How bad guys are made

Chapter 667 Touching the Goddess

Chapter 667 Touching the Goddess
"" Zhang Hanhan finally came back to his senses, and finally there was some brilliance in his eyes, but after waking up, there was a burst of fear and uncontrollable doubts. This viaduct is supported by smooth concrete pillars. How did this guy climb up? ?

However, the lingering fear still overcame the doubts, his legs softened and he lay on Wendong's shoulders, and then he hugged Wendong with both hands, his body couldn't stop shaking like a sieve.

"Honey, I'm very dirty. Don't wet your clothes. It's cold here. Why don't we go home first?" However, being blown by the wind at this time, he shivered violently, and he felt that Zhang Hanhan was a little abnormal, so he couldn't continue to stay by the railing.

"En." Unexpectedly, Zhang Hanhan didn't object this time, nodded obediently, and let Wendong go.

Wen Dong gave her a strange look, wondering in his heart, but he didn't think much about it. Zhang Hanhan's performance today has completely exceeded his cognition, starting from the barbecue stand, everything, and at this time Zhang Hanhan is throwing something. It wouldn't be strange to let him jump down to find him again.

Seeing how embarrassed he was covered in sewage, he raised his head with a wry smile. At this time, Zhang Hanhan's skirt was wet a lot, and his slender and tender legs, which had been stripped of stockings, were also stained with sewage from the hug just now. The degree is comparable to my own.

He quickly went to the car and took out a bottle of mineral water from the car door. His eyes fell on Zhang Hanhan's slender and sexy legs. He suddenly bent down to open the bottle cap and sprinkled river water on her legs to wash them clean. After doing this, he looked up. Just seeing Zhang Hanhan's black and white pupils moving with his squatting and getting up, and that stupid look seemed to have not recovered, he grinned: "Come on, wash your hands for me."

"En." Zhang Hanhan nodded again, and reached out to take half a bottle of mineral water.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Half a bottle of mineral water was quickly used up, and Wen Dong was shaking his hair, when he saw Zhang Hanhan turned to the side of the car, pouted as if looking for something under the seat, he couldn't help asking curiously.

"There is still half a box of mineral water here, which should be enough." Zhang Hanhan pulled the half box of mineral water out for Wendong to see, and said in a daze.

"Uh... no, I just wash my hands. Anyway, the interior of your car will definitely be cleaned tomorrow." Wen Dong smiled wryly and waved his hands, feeling helpless. Could it be that this woman still wants to take a mineral water bath here?

"Hey, fortunately, I'm a forgetful person. A while ago, when the host of the Water City Entertainment Channel visited, I ordered my assistant to buy me clothes and forgot to change them. I wanted to put them in the car and forgot to take them back. Don't worry. , Although it has been disassembled and washed once, it has not been worn yet." As soon as Zhang Hanhan got into the car, Wen Dong came from behind the car, holding a bag in his hand and put it on Zhang Hanhan's lap: "Hurry up and put it on, let's go back to the car." There is still a long way to go home, don't catch a cold, it will delay work."

"What about you?" Zhang Hanhan looked down at the neatly folded clothes on her legs, and stared blankly at Wendong. She knew that it was Wendong who needed to change clothes, and did he wash his hands just because he needed to change his clothes? take this dress?

"I have rough skin and thick flesh, and I'm cold-resistant. It's okay." Wen Dong smiled heartlessly, then reached out and wiped the river water left on his head vigorously, and closed the car door for her.

After a few minutes.

"All right."


Zhang Hanhan sat quietly in the passenger seat, looked at Wendong who was in a mess beside him, and then looked down at a large men's shirt on his body, his nose was sore, he almost didn't cry, he turned his head without any expression, looked Looking at the feasting lights outside the window, gradually blurred...

Only then did Wendong let out a sigh of relief, quickly took out a few paper towels and wiped his hair that was still wet and dripping, and stretched out his hand to start the car. Thinking of the series that happened today, it still feels unreal like a dream, too unreal...

"Wendong, you are not allowed to jump over viaducts anymore, let alone jumping into rivers." The car was so quiet, Zhang Hanhan suddenly turned his head and began to say.

Wen Dong, who was concentrating on driving, was stunned for a moment, then looked strangely at the beautiful woman in men's clothes who was even more sexy and seductive, and said to himself that I don't want to dance, the key is that you are so serious that I must dance.

"You know, I just saw that you didn't come up. You really scared me to death. If you really..." Zhang Hanhan stared at Wendong, his eyes sparkled, and he brushed the wet tears on his face to overflow again. His cheeks were full, and his expression was full of fear.

Wen Dong was really a little dumbfounded this time, he said to himself that it was you who forced me to dance, and now you are the one who doesn't let me dance, so what are you doing now, you are still crying.

"Hurry up and go home, don't catch a cold." Zhang Hanhan said softly, turned his head away again, closed his eyes slightly, and curled up on the seat, not knowing what he was thinking, just like the embarrassing incident between the two of them before has been completely forgotten.

Wen Dong finally came to his senses, drove the car on the horse, and secretly kept looking at Zhang Hanhan, who had a pink face and was not buttoned up on his neckline. Feeling weird, I can't help but wonder if Zhang Hanhan was moved by his jumping off the bridge and jumping into the river, right?Otherwise, why is there such an expression?

He scratched his eyes again at the neckline of Big Beauty Zhang, seeing that the other party was still unmoved, the more he thought about it, the more likely it was, he couldn't help grinning silently, grandma, I knew that this would move Big Beauty Zhang. I just jumped off the viaduct, and it’s okay to jump twice more. Damn it, those eight-second real men have been idle for a long time.

"Wife, are you not angry anymore?" Wen Dong asked cautiously and tentatively, feeling a little excited in his heart.

"Angry?" Zhang Hanhan didn't open his eyes, but his tone was cold.

"Uh..." Wen Dong was so frightened that he quickly shut up and didn't dare to speak casually.

Zhang Hanhan was extremely restless at this time. She was indeed moved by Wendong's high jump bridge, not just a general one. He listened to everything she said, even if he was told to die, she waited for four or five minutes without seeing Wendong. The moment Dong appeared, she didn't have any thoughts in her mind, the only thought was to jump down and die with Wen Dong.

And at the moment when Wendong emerged from the darkness, even the historical reason could no longer be suppressed, and she threw herself into the arms of this man regardless of anything. Even at that time, she felt that Wendong would make any request to her. I agreed without hesitation.

After that, not only did Wendong not say anything, but he was extremely gentle, making her cold heart turn into a puddle of soft water at this time.

She used to yearn for her romantic love when she was young, and she had a love affair that was not vigorous when she was in college, but it ended in failure and disappointment. Knowing that she met Wendong, everything about him was deeply attracted to her, And let myself fall in love with him. After all the difficulties were obstructed, the two finally achieved a positive result, but after marriage, Wendong's idlers and playboys disappointed her completely, and even broke her yearning for love, especially during this period of time. More than once I thought I was a tragedy.

But all these thoughts just disappeared at the moment when Wendong grinned at him and jumped off the viaduct without hesitation after saying a word.

What is love, what is romance, Zhang Hanhan has imagined many kinds, but there is no such thing as high jumping bridge.

Viaduct, moat, not every man dares to jump for a woman, at least she Zhang Hanhan has never heard of it.

But Wendong jumped.

Just because of my own words.

Prove you love me?

So I jumped, Wendong proved the meaning of the word with simple actions.

In fact, I have found this love a long time ago. When I was assassinated, I knew it was a grenade and still rushed forward regardless of life and death. I didn't say it that time, but he still did it. Following his own script, Wendong did not love and accompany him wholeheartedly as he thought, so he even forgot to give up his heart, and all kinds of unsatisfactory things blinded his eyes.

After all, he is Wendong. From the very beginning, he was a Wendong who didn't play cards according to the routine. He never acted according to his own way of thinking. Wendong made himself angry and loved. That's why I love him. Him, if he's average...?
Facts have proved that this guy is a playboy and a womanizer, but today's high jump proved once again that this guy at least has an unparalleled status in his heart.Thinking of this, the corners of Zhang Hanhan's mouth twitched slightly...

Wendong was rushed to the bathroom by Zhang Hanhan the first time he got home. When Wendong finally washed his body and came out, he was speechless to find that Zhang Hanhan was lying on the sofa and fell asleep.

"This stinky woman." Wen Dong smiled wryly, and knowing what happened today, she was still frightened and tired, so she came to the sofa and looked at Xiangtian who was lying on the sofa, wearing a large collar with an open collar. Shirt, a sexy big beauty with flushed cheeks and constantly smelling of alcohol, felt a bit embarrassed.

After thinking for a long time, Wendong still pushed Zhang Hanhan to wake him up, and said with a smile: "Honey, go to sleep in the bedroom, be careful not to catch a cold outside."

Seeing that Zhang Hanhan woke up in a daze, Wendong got up and was about to go back to the room, but just as he took a step, the dazed Zhang Hanhan reached out and grabbed his arm: "Wendong, go get me the bath water, I need to take a shower first, I can't sleep without a shower, and you take my skirt, stockings and underwear to the washing machine to wash and dry, I will wear them tomorrow." Zhang Hanhan's voice is no longer delicate, but dry and hoarse , but the tone is very natural, giving people a different kind of temptation...

In the past, she wouldn't let Zhang Hanhan see her underwear...

(End of this chapter)

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