How bad guys are made

Chapter 628 Who instigated it?

Chapter 628 Who instigated it?


A dull sound rang out.

Wen Dong slashed at a young man with the blade in his hand at an extremely fast speed, forcing him to dodge his own attack. He resisted again, coupled with the powerful strength of the opponent, he took two steps back before barely standing still. When the speed reached the limit, the added power was indeed powerful. Even if he activated the power controller, he absorbed nearly [-]% of the power for his own resistance. , still being beaten backwards.

Wen Dong's smiling face completely calmed down in an instant, and a trace of blue smoke rose from the cigarette in his mouth. The same shocked eyes on the youth's face.

Now it seems that it is a bit troublesome to fight four or five breeders of this level by myself. If a few high-level breeders are added to it, it will be difficult. It seems that my ability still needs to be improved, but For the two little chicks in front of him, it doesn't take much effort.

At this time, the most shocking thing is these two young men who are dressers. They never thought that this guy named Wendong could block their joint attack. Could it be that this Wendong is also a dresser?A high-level breeder?
But not like it.

"Sure enough, you are very powerful and fast, so let me see how fast you are, can you be faster than our next attack?" One of the youths spoke again, with an arrogant and confident tone, and the two attacked again at the same time , the footsteps turned on the ground, like ghosts and ghosts, bullying them again, the two quickly appeared behind Wen Dong, and in an instant, they attacked a place at the same time in an incomparable tacit understanding, and they both hit back with their elbows. Wen Dong's post-new position, if hit, Wen Dong will inevitably be seriously injured.

The two blocked Wendong's retreat from the left and the right. Even if Wendong could block one person's attack, what about the other?

"Keng Keng..."

A series of crisp sounds sounded.

System: "Ding: The host hits the target with "Qian Kun Liang Yi Sword Technique", slowing down the target by 30% for 1.5 seconds."

System: "Ding: The host's proficiency in using "Qian Kun Liang Yi Sword Art" increases by 5 points, and is upgraded to talent level 6."

Previously, the system introduced that the person being hit can slow down for 3.5 seconds, presumably it should be for ordinary people, but this costumer is definitely out of the scope of ordinary people, it can only last for 1.5 seconds, which is not a lot.

The two youths rushed forward two quick steps, and then looked back at Wen Dong who was facing him again in disbelief at the same time. This time, the sneer on their faces turned into shock in an instant.

Just now, Wendong swung the blade in his hand with a strange and incomparable reaction speed, trying to resist the toes and claws of the two at the same time. At that moment, the two young people almost laughed out loud. Just this broken steel knife can cut a piece of pork. It's a joke to use it to resist their toes and claws. The two hardly expected that the seemingly hard blade in Wen Dong's hand would be broken into pieces of iron slag by their toes and claws, but the result completely exceeded their expectations. It was expected that the blade not only blocked the attacks of the two of them, but also made their toes and claws ache, how could this be possible!


Because this blade has been possessed by Qin Wangjian's handprint, it's not just an ordinary blade.

Wen Dong spit out the cigarette butt in his mouth, with a look of excitement on his face. This time, before the two young men attacked at the same time, his body had rushed out quickly, just like a young man, without any fancy movements, simple and direct, the only The description is fast, faster than youth, as if leaving an afterimage under the light...

"Kang Kang Keng Keng!!!"

The continuous sound of metal brittle sounded quickly in the warehouse. Wendong's face became more and more excited, and his movements became faster and faster. As the power controller continued to absorb and transform the opponent's power, Wendong's power also became more and more powerful. Tall, powerful and heavy, but extremely fast, the cold blade reflects a cold light under the light. With his fast movements, it seems to form a folded shadow on the four walls of the warehouse, making the people watching on the side seem to have a sense of panic. The feeling of not opening your eyes.

Under Wendong's rapid attack, the two youths kept retreating, and they had retreated more than a dozen steps. The expressions on their faces became more and more surprised, and finally turned into horror...

They never thought that the two of them could not beat each other together, and they were powerless to parry the opponent's attack. Although the blade in the opponent's hand seemed to be possessed by a god, it did not break their defense, but the blade was too powerful. Big, and the knife is fast, they can only retreat and passive defense.

The two tacitly changed their positions, and stepped back in a staggered way, trying to get rid of Wen Dong's pursuit, but every time it seemed that Wen Dong counted them, and appeared at the position where they were about to retreat first, which not only broke their tacit understanding. It was chaotic, and an illusion appeared in the hearts of both of them almost at the same time. They seemed to be surrounded in a prison. No matter how they scrambled left and right, they could not reopen the cover of this invisible aura, no, it was not the aura. , or more precisely, the blades fluttering in the opponent's hand, the prison formed by the shadows of the blades...

The shock on the faces of the two youths turned into a trace of fear, and they suddenly realized that the two of them were like puppets being toyed with by their masters. He couldn't help resisting from the defense. More than once he wanted to use the backstab toe claws in his hand but was only hit back by the blade. He had no chance at all and could only rely on his strong defensive ability to meet a series of attacks from Wendong.

What made them vomit blood the most was that for some reason, the blade in Wen Dong's hand seemed to be sticky, and sometimes even slowed down after being hit.

After dozens of violent impacts, the ordinary blade in Wen Dong's hand still glowed coldly, but the young man felt that his arms had begun to go numb, gradually becoming numb, and he could hardly lift up. His shoulders, wrists and toes The place of the claws also became extremely painful because of this powerful force. Looking down, the eyes of the two young people were full of horror.

Because they found that the toes and claws that they thought could not even be hurt by bullets had fine cracks, and the scales on the wrists were cut to bloody by the opponent's fast blade. No matter how difficult it is to have effective defense, it seems that the opponent strikes again My wrist and toe claws will be cut off...

Ah Qiang on the ground was already stunned by the scene in front of him, while Li Zhifeng who was not far away was also blind-eyed, and his face took the opportunity to escape and he forgot. The dazzling fight between Er and two master youths.

Especially the crisp sound of 'Keng Keng' sounded to Li Zhifeng's ears like a heavy hammer hitting his heart. What kind of monsters are those two young master bodyguards?And they are monsters, what about Ben Dong?

Li Zhifeng's scalp felt numb for a while, fortunately he had brought these two young masters by his side all day long, but he didn't expect that they were not human at all...

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for upgrading the proficiency level of "Qiankun Liangyi Swordsmanship" to level 7."

"It's almost done. I'm done venting my unhappiness. I don't want to waste time with you. It's time to finish." Wen Dong, who was under attack, suddenly said.

The two young men who were retreating were stunned for a moment. Did he really just play tricks on them just now?But at this moment, Wen Dong in front of them suddenly disappeared in front of them, and at the same time a tearing pain came from their hands, and there was a crisp sound of flesh and bones breaking in their ears.


The young man only saw the shadow of the knife flickering a few times, blood splashed everywhere, and the hard toes and claws they were proud of were sliced ​​off by the blade in the opponent's hand like tofu.

"Hmph!" The two young men trembled in pain. It was unknown whether it was because the genetic modification had weakened their pain or because their personalities were hardened. They just grunted in pain and did not howl.

But without their claws, they are simply tigers without claws.

At this moment, Wen Dong, who seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, reappeared in front of their eyes, and kicked out with a series of kicks...

"Bang bang..." No more, no less, one person with two feet.There were two heavy muffled sounds, but the young man's body flew straight out and fell heavily on the ground. Both of their calf bones were broken by Wen Dong's kick at the same time, and they rolled several times on the ground. Just about to stand up, both of them The severe pain in their legs and the loss of strength caused them to groan again and fall down again. Fortunately, the recovery enzymes have worked and are helping them heal their injuries quickly...

The two young men struggled to raise their heads and looked at Wen Dong who was slowly approaching him with a knife in his face. The fear in his eyes had completely filled his pupils, and quickly spread to his whole body and face...

"Puchi!" The bloody scene reappeared, Wen Dong cut off their legs with a single knife, no matter how powerful the recovery enzyme was, they couldn't make them give birth to a pair of intact legs in a short time.

"Who ordered you to do this?" Wen Dong's face was full of coldness, he slowly squatted down, and looked into the eyes of the two young people with a half-smile.

This is the real amputation of limbs. The severe pain at this time makes the two young people feel like they are in hell. Since they became colonizers, they no longer know what pain is, because no one can hurt them, even bullets No, but the young man in front of him did it...

But they didn't groan, and they didn't fall into a coma. If it was an ordinary person, they would have screamed in pain by this time.But the two young men bit their lips hard to prevent themselves from making a sound, and their eyes were even more icy cold, staring at Wen Dong firmly.

"Say, who ordered you to do this?" Wen Dong asked again, his smile no longer appeared, and his expression became gloomy. He always felt that there was a conspiracy, otherwise it would be impossible to meet these two by chance. The pretender is He Wenlong?Wendong thought about it and thought it was impossible. He knew his own strength very well, and he knew that even if he added two breeders, he might not be able to beat him. Who would it be?

(End of this chapter)

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