How bad guys are made

Chapter 662 The Other Side of Zhang Hanhan

Chapter 662 The Other Side of Zhang Hanhan

Heizi is also well-known in this area. Although he only looks at the construction site and solves all kinds of things that can't be accepted by nail households, he is an out-and-out local snake, and it is said that he also knows the status of a member of the Tianlan Gang in Shuishi. The boss is very tall, so he became furious after Zhang Hanhan smashed his head with a wine bottle. At this time, Wen Dong hugged him, and his face suddenly became grim.

In fact, they had seen Wendong's existence long ago, but the scene where Zhang Hanhan drove Wendong away made them think that this young man was at most the driver or a small follower of the temperamental beauty in front of them, so they didn't take it seriously at all.

Alcohol combined with anger, at this time Heizi had already forgotten everything, and only wanted to slap the woman who dared to hit him a few times, and then ruthlessly ravaged him to relieve his hatred.

"Wendong, he dared to take advantage of me and break his claws for me." Zhang Hanhan was not awake, but heard Heizi's cursing, and screamed in his mouth, like a crazy lioness, different from the usual The temperament is elegant and the whole body does not match the side.

"Click it, click it."

Two crisp sounds followed.

The crisp sound came out clearly from the barbecue booth, and everyone could hear the harsh and scalp-numbing sound.

Anyone with a discerning eye could immediately hear the sound of bones breaking.

"Aw..." The severe pain from the drilling core made Heizi's painful body twitch violently like a convulsion, and just let out an inhuman howl.

Everyone is a hooligan, but Wen Dong has a strong background and his own strength is even stronger. He really didn't take this kind of social hooligan seriously. He didn't dare to be cruel because he was afraid of scaring Zhang Hanhan, but now he heard Zhang Hanhan's cry , immediately twisted Heizi's wrist, this was not a simple twist, it was a complete comminuted fracture, murderous intent filled his heart, he dared to touch Zhang Hanhan, if it wasn't for fear of scaring Zhang Hanhan, Wendong really wanted to break his wrist directly neck.

No one really understands Wendong's character, only He Qing, who has a deep mind, knows something. He seems to be greedy for money, but he cares more about affection. Whether it is friendship or love, he has been an orphan since he was a child. Love has longings and even prayers that ordinary people can't understand. Once he gets it, he will never allow the slightest harm.

Not to mention that someone dared to touch his woman, especially Zhang Hanhan was his wife.

This has completely angered Wendong's bottom line.


Zhang Hanhan, who was paralyzed by alcohol, suddenly grabbed another wine bottle, as if he was afraid that Wendong would not be able to beat him, and then slammed it on Heizi's head, cursing arrogantly: "You bastard, I told you to scold my husband. I beat you to death!"

Because of drinking too much, Zhang Hanhan turned out to be a bottle of beer this time. The bottle shattered, and all the beer poured out of Heizi's body, and the blood flowed from his head. Heizi looked extremely miserable and embarrassed, like an ugly ghost who just crawled out of hell.

Wendong was also dumbfounded by Zhang Hanhan's performance, especially what she said just now made his heart inexplicably warm. He was so drunk that he still cared about himself in his heart. It was obvious that this woman faced her before. Sneer said that she wanted to divorce herself was obviously false, since she had no real plan to divorce herself in her heart.

But the appearance of Zhang Hanhan in front of him really made him a little bit unbelievable that this was what she did.

The goddess who was secretly loved by countless men in the entire Lanyun Group actually yelled swear words in her mouth, and even smashed her head with a wine bottle in her hands. See, will they jump into the river and commit suicide collectively?

After smashing Heizi's wine bottle, Zhang Hanhan remembered something and turned around quickly: "Wendong, are your hands okay? I just heard the sound of bones breaking..."

"I'm fine." Wen Dong smiled at her and raised his hand, and at the same time kicked aside the convulsive and howling Hei Zi who was still grinning in front of his porcelain teeth in pain.

The young man was indeed bluffing. He was so frightened that the matter had developed to this point. He didn't even know that the wine bottle in his hand fell to the ground.

"Brother Hei."

The people at the two tables in the distance finally came to their senses at this time, and hurried to the boss. At this moment, the stunned young man came to his senses, and hurried to help him.

A few young people looked at Wendong with shock and vigilance from time to time. These young people are just punks, and they are not considered social hooligans. It is okay to let them bluff and stand up or bully the old man. Blood, especially fractures, they dare not at all.

"Quick, numb, take me to the hospital, my arm is broken, hurry up..." Heizi cried out in fear, the pain in his wrists made him forget to ask his little brother to avenge himself.

"This guy's hand is broken? You didn't do it, did you?" Seeing a few young men carrying Hei Zi, who was trembling and howling, away, Zhang Hanhan's drunkenness was also awakened by such a toss, with a confused look on his face Looking at Wendong.

Wen Dong gave her a blank look, isn't that what you said?At this time, the owner of the barbecue shop hurried over and said anxiously: "Mister and Miss, what are you still doing here? Hurry up, those people just now are not easy to mess with. They left late and they will bring you back. When people come, you can’t leave.”

Wen Dong gave the barbecue owner a thankful glance, nodded, took out a few red notes, and threw them to the barbecue owner without counting, and pulled Zhang Hanhan, who seemed unwilling to leave, to Zhan Yi by the roadside.

"Wendong, I haven't had enough of my wine..." Zhang Hanhan struggled with his small hands.

"We have a lot at home. You can drink as much as you want. I'll drink with you."

"No, I don't need you to accompany me, I'll drink it myself." Zhang Hanhan was angry and wanted to shake Wendong's hand holding her.

"Okay, I won't accompany you, you drink it yourself, it's all yours." Wendong smiled wryly in his heart, and stuffed Zhang Hanhan, who was shaking his feet, into the car like coaxing a child, and then drove away slowly.

As soon as he drove the car onto the road, Wen Dong breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly heard a strange sound next to him. He turned his head and saw that Zhang Hanhan's eyeballs almost didn't fall out. Then he showed a smug smile at Wen Dong, very charming.

"Where did you get this beer?" Wen Dong looked left and right, but he couldn't tell when Zhang Hanhan brought a bottle of beer up.

"I won't tell you." Zhang Hanhan was really drunk, and stuck out his tongue at Wendong in a naughty and coquettish manner, curled up on the chair, like an innocent child, turned around and looked at Wendong, and said : "I want to go disco."

"Crunch..." Wendong slammed on the brakes and almost rushed into the ditch. He stared at Zhang Hanhan who was curled up on the seat next to him in a daze. , Damn it's okay to tell Zhang Hanhan why dancing is fun, and besides, wasn't this woman drunk at that time?How do you still remember?Farting Di, what's so good about jumping, this woman isn't crazy enough?

"Are you really going to disco?" Wen Dong asked depressedly after restarting the car and getting on the road.

"Well, I'm going to disco, the violent music fills my ears, igniting every cell in my body, making them all feverish..." Zhang Hanhan squinted his eyes like a dream while holding the wine bottle in his arms, and said softly in his mouth. mumbled.

Wendong finally confirmed that Zhang Hanhan really drank too much, otherwise, he would never have said such a thing. Based on his understanding of her, Zhang Hanhan hated such noisy and mixed places very much.

This woman is simply a goblin who can bring disaster to the country and the people. It is even more difficult to guarantee that there will be no more trouble if she goes to a low-level entertainment place like a disco. Wen Dong couldn't refuse again.

Since Zhang Hanhan wants to go crazy, go crazy, at worst, he will be his wife's bodyguard tonight.

Even though he thought so, Wendong still called Fan Youcheng on the way. Fan Youcheng is the boss of Orange Age. He knew about his relationship with Zhang Sanbai, and he wished that he could owe him a little more understanding. After listening to himself, he hurriedly agreed. , although Orange Age is not a disco, but there is a disco on a certain street. Coincidentally, Fan Youcheng is also the owner of the disco. In this way, even if there are really short-sighted people, it will save a lot of trouble.

"Are you here?" Wen Dong had just parked the car, and was hesitating whether to call Zhang Hanhan who seemed to be asleep. It would be best if he fell asleep, so he turned around and went home, but just hesitated, curled up in the car seat Zhang Hanhan on the bus opened his half-closed eyes, stared out of the car window and asked curiously.

"Yeah, we're here, are you still going?" Wen Dong asked tentatively.

"Of course, it's all agreed."

Wendong hesitated for a moment, then got out of the car, picked up Zhang Hanhan, who was half asleep and half awake, and kept wondering if it was a disco, and got off the car.

"This is the disco?" Zhang Hanhan wrapped his arms around Wendong's neck, blinked and stared at the big shiny sign at the entrance of the disco, glanced at the guests coming in and out, squinted his beautiful eyes and turned to look at Wendong. , as if wondering if Wendong was lying to her.

"Yeah, isn't it written on the sign?" Wen Dong was speechless for a while.

Zhang Hanhan's eyes lit up immediately, and he jumped from Wendong's arms to the ground with a 'swoosh'. He rushed in at the first time, and after running for two steps, he suddenly turned around, stared at Wendong and said angrily: "Are you still grinding?" What are you dawdling about, hurry up, people might get off work when it's late."

"Sister, this is a disco, you can dance until dawn, what's the next class?" Wen Dong was also tossed, with a helpless expression, but hurriedly followed.

Zhang Hanhan was taken aback when he heard this. Zhang Hanhan, who was drunk at this time, seemed to be an innocent girl. She tilted her head and looked at Wendong confidently for a while, as if what Wendong said was right, but she nodded happily: "Good idea." , jump until dawn."

my day!

Wen Dong staggered and almost fell on the steps, and almost couldn't hold back his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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