How bad guys are made

Chapter 660 Wronged Wendong

Chapter 660 Wronged Wendong

"Actually, you should have found out a long time ago. It's just that you got into the horns before, thinking that they had already lived together, and you told them some safety measures, and took what you thought as an established fact. In fact, this is not the case. If it weren't for today's Han I haven't noticed Han's swearing at Wendong just now, if my guess is right, Hanhan is still a virgin now."

Zhou Yahe looked at her husband, dumbfounded.

"Hmph, the two have been living together for so long. It has been several months since they got engaged. She still maintains a virginity. Is this normal, unless Wen Dong is a eunuch and has no ability. But do you think this is possible?" Zhang Wending snorted angrily: "There is a beautiful wife by my side but he won't let me touch him. A normal man wouldn't be able to accept having an affair? If Wendong didn't have an affair, would there be a problem? I said that the one who was wronged was not your precious daughter, but Wendong who was really wronged. It’s no wonder that Wendong didn’t come home for a few days. You also watched the last video of their house. Hanhan actually let his man sleep in the study If you don’t let Wendong stay in the same room with her, then why is Wendong going home? Hanhan is entirely to blame for what she has done now, and she deserves it!"

Zhou Yahe was already stupid, Zhang Wending's words reminded her a lot, and she recalled what her daughter said when they left just now, if they already had that kind of relationship, Wendong just hugged her. Looking at her, Hanhan called him a hooligan?Zhou Yahe immediately agreed with his wife's conjecture. In fact, she also felt that something was wrong with her daughter and Wendong, but like what his wife said, she thought they already had that kind of relationship, so she didn't think about it at all. Once you think about it, you will understand everything.

If this is true, no, this is true, then although what my wife said is ugly, it is the truth, and her daughter made it like this is entirely her own fault, and the one who is really wronged is Wen Dong.

"They will take care of it. I think Wendong is too spoiled with our daughter, but hehe..."

"But what?" Zhou Yahe looked at his man in bewilderment, but he couldn't see how the boy doted on his daughter. He was about to say more, but suddenly saw Zhang Wending's fiery eyes, and his face turned red, subconsciously. She shrank her body on the bed: "Brother Ding, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Hey, Yahe, I think..." Zhang Wending laughed, without explaining, but threw himself on the bed and pushed Zhou Yahe under him.

Zhou Yahe's face turned redder, she made a nasal sound, and her body softened all of a sudden...


"Wendong, drive slowly. If you dare to drive as fast as last time, I will jump out of the car." Seeing Wendong speeding up, Zhang Hanhan gave him a vigilant look.

Wen Dong took a strange look at Zhang Hanhan's serious face, nodded, and gave up the plan to go back by racing. Zhang Hanhan was obviously hit hard today. If she really dragged the car, maybe she would really jump off, and that would be troublesome. .

And from the moment she went out, she quietly lay on her body and let him carry her into the car, like a good baby, more like accepting her fate?However, Wen Dong also knew that today's Zhang Hanhan was obviously wronged to the extreme.

That's true, Zhang Hanhan felt wronged, no matter what she felt in her heart, whether she really wanted to divorce Wendong, but at least she felt that her parents were for her, even if they didn't divorce, at least her father would give her A stern warning from Wendong might even be an unforgettable lesson, but there is none at all.

From the time Wendong entered the house, her father didn't say a word to herself, but directly called Wendong to the top, and when she came out, she only said to let Wendong get rid of her, which completely subverted her inner belief, as if she was the only one at home That outsider, his father is closer to Wendong than his own son, especially when he thinks that his mother who has always loved him is also protecting Wendong, and his father reprimands him in turn. Thinking of everything today, Zhang Hanhan feels more and more uncomfortable. A sour, tears fell down, and sobbed softly, and tears flowed down my face after a while.

"Hanhan, you...I..." Seeing the noble goddess-level beauty beside him crying like this, Wen Dong was a little silly.

Although he had been with Zhang Hanhan for a long time, it was the first time he saw Zhang Hanhan crying like this. Usually Zhang Hanhan was cold and unspoken, like a super-armed and emotionless machine. No one It can change her expression, and the word crying has nothing to do with her.

Seeing Zhang Hanhan crying so aggrieved at this time, Wendong thought about it carefully, and suddenly felt that he was a bit too much, and quickly laughed along with him: "Honey, don't cry, can't it be okay if I'm wrong?"

"You also know that you are wrong? Do you regard me as your wife?" Zhang Hanhan stared at his red and swollen eyes, but he didn't have the slightest killing intent, and he made people feel infinitely pitiful.

But you don't regard me as your husband, do you?

Wen Dong was speechless, he felt ashamed and wronged in his heart, but he didn't dare to say this, so he had to laugh and didn't dare to speak.

As soon as Wendong started talking, Zhang Hanhan also gradually stopped crying, staring blankly at the scenery passing by outside the window, not knowing what was going on in his head.

Sensing Zhang Hanhan's quiet demeanor, although Wen Dong was puzzled, he didn't dare to speak up, so he could only drive seriously. At this time, the heart of the fair-skinned but sexy and noble woman beside him was full of gunpowder, and he didn't dare to ignite it. , the best way is not to speak directly.

Just after driving out of the viaduct, Zhang Hanhan suddenly heard: "Wendong, stop."

Wen Dong was taken aback, he stepped on the brake instinctively, and asked with a vigilant but strange face: "Honey, what's wrong?"

"I want to drink." Zhang Hanhan said looking out the window.

Wen Dong followed Zhang Hanhan's gaze, and suddenly found a barbecue stall on the side of the road not far away, and couldn't help but look at the beautiful woman beside him even more strangely.

"Are you sure? Why don't we go home and drink?" Wen Dong frowned, carefully probing, he knew Zhang Hanhan's personality preferences, Zhang Hanhan has a capable personality and has high requirements for the quality of life, especially in terms of diet, and She also has a slight obsession with cleanliness, not to mention such roadside barbecue stalls, she would not even take a bite of food from high-end barbecue restaurants, because she felt that the grilled food was not hygienic at all, and she wanted to keep in shape, BBQ was too greasy.

And her current behavior is obviously a bit abnormal, and the barbecue booth is full of people. It's strange that a top-notch beauty like her doesn't attract attention, but she is simply a powder keg now. Wen Dong is not afraid of trouble, but he doesn't want trouble After all, it is he who has offended this person and suffered.

"If I don't go home, I'm going to eat here." Zhang Hanhan said firmly, pointing his little finger out of the window, his voice was cold like an order, his pretty face was frosty, but because of the tears on his face, his pretty face was blushing , no matter how you look at it, some children are angry and act like a baby?
At this time, even if Wendong had thousands of reasons, even if the sky was full of knives, he still had to agree. He had never felt this way before, and he just couldn't bear to refuse.

Wendong didn't dare to disobey Zhang Hanhan's intention, so he slowly drove the car to the side of the road near the barbecue stand and stopped the car.

Zhang Hanhan casually grabbed a tissue from the car and wiped his face indiscriminately, opened the car door and walked out, ignoring him, let alone waiting for him.

Looking at Zhang Hanhan, who was stepping on high heels and rattling, and left in a fit of anger, Wen Dong gave a wry smile, quickly locked the car and followed.

This is not a downtown area, and there is still a long distance from the place where Wendong and the two live. It is just after ten o'clock, which is not too late, but because this is not a busy city, the barbecue stall looks a bit deserted, only There are more than a dozen guests at three tables.

After walking into the leaky barbecue booth, Wen Dong instinctively glanced at the other three tables of guests. One of the tables was obviously a nearby laborer, with dirty and dried cement on his body, while the other two tables made Wen Dong feel uncomfortable. Dong's eyes froze, because it was obvious that the other party was not a good citizen in society, especially since their eyes had already focused on Zhang Hanhan, and there was a hint of obscenity in their eyes, and they couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Zhang Hanhan obviously didn't notice this, he found a fairly clean place to sit down and said, "Honey, here's a case of beer."

Wendong came to her side, opened his eyes wide, and sat opposite Zhang Hanhan with a wry smile: "Honey, what do you want so much beer for?"

Zhang Hanhan looked up at him coldly, then lowered his head, ignoring him directly.

After a while, the owner of the barbecue brought over a box of beer. The wife of this barbecue stand is a middle-aged man, slightly fat, and he looks very honest and honest, and it is obviously the first time he has seen someone drive Zhan Yi to him. This kind of small stall eats barbecue, especially the big beauty in front of him is so beautiful, both in figure and face, that makes people dizzy. He has never seen such a beautiful woman, and she is countless times more beautiful than those big stars on TV.

"Miss..., may I ask you, what else do you need?" The barbecue wife was standing next to Zhang Hanhan, and her face was a bit uncomfortable when she spoke. Obviously she was very excited, and she didn't dare to look more.

"Bring up all the features of your place, make it clean." Zhang Hanhan said without raising his head.

"Okay, okay, right away." The barbecue boss nodded quickly, and hurried back to prepare.

Wendong smiled wryly in his heart, something cleaner?Still featured?This piece of Hanhan's barbecue is really unique. Where can there be clean things in this roadside barbecue stall?What else?But he didn't bother to explain, Zhang Hanhan's behavior is obviously abnormal now, all this must be caused by the incident just now, she needs to vent.

And at this moment, Zhang Hanhan suddenly raised his head and looked at Wendong coldly: "I want to drink alone, so don't sit with me."

(End of this chapter)

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