How bad guys are made

Chapter 648 Blood Wolf Group

Chapter 648 Blood Wolf Group
"Hey, Bing'er, where are you now?" Wen Dong called and asked directly after driving out of the community.

"We are in Qingcheng." Li Bing'er said, with a slightly bitter tone.

"Qingcheng? Qingcheng Nightclub?" Sure enough, Wen Dong was startled and asked in surprise.

"Yes, you should know the specific address. We'll talk about the specifics when you come." Li Bing'er said.

"Well, I'll go right now."

After hanging up the phone, Wendong couldn't help but look at the phone again, full of confusion, Qingcheng Nightclub is Zhang Sanbai's lair, what the hell are they going there for?
Wendong felt a little worried, and quickly threw away the cigarette butt, and walked towards Qingcheng Nightclub at top speed.


"Dinglingling..." Not long after putting down the phone, the phone rang again.

Wen Dong casually picked it up and looked, is it Zhao Yifei's number?Could it be that he wasn't with Bing'er?
Wen Dong answered the phone in confusion.

"Hey, boss." As soon as he answered the phone, Zhao Yifei's flattering laughter sounded from the other side.

"Ah? Brother Zhao? Is this you?" Wen Dong was startled when he heard it, and hurriedly looked down at his phone. He was sure that it was Zhao Yifei's number and that the voice belonged to him, but why did he call his boss?

"Hehe, I'm not used to it, but there's nothing I can do about it. You saved my grandpa. That's my Zhao family's benefactor and my grandpa's benefactor. It's inappropriate for me to call you Brother Wen again, and I also said Now, from now on, your affairs will be my affairs, and I will not hesitate to say anything you say, so you are my boss..."

"Uh..." Wen Dong rolled his eyes: "We have different opinions, I... Forget it, let's talk, is it about my sister Zhang Xinlan again?" Wen Dong wanted to explain again, but thought of Zhao Zizi Probably also a stubborn old man, knowing that gratitude must be repaid, it is useless to talk too much, and then he thought about it again, thinking about his sister.

"Hey, Boss, how can you say that, this is the kindness of my Zhao family, I will never finish it in my life, I am serious." Zhao Yifei suddenly became serious.


The two said a few more words, Wen Dong really had nothing to do, and he couldn't stop him from calling himself the boss, that's all, it doesn't matter anyway.

"Boss, like this, do you need to talk to Zhang Sanbai first?" Zhao Yifei said suddenly, his voice probing and flattering, obviously he knew that Wen Dong had an unusual relationship with Zhang Sanbai.

"Be clear." Wen Dong said.

"Well, this matter is very important. The Blood Wolf Alliance is restless and wants to trouble the Qingcheng Gang, so the higher-ups want to take this opportunity to disintegrate Zhang Sanbai's power. Of course, this is just a plan, so this time we The purpose of choosing Qingcheng nightclub is only two points, one is to shock, and the second is to find faults, but it seems that Zhang Sanbai is quite calm, but I don't know what will happen next, so you have to tell Zhang Sanbai Let him try not to come out no matter what happens, even if his broken nightclub is smashed." Zhao Yifei said seriously.

"Shocking, looking for faults?" Wen Dong frowned and said.

"Hey, this is just my guess. Who knows what the boss thinks, but don't worry, I will explain your relationship with Zhang Sanbai to the boss."


After talking to Zhao Yifei, Wendong quickly called Zhang Sanbai, but from the voice, the old guy didn't seem to be in the nightclub, he seemed to be outside, probably preparing to deal with the big move of the Blood Wolf Alliance, after that Wendong Speaking of the blood thorn who came to Qingcheng nightclub, he said that he already knew about it, so he didn't hide it far away.

Wen Dong chuckled, knowing that the old fox was shrewd, but in the end he specifically told him to be careful in everything, and cryptically mentioned that the blood thorn would do something to him, presumably he would be able to understand with his shrewdness.


Because of the membership card of Qingcheng Nightclub, Wendong walked in without any hindrance, and was taken away by Li Binger afterwards.

Because they kept thinking about other things in their hearts, the two didn't say anything.

Turning all the way, the surrounding lights became more and more dim, and Wendong was taken by Li Binger to a place that seemed to be underground.

"Boss!" As soon as he walked in, he found that Zhao Yifei was talking to a group of young people. Seeing him coming, he quickly walked over respectfully. He noticed the doubt in Li Binger's eyes beside him, and Wen Dong spread his hands to express his helplessness.Looking up, Wendong discovered that the basement of Qingcheng Nightclub turned out to be a hidden cave. Nuoda's basement was filled with various training equipment, and many of them were special equipment that could not be bought in the ordinary market.

At this time, no less than ten people have gathered in the underground forces, including the gangsters, but their boss Li Shan is not among them.However, it is worth mentioning that these seven or eight youths all looked like masters, their eyes were sharp and indifferent, and they looked like elites who had been baptized by blood and fire.

But what hurt Wen Dong's egg was Zhao Yifei's nonsensical title of boss. After several young people heard it, their expressions suddenly became pale, and their eyes were fixed on Wen Dong almost at the same time. They are interested, but most of them are more or less suspicious or even questioning. Obviously they don't know why Zhao Yifei called the young man who suddenly appeared in front of him the boss.

Although the actions of these people are almost uniform, as if they are paying attention to him, Wen Dong doesn't think he has any face, because these people look like rebellious masters, damn it, Zhao Yifei is a pig with such a brain. Are you making trouble for yourself?

"What are you looking at, stand at attention!" Zhao Yifei stopped and suddenly turned around and spoke.

The originally scattered youth looked serious, and quickly stood in formation without the slightest mess. They completed the formation in less than three seconds, obviously well-trained.

Wendong squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the indifferent and cold expressions of the dozen or so young people in the basement. An indescribable envy welled up from the bottom of his heart. Talent is a man of iron and blood, but Wen Dong is also very dignified, perhaps, the strength of these young people is enough to destroy the Qingcheng nightclub in front of him, it seems that what Zhao Yifei said is true, these people are not just a show!
No matter how strong and powerful Zhang Sanbai is, he is still much weaker in front of the country's powerful weapons, and he dare not show his face until now, not only did he not dare to stay in the nightclub, but he also put on a gesture of goodwill that this nightclub will be destroyed by you.

Zhao Yifei walked slowly in front of the subordinates of the two factions, and said in his mouth: "You must be very strange, why I brought an outsider here, and I will tell you the answer now. Because they are not outsiders, first of all, he is mine. Boss, of course, this boss has nothing to do with you, it is a special relationship between us, and secondly, we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future or even in the future."

Zhao Yifei also seemed to be a team leader in Bloodthorn, walking slowly with his hands while talking, looking like a dog, but what he said made Wendong helplessly smile and also had the urge to beat someone up, because What Zhao Yifei said was too abstract, which aggravated the curiosity of these people, especially when he said that there is a chance for cooperation. Does that mean that he must have good skills?Otherwise, you are not qualified to cooperate with them, are you?

Sure enough, several youths once again focused their attention on Wendong. Among them, several militant youths were eager to try, and even looked directly at Wendong with provocative and playful eyes, trying to stimulate Wendong to try with both hands. try.

Wendong's asshole hurts. Although he is really strong and alone, he is not here to practice. Bailihan, who has been hiding in the shadows all day, has not yet been ranked. He But I don't have that leisurely heart.

After bringing Wendong over, Li Bing'er stood quietly by the corner, not approaching anyone, including **. After all, she was not a real member of the blood thorn, but a special agent serving the blood thorn. Standing here, I thought it was taking Jiang Yanmei and Zhao Yifei's face.

Wen Dong didn't know if Li Bing'er called him because he really had something to discuss, but now it seems that Zhang Sanbai is the most important thing, at least now that he is here, he will never allow them to touch Zhang Sanbai, so Wen Dong He simply didn't speak from the beginning to the end, which made these young masters even more curious about him. Wen Dong could only express his silence.

Zhao Yifei glanced at **, and was about to open his mouth to speak, when suddenly a capable young man ran in from the door, the young man gave Wen Dong a strange look, thinking that the person who could stand here must be his own, so he looked at Zhao Yifei and ** With a serious expression and full of coldness, he said: "The offal of the wolf soul is here."

"Wolf soul? How do they know we're here? Or is it just a coincidence?" Zhao Yifei was taken aback and asked with a hostile expression.

"It shouldn't be a coincidence. The Shadow Wolf saw me and smiled at me. After all, the higher-ups also asked us to cooperate..." The young man glanced at Zhao Yifei and said cautiously, seeming a little panicked.

"Cooperate with shit! What qualifications do those bastards have to cooperate with us? I'll meet him!" Zhao Yifei said coldly.

They didn't lower their voices when they spoke. Wen Dong was a little confused when he heard it. He had heard Bing'er say that Tianxia Kingdom had two powerful secret organizations besides Bloodthorn, namely Wolf Soul and Wolf Fang.

Including Bloodthorn, which is the most mysterious spy organization in Tianxia Kingdom. It is not restricted by any department and directly belongs to the special personnel of the central system. These three organizations are collectively called the Blood Wolf Group.

Few people know the existence of the blood wolf, and even if they know some information, it is not exhaustive. It seems that Li Binger only knows that there are such three organizations.

The real blood wolf component consists of three parts: blood thorns, wolf soul, and wolf teeth.

Many people think that the so-called secret service team refers to those super bodyguards in Zhongnanhai, but this is not always the case. Zhongnanhai bodyguards are only part of the tasks of a subordinate department of the secret service team. To be precise, they cannot be compared with the blood wolf team at all, only a good part Zhongnanhai's super bodyguards are the members of the Wolf Fang in the wolf group, but they are only a small part.

This shows how detached the real blood wolf group is.

(End of this chapter)

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