How bad guys are made

Chapter 605 Wendong's Bad Event

Chapter 605 Wendong's Bad Event

The new singer selection contest ended successfully. Although Lin Xiaoxi was not in a good mood because of Tian Yu's incident, she still won the crown of the new singer champion in the first phase of Fashion Style in Shuishi without any surprise.

Afterwards, Lin Xiaoxi made a not-so-long-not-short championship speech. This thing was actually drafted a long time ago, and there was no need for impromptu performance. There were constant cheers and the atmosphere was very good.

Afterwards, No.2 and No.3 expressed their feelings one by one. The music director of the Rolling Stones said that this was the most exciting singing competition he had participated in these years. Fall to participate.

Rolling Stone Music, the largest music company in Tianxia Country, this is a cooperation that Fashion Wind has no choice but to cooperate with. People can’t be greedy. Even if they eat meat and soup by themselves, others will always be jealous, so Rolling Stone Music Director still has a choice in this selection competition Take a fancy to the singer's qualifications to enter the Rolling Stones.

At the same time, he invited Lin Xiaoxi on the spot, and offered a contract price of 1000 million yuan to invite Lin Xiaoxi to settle in Rolling Stone, but the result was as expected, Lin Xiaoxi did not agree, and he could only express his regret.

Afterwards, the host Yun Yuyan said a few words, and the vice president Tian Yu came on stage.

"I'm very happy, but the successful ending of this trial is also expected, and I'm also looking forward to it..." Tian Yu stood in the center of the stage in a clean shirt and suit, with a tall and straight figure, extremely handsome, and his words were quite satisfactory. Gentle: "Next, let's invite Wen Dong, our fashion president and musician, the creator of the well-known and loved "Let's Go To Love", "Too Much" and "Infatuated Absolutely" to come on stage and express his thoughts."

With a smile on Tian Yu's face, after finishing speaking, he applauded first, and there was a lot of applause from the audience. In terms of fame, Wendong is not much worse than the goddess Lin Xiaoxi, as can be seen just by looking at the atmosphere at this time.

"'s so nice to say, I really can't bear it." The plot was arranged, and when Tian Yu finished speaking, Wen Dong walked onto the stage from the audience to the warm cheers, looked up and smiled at himself Tian Yu, who was facing him, murmured.

While walking, she turned her head and looked at Lin Xiaoxi, who was also clapping at the side, and saw that she was looking at her. Lin Xiaoxi naturally raised her head and looked at the stage where the light sticks were swinging. She didn't look at Wendong, or ashamed?dare not?
However, when she noticed that Wen Dong was walking towards Tian Yu step by step, especially the smile on his face was a bit weird, Lin Xiaoxi felt a little worried...

Everyone naturally watched Wendong walk in front of Tian Yu, met the happy face of the host Yun Yuyan, met the smiling eyes of the judges on the stage, and at the same time took the microphone in Tian Yu's hand with a smile on his face .

But the moment he took the microphone, at the moment Tian Yu didn't pay attention, he held the microphone tightly with one hand, and rushed up to Tian Yu with a stride...



Under the shocked eyes of all the judges, under the eyes of Yun Yuyan smiling but suddenly surprised, under the widened beautiful eyes of Lin Xiaoxi, under the dumbfounded eyes of everyone in the audience, that only from Tian Yu Wen Dong held the microphone in his hand and slammed it on his head.

The microphone was hit on the head, and the loud sound was transmitted through the earpiece to the various speakers installed in the venue. The loud sound made some audience members cover their ears and stare at the stage dumbfounded. Wen Dong in the middle punched Tian Yu's handsome face again.

Wendong, are you crazy? ! ?

How dare he hit the vice president of the company in such a live broadcast in a field with so many people!You know, this is a live broadcast! ! !

Yun Yuyan is already stupid. The host for many years can always experience some embarrassing things on the spot, and she has a little experience, but at this time she still doesn't know what to do. Looking at Tian Yu, she seems to be beaten stupidly. Dazed, but Wendong was still punching. After two punches, Tian Yu seemed to come back to his senses and wanted to parry, but Wendong seemed to be desperate and wanted to kill someone. Tian Yu couldn't stop it at all, and kicked hard He was kicked and flew away, his body fell on the stage and rolled far away, and he couldn't get up for a while...

Lin Xiaoxi covered her small mouth with her hand, afraid that she would make a sound that she shouldn't have made, but besides being complicated, there were more tears in her eyes. Is this guy still so impulsive and so desperate?

Yes, regardless of everything, Wen Dong, as the president of fashion style, beat up Tian Yu, the vice president of fashion style, on the spot and in the center of the stage.

He is not a fool, nor is he brain-dead, he must have thought of it, but he still did it, just to avenge himself?

This price...

It's the price. The No.2 and No.3 new singers on the side of the stage are already stupid. At this moment, there are so many people in the field that no one speaks out to stop them. Maybe they were also shocked.

But what about reporters?They were indeed frightened, and they couldn't think of why Wendong would do this, but the cameras they held in their hands and on their shoulders didn't stop at all. The sound of Wendong beating someone came out of the microphone, and it was more of the sound of the camera snapping pictures. Even the professional live broadcast photographer brought by Yun Yuyan couldn't help but point the camera at Wendong and Tian Yu. , after being reminded by Yun Yuyan after regaining consciousness, he suddenly realized that he moved the camera lens away, but it was too late to make up for it.

Although Tian Yu has practiced kung fu, he is Wen Dong's opponent, especially Wen Dong is still the first to strike first, and at this time he can only be beaten. His handsome faces on both sides are already swollen, lying like drunk shrimps. On the ground, his back arched, his body trembled slightly, his cheeks twisted, obviously enduring great pain, because Wen Dong hit him so hard.

At this moment, he clearly knew the gap between himself and Wendong, and even regretted that he should not have provoked Wendong, or it was too early.

"You shouldn't have done this..." Wen Dong glanced at him with a sneer, and slammed the microphone on him again under the dumbfounded eyes of everyone on the stage, without saying a word of explanation. Shake up and leave.

Tian Yu shouldn't have done this. In fact, it wasn't just Wu Zhan who reminded him. Cheng Yanan also vaguely reminded Wen Dong that Tian Yu was interested in Lin Xiaoxi, but Wen Dong didn't think too much about it. He didn't stop others from liking his woman Especially when Lin Xiaoxi was not his girlfriend at that time, if everyone competed fairly, Wendong would disdain to do despicable methods, and he felt that it would be strange if no one liked Lin Xiaoxi.

There are so many people who like Lin Xiaoxi, can you call her here?

But Tian Yu should never have used such means to force Lin Xiaoxi. He was also jealous for a while. Damn, I didn't dare to use force. You came first, especially Tian Yu blatantly beat Jiang Tao, this is too contemptuous of myself.

"Well, hehe, I want to ask if there is some misunderstanding between the president and Vice President Tian, ​​I..." Yun Yuyan explained to the audience with a wry smile on her pretty face, but this explanation seemed too ridiculous at this time...


"President Wen, Brother Wen Dong, I give in to you, please accept my knee." On the passenger seat, Wu Zhan held a cigarette between his fingers and waved his hands wildly, making the car full of soot, but he was still excited Dancing, his eyes were full of shock and admiration as he looked at Wendong, who was driving quietly: "I admire you. I, Wu Zhan, have never convinced anyone since I was a child. This time I admire you from the bottom of my heart, especially when I saw you smashing the microphone. The moment I saw that bastard's face, I almost knelt down for you, it's too f-cking to relieve my hatred."

"Brother Wendong, you..." Jiang Tao sat in the back seat of the car, staring at Wendong in front of him in a daze, hesitating to speak, his eyes full of emotion, although he knew that Wendong beat Tian Yu, he didn't Just for him, just a small part, but that's enough, isn't it?

"Since it's cool, shouldn't we find a place to drink?" Wen Dong turned to look at the two and said with a smile.

"Drinking?" Wu Zhan was stunned for a moment, thought for a while and said, "Although I really want to go, let's forget it. As a fashionable foreign affairs manager, I think there must be a lot of things to deal with now, otherwise, you go with Jiang Tao Come on, I'll check the news for you by the way, hehe." Wu Zhan said with bared teeth.

"No need, beating the executive vice president of the company on the spot, such a bad thing, there will definitely be some kind of bullshit board meeting this afternoon, and at least half of the votes must be more than half of the people who will fire me as the president. Tian Yu's plan." Wen Dong couldn't help frowning while talking.

"Scheme...?" Hearing this, Wu Zhan sneered: "What bullshit scheme, have you forgotten that there is someone above you? And he is an expert. If he disagrees, who can fire you as the president?"

"Oh..." Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered Zhang Sanbai. It seemed that he was really confused just now.

But to do such a thing and cause such a big impact, it is estimated that the fashion gate has been surrounded by paparazzi now.

So Wendong directly drove Wu Zhan and Jiang Tao out of the car on the way. Since this is the case, there is no need for him to go to the company. It is not to escape, but to not want to be watched by a large group of reporters at the door asking questions. , As for how to deal with this matter in the end, he didn't bother to think about it.

The worst thing is that Water City Entertainment terminated its cooperation with Fashion Fashion's TV program, and even after Fashion Style, the selection of new singers in various cities will start and end with this time.

Thinking of this, Wen Dong turned his head and looked out of the window, still waving his hands to himself, almost kneeling down to send Wu Zhan, feeling like in his heart, he probably won't be happy in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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