Chapter 664
"Okay, just this time, don't be addicted to jumping, just pull me to jump every day after work." Seeing Zhang Hanhan's excited look, Wen Dong said vigilantly, he was not worried about Zhang Hanhan's safety, but if the old man Knowing that he actually let his precious daughter come to such a place, he would definitely give himself a cramp.

"Don't worry, just this time, to be honest, I don't like this kind of noisy place." Zhang Hanhan nodded quickly, but his little hand tightly held Wen Dong's big hand, and he walked onto the stage excitedly.

Wen Dong: "..."

After being pulled to the center stage by Zhang Hanhan, Wen Dong took a look inside and was slightly surprised. The scale of this disco was beyond his imagination, and it was twice the size of the disco he had been to before. Not only that, the dance floor in the middle can accommodate hundreds of people, and there is a separate small stage in the middle, which should have some special entertainment programs in addition to disco dancing, which is different from some large nightclubs. Or maybe it's similar to a high-end entertainment venue, but on the small separate stage, there is a hot girl with a hot body and extremely exposed clothes who is leading the crazy dance...

And at this moment, Wen Dong also found that there were more than 150 people dancing disco in Shameless at this time. The aggressive people turned around, their purpose was obviously not to play disco, Wen Dong could see the hooligan aura on these people at a glance, but he thought it was just to take advantage of the opportunity, and they really didn't dare to make trouble blatantly.

"Decided? Really jump?" Zhang Hanhan seemed a little dumbfounded when he noticed that in front of him, he had never experienced it before, and secondly, he didn't expect there to be so many people. Looking at it from a distance and seeing it close up are completely different things.

Wendong looked at her with a wry smile on his face. He used to like this kind of place very much, and was even a little addicted. But somehow, since he came to this world, he has never been here once, and he still likes it in his heart. Living a stable and stable life, and then earning a little money, the kind of one-night stand is gone. Of course, it is undeniable that I have too many women, how can I have extra energy?
Wendong didn't like this noisy environment all of a sudden. If it wasn't for Zhang Hanhan's insistence on coming here, he would prefer to go to a high-end place like a nightclub, or some... bar full of temptation?

"Why are you frowning? Don't say it's your first time here." Zhang Hanhan also had some intention of retreating, but seeing Wen Dong pretending to be decent, he didn't want to leave.

"Don't look for my reason, it's your eyes telling you that you are a little disappointed..." Wen Dong spread his hands and smiled wryly, turned his head away from Zhang Hanhan's cold questioning eyes, and turned his head to look at the dark and frantic writhing in front of him With the head on his body and the deafening music ringing in his ears, he felt a little excited in his heart, because he held Zhang Hanhan's little hand in his palm, and playing disco with Zhang Hanhan should be quite exciting, at least mentally...

Although this is a boring entertainment project at all, because Wendong knows the mood of the jumper very well, he uses every effort in his body to release his vitality in the violent music, and at the same time releases the depression in his heart or psychology After all, people living in this fast-paced society are under all kinds of pressure, especially in places like Shuishi, where a large number of people are overwhelmed at a loss, but they can't resist. They also need a channel to release, The disco is undoubtedly a good place to release mental stress.

But bungee jumping and skydiving are more enjoyable, but not everyone has such conditions, and not everyone has such courage, such as Zhang Hanhan in front of him, if she is asked to skydive, she is younger than a rice grain His guts are probably scared to death.

The disco is really a good place. In an environment with blurred lights and dynamic music, let your body exert every bit of strength to the maximum, until you are exhausted, don't think, have no energy to think, As a result, the pressure of the day or even longer is released. Although it is only a short-term illusion, it can be relaxed for a period of time. You can even find a good partner in the passionate disco, and you will not be lonely at night, such as...


To say that Wen Dong and Zhang Hanhan are definitely the most unusual people on the dance floor, but suddenly at this time the power went out, the venue was pitch black, and even the neon lights on the zenith were no longer shining, and all of a sudden there was only There was rapid breathing under the darkness, but no one screamed...

"What's going on here? The power went out?" Zhang Hanhan was taken aback by the sudden blackness in front of his eyes. His little hand instinctively grasped Wendong's big hand tightly, and even moved a lot closer to him.

"Don't be afraid, this is for some men and women whose excited hormones can't be controlled, and it will be fine in a while." Wen Dong pressed the back of Zhang Hanhan's head smoothly, and wrapped most of her body in his arms. With a wry smile, but helpless to explain.

This kind of sudden power failure is no surprise to Wendong, because there are many entertainment venues. After all, regardless of men and women in the venue, in the passionate disco dance, the body friction and the release of pressure in the heart coupled with the violent It is inevitable that you will be excited during the sound of the music, so you need to have a kiss with the opposite sex on the way--kiss?
The power outage is also at this time.

Of course, those rogue-headed guys are also having a good time, eating tofu is easy, but at this time of music, those girls who have been paid a little bit of money will not make a fuss, and the girls who come here to play disco are looking for passion Yes, being touched and the like doesn't matter to them at all, even if they don't want to, secondly, they are afraid of causing trouble and dare not speak up.

"Release hormones? You mean?" Zhang Hanhan was stunned for a moment, and looked at Wendong with a pair of bright eyes in the dark in surprise. Zhang Hanhan didn't understand some things, but he was not stupid. Hearing Wendong's somewhat abstract explanation, it seemed She also understood it all at once. Of course, this is also related to the more urgent and even strange sounds around her entering her ears.

Indeed, having night vision ability is really not a good thing for Wendong at this time, because he can see some unsightly things happening with a casual glance, and there are more than one pair, and even one pair is still there...

It's really exciting, especially when Wen Dong is still holding Zhang Damei in his arms, Wen Dong can see the other party's alluring and sexy face when he bows his head, and at this time Wen Dong can appreciate his woman openly and will not be discovered by her... …


Wen Dong swallowed, and the hand on Zhang Hanhan's waist moved down involuntarily...

"What are you doing!" In the darkness, Zhang Hanhan's body visibly trembled, almost tense in Wendong's arms, and questioned in a low voice. on his soft flesh.

"Uh...I..." Wen Dong grinned with painful porcelain teeth, and then woke up, and quickly explained: "Someone wants to take advantage of you."

"Thank you for the reminder, because this person is you." Zhang Hanhan gritted his teeth and added 180 degrees to his little hand, but his expression didn't seem too angry.

"Huh?" Unexpectedly, at this time, the savior really came. A pair of guys beside them who were kissing and kissing in circles accidentally bumped into Zhang Hanhan's shoulder, but Wendong could see it clearly. is a hot girl.

"It's inevitable to be touched at this time, why don't we go home?" Sensing that Zhang Hanhan frowned again, Wen Dong grabbed her waist and asked again tentatively.




Before Zhang Hanhan could say anything, the music sounded again, like a heartbeat, getting stronger and stronger, until the third sound, the neon lights above his head lit up, and the violent music boomed again...

And with the half-minute dark stimulation, the dance floor where the music sounded again seemed to be alive again. At this time, the hearts seeking stimulation and release became wild again, and because of the dark stimulation just now, that The crowd dancing to the music just got wilder...

"How to jump? Teach me?" As the music exploded, Zhang Hanhan, who was still drunk, seemed to be a little bit alcoholic. He grabbed Wendong's arm with his small hand and asked anxiously, and at the same time answered Wendong's question just now.

Of course not to go home!

"Then how do you see them dancing?" Wen Dong smiled bitterly, looked up at the group of demons dancing on the dance floor.

"Huh? I didn't see anything... There seems to be no pattern?" Zhang Hanhan turned his head to look around, and then looked at Wen Dongdao suspiciously.

"Yes, that's it. There are no rules and no constraints. You can dance however you want, as comfortable as you want. Just twist your body to the rhythm of the music and let it go." Wen Dong said.


As the music sounded again, the atmosphere on the dance floor became more violent, and countless heads twisted their bodies in the darkness.

Including Zhang Hanhan.

Zhang Hanhan's jumping is also completely out of order, it's just - alive and kicking?A frisky person, a frisky body?

"Bastard, jump up too. What are you looking at? I'm so happy. It turns out that dancing is so fun." From the discomfort at the beginning, not daring to try it, to secretly twisting?It only took a few minutes to finally let go of Zhang Hanhan. After all, on the dance floor under the violent music, no one knows who you are, and no one is interested in knowing who you are, so Zhang Hanhan really let go of her Maybe it's because I'm really having fun, or maybe it's because of the alcohol, the little blushing is even more charming under the light, and she twists her body casually with the music, jumping like a fairy who has fallen into the mortal world, her eyes are like Anger seemed to be angry, as if he was not so angry with Wen Dong's unscrupulous eyes on his two babies.

Wen Dong chuckled, retracted his eyes, but his eyes suddenly narrowed, a coldness flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly reached out and grabbed the salty pig who came from somewhere behind Zhang Hanhan and wanted to make some cheap money, and because of just now He was so absent-minded that he let the opponent succeed a little bit, and he touched Zhang Hanhan's shoulder.

The other party was a middle-aged man with a very sturdy appearance, wearing a vest, he was not easy to mess with at first glance.

Zhang Hanhan was taken aback by Wen Dong's sudden movement, followed his gaze and looked back, seeing the hideous look of the man behind him, suddenly got into Wen Dong's arms in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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