from the girl and filled it up for himself and the others, stood up, smiled at the girl, and leaned back to murmur After pouring it into his mouth, Wen Dong, who watched the series of movements, was dumbfounded, holding his glass and said speechlessly: "This has something to do with you."

"Hey, I'm happy for you. You'll have a salary in the future, so you don't have to buy us a drink and complain." Wu Jian wiped his mouth and smiled, but what he said made the girl on the other side cover her mouth lightly. laugh.

"Depend on!"

Wendong was speechless for a while, knowing that this guy was making fun of him just to make the girl laugh, okay, bro, bear with it.

"Don't look, the eyeballs are hanging on his ass." Fan Youcheng smiled and took the two girls away, while Wu Jian looked at the girl's back and didn't want to blink. Wendong was angry Slapped him on the back of the head, shame on him.

"Fuck off, who's looking at her ass, I'm looking at her figure, do you think she's still walking? Huh? That Shen Yao seems to be too." Wu Jian muttered, extremely excited.

Wen Dong curled his lips and said, "Then do you think her butt is up?"

"Nonsense, of course it's ridiculous, how about I say she's still a virgin." Wu Jian said with a contemptuous look at Wen Dong.

"Then why did you say you didn't look at other people's ass..."

"I..." Wu Jian suddenly became hoarse, embarrassed to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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